Here's what your favourite colour can tell about your character
Different colors like different people. In childhood question "What's your favorite color" was the easiest way to make conversation. But today, your preferences on the part of the shades mean a lot more. Psychologists say that your character determines your preferences in colors.
Let's look in the face of scientific facts. That's what they say.
Twenty three million one hundred seventy nine thousand three hundred seventy one
Your favorite color is black. Black color is usually a favorite for people sensitive, timid, vulnerable. However, the love for him — a sure sign that the man has taste. In this, at least, assures us psychologist from new York Bernardo Tirado.
And black is the favorite color of people ambitious, creative and strong-willed. It can also indicate that the person had a difficult childhood, or adolescence.
People who choose black as a rule, remain a mystery. They are not so easy to crack.
And again, these people prefer to keep their distance. Don't be too familiar with them.
Blue. Blue is the color of harmony. So if you love him, then your main value — stability and caring for others, says Tirado.
He also says that people who love blue, loyal, compassionate and considerate of others. Their only weakness is that they are too cautious and tend to have inflexible thinking and rigid beliefs. Fans of the blue is extremely difficult to convince of the necessity of parting with the stereotypes.
But they always think before talking and do not suffer from impulsive behavior. It's the responsible people who follow their thoughts and emotions before sharing them with others. Green. Green with envy? Have you heard that expression? But not so fast.
In fact, people who prefer green, apart from the rest is warmth, loyalty and passion for communication and social life. They adapt well to constantly changing conditions, almost never worried about financial crisis and always remain calm. Even when you are unable to bring the situation under full control.
These people in their decisions are based on logic, I prefer all their Affairs in whatever was to bring to an end. They like to feel safe — especially in cases such as finances and love relationship.
The greatest joy for them to feel an important member of society. The problem, however, is that sometimes fans of greenery too often think about what sort of impression you make on others.
But they can surprise you with its socially-oriented thinking and an amazing ability not just to listen, and to listen to people. And provide proper, useful advice.
Orange. Frank Sinatra once said "Orange is the happiest color." And he wasn't far from the truth.
Psychologist Betty wood says that an orange is preferred by people cheerful, socially active, sociable, with a fearless and colorful character. "Sometimes they are too prone to dramatization, sometimes they are too noticeable, but it's the little things. If you meet someone who likes orange, you need to know about him two things: he is good-natured and strives for popularity."
Unfortunately, such people are sometimes fickle and unpredictable. But they are real and sincere.
Pink Pink, like red, is the color of love and sensuality. It is usually preferred by girls. And, most of doinate or twins.
Wood says that from those who like pink usually make good parents. These people have a gentle, soft character. Of the shortcomings — their weakness, and sometimes excessive need for protection.
Pink is associated with frivolity, but really nothing they have. If these stereotypes were invented by scientists, that rose would be the symbol of enchantment, dreams and inspiration.
Purple or violet. As Tirado explains, these colors are usually chosen by people with a unique, creative view of the world. They can be very arrogant, I love sarcasm, he studied biographies of great leaders and visionaries. In society they are trusted — despite the fact that sometimes Express unusual ideas.
Ambition — that's another important characteristic of purple lovers. You are not going to copy others. That others will always copy you.
Brown. Prefer brown? Psychologists say that — simple ("five cents") a person who becomes a reliable partner. Are you resilient, hardworking and patient. At school with all diligence and responsibility. In the same way and work.
Others find you a bit boring. You are one of those who plays the fool in class or the office. However, you almost certainly have a good sense of humor, who can appreciate your real friends.
You prefer order and structure to any chaos and spontaneity. At the same time you are loyal, loyal to friends and sensitive to the needs of others. You are a connoisseur of moderation and security. In everyday life different frugality (even frugality) and measured. In this, you believe, is the secret of a good life.
Red. Bright colors for bright individuals!
Tirado said that lovers of red are usually full of life and more than anything, I despise routine and monotony. This passionate and energetic people who are willing to go for adventure anywhere at all. People who are not afraid to pursue their dreams.
