Top 7 healthy snacks

Very often it's all about the little things. So with snacks: your main meals can be adjusted according to KBZHU and correct, but if between them you eat anything, then you will not be able to achieve the desired results in building an ideal body.

What is a healthy snack? Of course, these are not pumped with dyes and preservatives, as well as sugar and salt ready snacks, exhibited in stores near the cash register. A truly correct snack should satisfy hunger, but at the same time contain few calories, but enough vitamins, minerals and other useful nutrients. It should help you stay healthy between breakfast, lunch and dinner, but should not overload your stomach.

Take advantage of the following 7 healthy snack ideas and stay alert and slim with their help!

1. Fruits or berries It is recommended to eat 1 hour after taking another food and in small quantities. Fruits contain many vitamins, energize the body and glucose brain, and even create a good mood. Important! Be moderate and remember that many fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates. Choose those with fewer carbohydrates, such as citrus.

2. Thanks to the beneficial bacteria contained in these dairy products, the gastrointestinal tract normalizes the work. Eliminate and prevent most of the unpleasant symptoms that can occur after an improper breakfast or lunch: bloating, abdominal pain, gas formation and others. Choose kefir or yogurt without industrial additives and with a minimum fat content (0.5-1.5%). Important! The fresh dairy product, the greater the concentration of useful live cultures in it.

3. A useful snack, which usually includes milk (or dairy products) and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. One of the advantages of smoothies is that they are prepared quickly and simply - just have a blender on hand. There are many recipes for smoothies, but you can always improvise.

4. Nuts and dried fruits are very useful products, but it is very important to observe measure: there is a lot of fat and protein in nuts, and carbohydrates in dried fruits. To extract only benefits from nuts, they need to eat not even handfuls, but literally piece by piece - 7-10 nuts of medium size are enough. Approximately the same dosage is recommended for most dried fruits.

5. A very useful and simple snack! Eggs are one of the best sources of protein. It gives the body a feeling of satiety, but at the same time not only does not add extra pounds, but also vice versa - helps burn fat deposits.

6. Vegetables are hardly the most perfect snack, but few people like to eat just raw vegetables without everything. Try dipping sliced pieces of vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers and Bulgarian pepper, into a freshly made sauce of natural yogurt mixed with herbs. Cut the straw carrots and quench hunger with it, whenever you want.

7. A piece of red fish is an excellent source of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids! You can wrap red fish in whole grain cake and add a tomato and a basil leaf to it - you will get a full snack that will satisfy even noticeable hunger. If after the fish there is a feeling of thirst, drink green tea.

And do not forget between meals and snacks to drink enough clean still water!

P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!



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