How to quickly clean up a bruise at home?
Almost always after injuries occur bruising that may remain for a long time. To cope with bruises, you can use pharmacy tools, which are now in abundance. Are can and proven methods, which help not worse ointments and gels.
First cold, then heatImmediately after injury at the site of the lesion need to apply cold. Take ice, put it in a bag, wrap with a towel and apply to the injury site.
Cold when the injury contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, preventing edema formed. Also cold reduces bruising, which may occur in lesions of the vessel walls.
A day later, when the swelling is gone, but the intensity of the pain decreased, the cold is no longer needed. At this stage, shows the heat treatments. In place of injury can be applied heated salt, or the ironed fabric, folded in several layers. Warming up promotes a speedy recovery of the skin at the site of injury.
Apply cabbage leavesEffective remedy for bruises are cabbage leaves. Take a few leaves of cabbage, a good beat off them with a hammer to form the juice. Then wrap the leaves in a gauze bandage and tie it in place of injury.
Onion compressesEarly recovery of the skin following injury is facilitated by special packs of onion pulp. To prepare this poultice you need to take one onion of medium size, remove the peel and grate. In the resulting slurry add 1 tablespoon of salt. The mixture is then placed on a gauze or cloth and applied to the injury site.
Keep this onion-salt mixture on the site of the injury can be from 30 minutes to an hour. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day, each time using a newly prepared compress.
Salt bandage against bruisesto Shorten the period of healing of the skin after injuries by using normal saline dressings, which cope with the bruises no worse than pharmaceutical means. Damp gauze or some other fabric in a saline solution and place a bandage on the injury site.
To combat bruising injuries can also be cooked and the other a solution of 1 tablespoon salt to 1 Cup of 9% vinegar. Soak a tampon in this solution and apply to affected area 3 times a day for 30 minutes.published
Author: Arkady Galanin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.likar.info/sportivnye-travmy/article-72347-kak-byistro-ubrat-sinyak-v-domashnih-usloviyah/

First cold, then heatImmediately after injury at the site of the lesion need to apply cold. Take ice, put it in a bag, wrap with a towel and apply to the injury site.
Cold when the injury contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, preventing edema formed. Also cold reduces bruising, which may occur in lesions of the vessel walls.
A day later, when the swelling is gone, but the intensity of the pain decreased, the cold is no longer needed. At this stage, shows the heat treatments. In place of injury can be applied heated salt, or the ironed fabric, folded in several layers. Warming up promotes a speedy recovery of the skin at the site of injury.
Apply cabbage leavesEffective remedy for bruises are cabbage leaves. Take a few leaves of cabbage, a good beat off them with a hammer to form the juice. Then wrap the leaves in a gauze bandage and tie it in place of injury.
Onion compressesEarly recovery of the skin following injury is facilitated by special packs of onion pulp. To prepare this poultice you need to take one onion of medium size, remove the peel and grate. In the resulting slurry add 1 tablespoon of salt. The mixture is then placed on a gauze or cloth and applied to the injury site.
Keep this onion-salt mixture on the site of the injury can be from 30 minutes to an hour. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day, each time using a newly prepared compress.
Salt bandage against bruisesto Shorten the period of healing of the skin after injuries by using normal saline dressings, which cope with the bruises no worse than pharmaceutical means. Damp gauze or some other fabric in a saline solution and place a bandage on the injury site.
To combat bruising injuries can also be cooked and the other a solution of 1 tablespoon salt to 1 Cup of 9% vinegar. Soak a tampon in this solution and apply to affected area 3 times a day for 30 minutes.published
Author: Arkady Galanin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.likar.info/sportivnye-travmy/article-72347-kak-byistro-ubrat-sinyak-v-domashnih-usloviyah/