They usually never hide their feelings and prefer to be honest and forthright. Sometimes they are impatient and even aggressive, but this temper has its advantages: the fans of red will not let you get bored!
White. Say it's favorite color is Martha Stewart. People who like different super organized and desire for simplicity. Of them usually turn out great designers.
Wood also says that this color — a symbol of youth and spiritual purity.
What about elderly people who prefer white? Psychologists say that it is a sure sign of unbridled commitment to excellence.
Gray. If you prefer a touch of rain, then most likely, your main characteristics to the "reliable" and "protecting".
In relationships you prefer to play the role of number two. So often succumb to their friends and relatives. Not because you can't think for themselves, and because you despise unnecessary disputes and drama: sometimes it's easier to agree with false arguments to keep the peace. Or at least peace in his own soul.
Some consider you a person absolutely indifferent and unemotional, but this is not true. Just like you compromise and seek in whatever was to maintain internal balance and stability.
Some may think that you are boring. Or that you're a pessimist. But in fact this is just a stereotype. Grey — a sign of independence, including emotional. So you care little for the opinions of others. You are your own chief critic.
Amber. Why is the sun yellow? And why this color paint smileys? The answer we can give is predictable: you are a happy, optimistic person with a great imagination.
At the same time your reasoning is logical and consistent, and your eye notices all the little other details. You — a born entrepreneur and business man.
And you are certain to adore any kind of intellectual activity. Chess, checkers, crosswords, card games — you love them all or at least some of them. Despite it all, your real emotions you are hiding. So no one will see the sour puss on your face even in those moments when you really hard. And if someone will see your concern, and ask about it, you will say something: "It's nothing. I don't want you to load".
People like you usually don't like spiteful, petty people. And I don't want to put up with the negativity that emanates from them.
And you're a stubborn perfectionist who wants everything to be the way he planned. While you endure your heart hates bosses and other "slave owners".
Your sense of humor can Strait the life of any person. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Vot-chto-vash-lyubimiy-tsvet-moget-rasskazat-o-vashem-haraktere
Let's look in the face of scientific facts. That's what they say.
Twenty three million one hundred seventy nine thousand three hundred seventy one
Your favorite color is black. Black color is usually a favorite for people sensitive, timid, vulnerable. However, the love for him — a sure sign that the man has taste. In this, at least, assures us psychologist from new York Bernardo Tirado.
And black is the favorite color of people ambitious, creative and strong-willed. It can also indicate that the person had a difficult childhood, or adolescence.
People who choose black as a rule, remain a mystery. They are not so easy to crack.
And again, these people prefer to keep their distance. Don't be too familiar with them.
Blue. Blue is the color of harmony. So if you love him, then your main value — stability and caring for others, says Tirado.
He also says that people who love blue, loyal, compassionate and considerate of others. Their only weakness is that they are too cautious and tend to have inflexible thinking and rigid beliefs. Fans of the blue is extremely difficult to convince of the necessity of parting with the stereotypes.
But they always think before talking and do not suffer from impulsive behavior. It's the responsible people who follow their thoughts and emotions before sharing them with others. Green. Green with envy? Have you heard that expression? But not so fast.
In fact, people who prefer green, apart from the rest is warmth, loyalty and passion for communication and social life. They adapt well to constantly changing conditions, almost never worried about financial crisis and always remain calm. Even when you are unable to bring the situation under full control.
These people in their decisions are based on logic, I prefer all their Affairs in whatever was to bring to an end. They like to feel safe — especially in cases such as finances and love relationship.
The greatest joy for them to feel an important member of society. The problem, however, is that sometimes fans of greenery too often think about what sort of impression you make on others.
But they can surprise you with its socially-oriented thinking and an amazing ability not just to listen, and to listen to people. And provide proper, useful advice.
Orange. Frank Sinatra once said "Orange is the happiest color." And he wasn't far from the truth.
