The use of smartphone 68 minutes per day indicates depression

Smartphones can tell you about the mental state of the person. A new study has shown that the location of the user and the amount of time spent for the mobile phone, it is possible to get hints regarding the mental state and mood of a person. The more time a person devotes to his phone, the higher the chance to earn a depression, say U.S. scientists.
The average time of mobile phone use by people with depressed mood is about 68 minutes a day. Those who are satisfied with their lives and feels happy enough 17 minutes, the screen of the smartphone.
People who spend most of their time at home or are in fewer places, what does the data say GPS is prone to demonstrate the signs of depression. Depressed patients have a loss of motivation and the depletion of internal forces.
Data from mobile phones has helped scientists to recognize people with symptoms of depression with an accuracy of 87 percent, the newspaper Daily Mail.
The point is that we can detect depressive symptoms in a person without asking him any questions. Now we have an objective criterion for the assessment of depressive behaviour. It is a passive method for detecting the depression, " said lead researcher Professor David Moore (David Mohr) from Medical school Feinberg northwestern University.Mobile phones can provide the necessary data unobtrusively and without any action on the part of the user. The researchers say that in the future via smartphones can be tracked depressed people, allowing health services to provide operational support if necessary.
Detailed results of the study were published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research.
Although the study did not study, what exactly do utknuvshis to phone people, scientists suspect that those who spend a lot of time with the gadget, surf the Internet and play mobile games, not chatting with your friends.
Buried in a smartphone, people try not to think about the issues. They demonstrate avoidant behavior, that is to evade situations and sources of the unpleasant effects, experts explain. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: hi-news.ru
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