Seven drugs that will save us from all ailments

1. Harmony
The man who lives from one extreme to another eventually loses its health. A harmonious person does not choose, he knows best in everything and always peaceful. All psychologists of the world say that a healthy person is a harmonious person.
2. Joy
People deriving joy in the external world — the consumer. People deriving joy inside yourself — the optimist. An optimist always happy, his joy is inexhaustible and does not depend on the outside world. Doctors say that people experiencing joy and happiness, less prone to diseases than pessimists.
3. Morality
That morality has a direct impact on our health know since ancient times. "The doctor might say to a patient: a fit of greed you have, or anemia of somnitelno, or rocks of betrayal, or scabies gossip, or the impact of hate" (Helena Roerich). But the doctor had no time to read us a sermon on morality. This is what we had to say since childhood.
4. Satisfaction
People who take the world as it is, when faced with difficulties and challenges in life, not experiencing damaging health conditions (criticism, blame, pessimism, depression, hatred, anger).
5. Love
You need to understand the difference between lust and true love. Lust is driven by selfishness, true love is driven by altruism. Desire passes as quickly as it begins, and sometimes ends up with quarrels, stress and other adverse health effects. But true love stays with us forever.
6. Purity
Purity should be both in physical manifestation and in mind.
English writer William Makepeace Thackeray shows us the power of thought: "Sow a thought, reap an act, sow an act – reap a habit, sow a habit and reap a character, sow a character and reap a destiny."
7. Compassion
Compassion is love even to those undeserving of it. Sending a positive signal to the Universe, with genuine feeling, you get the same positive response. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind - together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Cem-lekarstv-kotorie-spasut-ot-lyubih-nedugov-3318.html
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