9 myths about water meters
Since 2013, Russian citizens have new responsibilities. According to the decree of the RF Government No. 354 amended 16.04.2013 years, all landlords were required to install water meters before 01.07.2013. Someone has listened to the resolution and established devices, some not, but the debate around this topic did not subside, and along with it there are new questions. Analyze the main myths associated with installation and verification of meters.
1. If you do not install the water meters, You will be fined.
Fine, as such, no. But from 1 January 2015 with tenants who have not installed metering devices will be charged a higher payment ratios ratios to 60 %.
2. If you do not submit timely meter readings for water, the payment will be charged according to the General standard.
This is not so. If You did not submit the meter readings of water, you will be charged from calculation of average consumption of your water for the entire period of use counts.
3. "Twist" the counter can be used with impunity.
There are a number of ways to fight and reveal whether the coiled water meter, ranging from anti-magnetic seals, ending with the counters from the interface. For the theft of water provided pretty big fines.
4. The Moscow government agreed to note the mandatory testing of water meters.
The Moscow government has no authority to cancel an earlier Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation № 824 dated 19.09.2013 g "About modification of Rules of granting of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential houses." This document reglementary the installation and subsequent testing of meters. Trouble-free operation and safety of the consumer.
5. Check counters disadvantageous to the consumer.
In fact, it is primarily necessary to the consumer. The verification is needed to establish the fact that they are serviceable and correctly read water consumption. The operation of the appliance with a damaged mechanism leads to considerable distortions in the readings, while the meter may err in favor of the landlord and in favor of the utility.
6. The verification is conducted exclusively remotely (remove the counters and take away, then return and set).
Check can be done without dismantling. For this, you must call specialists at home, after specifying this caveat.
7. Payment for inspection, or replacement of meters will be done in cash on hand.
According to article 2 of the Federal law "About application kontrolno-cash technics about the implementation of cash payments and (or) calculations with use of payment cards," control-cash technics included in the State register, is applied in territory of the Russian Federation mandatory by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of cash monetary calculations and (or) calculations with use of payment maps in cases of sale of goods, performing works or rendering of services. To pay to bypass the cash register, on the hand, cannot.
8. A down payment is required for the work.
Require that You put down a Deposit, in the company are not eligible.
9. To protect yourself from fraud is impossible.
Possible! First, find out if the organization license, when and by whom it was issued. But better call in the maintenance service and ask whether the conclusion of that organization is legitimate and whether it is possible to order the service. I note, as practice shows, obscure company that has nothing to do with the concept of "license", pasting your ads at the entrances. Most likely, you'll just throw money to the wind. And then you have to turn to a serious organization with a license. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: roscontrol.com/community/article/9-mifov-o-vodoschetchikah/

1. If you do not install the water meters, You will be fined.
Fine, as such, no. But from 1 January 2015 with tenants who have not installed metering devices will be charged a higher payment ratios ratios to 60 %.
2. If you do not submit timely meter readings for water, the payment will be charged according to the General standard.
This is not so. If You did not submit the meter readings of water, you will be charged from calculation of average consumption of your water for the entire period of use counts.
3. "Twist" the counter can be used with impunity.
There are a number of ways to fight and reveal whether the coiled water meter, ranging from anti-magnetic seals, ending with the counters from the interface. For the theft of water provided pretty big fines.
4. The Moscow government agreed to note the mandatory testing of water meters.
The Moscow government has no authority to cancel an earlier Decision of the Government of the Russian Federation № 824 dated 19.09.2013 g "About modification of Rules of granting of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential houses." This document reglementary the installation and subsequent testing of meters. Trouble-free operation and safety of the consumer.
5. Check counters disadvantageous to the consumer.
In fact, it is primarily necessary to the consumer. The verification is needed to establish the fact that they are serviceable and correctly read water consumption. The operation of the appliance with a damaged mechanism leads to considerable distortions in the readings, while the meter may err in favor of the landlord and in favor of the utility.
6. The verification is conducted exclusively remotely (remove the counters and take away, then return and set).
Check can be done without dismantling. For this, you must call specialists at home, after specifying this caveat.
7. Payment for inspection, or replacement of meters will be done in cash on hand.
According to article 2 of the Federal law "About application kontrolno-cash technics about the implementation of cash payments and (or) calculations with use of payment cards," control-cash technics included in the State register, is applied in territory of the Russian Federation mandatory by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of cash monetary calculations and (or) calculations with use of payment maps in cases of sale of goods, performing works or rendering of services. To pay to bypass the cash register, on the hand, cannot.
8. A down payment is required for the work.
Require that You put down a Deposit, in the company are not eligible.
9. To protect yourself from fraud is impossible.
Possible! First, find out if the organization license, when and by whom it was issued. But better call in the maintenance service and ask whether the conclusion of that organization is legitimate and whether it is possible to order the service. I note, as practice shows, obscure company that has nothing to do with the concept of "license", pasting your ads at the entrances. Most likely, you'll just throw money to the wind. And then you have to turn to a serious organization with a license. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: roscontrol.com/community/article/9-mifov-o-vodoschetchikah/