Psychologist Betty wood says that an orange is preferred by people cheerful, socially active, sociable, with a fearless and colorful character. "Sometimes they are too prone to dramatization, sometimes they are too noticeable, but it's the little things. If you meet someone who likes orange, you need to know about him two things: he is good-natured and strives for popularity."
Unfortunately, such people are sometimes fickle and unpredictable. But they are real and sincere.
Pink Pink, like red, is the color of love and sensuality. It is usually preferred by girls. And, most of doinate or twins.
Wood says that from those who like pink usually make good parents. These people have a gentle, soft character. Of the shortcomings — their weakness, and sometimes excessive need for protection.
Pink is associated with frivolity, but really nothing they have. If these stereotypes were invented by scientists, that rose would be the symbol of enchantment, dreams and inspiration.
Purple or violet. As Tirado explains, these colors are usually chosen by people with a unique, creative view of the world. They can be very arrogant, I love sarcasm, he studied biographies of great leaders and visionaries. In society they are trusted — despite the fact that sometimes Express unusual ideas.
Ambition — that's another important characteristic of purple lovers. You are not going to copy others. That others will always copy you.
Brown. Prefer brown? Psychologists say that — simple ("five cents") a person who becomes a reliable partner. Are you resilient, hardworking and patient. At school with all diligence and responsibility. In the same way and work.
Others find you a bit boring. You are one of those who plays the fool in class or the office. However, you almost certainly have a good sense of humor, who can appreciate your real friends.
You prefer order and structure to any chaos and spontaneity. At the same time you are loyal, loyal to friends and sensitive to the needs of others. You are a connoisseur of moderation and security. In everyday life different frugality (even frugality) and measured. In this, you believe, is the secret of a good life.
Red. Bright colors for bright individuals!
Tirado said that lovers of red are usually full of life and more than anything, I despise routine and monotony. This passionate and energetic people who are willing to go for adventure anywhere at all. People who are not afraid to pursue their dreams.
They usually never hide their feelings and prefer to be honest and forthright. Sometimes they are impatient and even aggressive, but this temper has its advantages: the fans of red will not let you get bored!
White. Say it's favorite color is Martha Stewart. People who like different super organized and desire for simplicity. Of them usually turn out great designers.
Wood also says that this color — a symbol of youth and spiritual purity.
What about elderly people who prefer white? Psychologists say that it is a sure sign of unbridled commitment to excellence.
Gray. If you prefer a touch of rain, then most likely, your main characteristics to the "reliable" and "protecting".
In relationships you prefer to play the role of number two. So often succumb to their friends and relatives. Not because you can't think for themselves, and because you despise unnecessary disputes and drama: sometimes it's easier to agree with false arguments to keep the peace. Or at least peace in his own soul.
Some consider you a person absolutely indifferent and unemotional, but this is not true. Just like you compromise and seek in whatever was to maintain internal balance and stability.
Some may think that you are boring. Or that you're a pessimist. But in fact this is just a stereotype. Grey — a sign of independence, including emotional. So you care little for the opinions of others. You are your own chief critic.
Amber. Why is the sun yellow? And why this color paint smileys? The answer we can give is predictable: you are a happy, optimistic person with a great imagination.
At the same time your reasoning is logical and consistent, and your eye notices all the little other details. You — a born entrepreneur and business man.
And you are certain to adore any kind of intellectual activity. Chess, checkers, crosswords, card games — you love them all or at least some of them. Despite it all, your real emotions you are hiding. So no one will see the sour puss on your face even in those moments when you really hard. And if someone will see your concern, and ask about it, you will say something: "It's nothing. I don't want you to load".
People like you usually don't like spiteful, petty people. And I don't want to put up with the negativity that emanates from them.
And you're a stubborn perfectionist who wants everything to be the way he planned. While you endure your heart hates bosses and other "slave owners".
Your sense of humor can Strait the life of any person. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: lifter.com.ua/Vot-chto-vash-lyubimiy-tsvet-moget-rasskazat-o-vashem-haraktere
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