Maiden grapes: planting and care of wild grapes in the country.
Climbing plant with beautiful carved leaves, which does not require complex care and are able in a relatively short period of time to cover a significant surface is the dream of many gardeners. And this plant is wild or girlish grapes, planting and care of which is not much more difficulties.
Forty five million nine hundred sixty thousand five hundred fifteen
What is parthenocissus?
This plant belongs to the genus of English, and the natural habitat of most species are East Asia and North America. As ornamental plants traditionally cultivated three types: tristany, or hederacea grapes attached to the vine, and pyatilistochkovy, or virgin of the grapes that are best adapted for growth in our climate.
By itself, wild grapes is Cornelius vine. The plant tolerates shade and freezing temperatures. Not demanding to soil and easy to care for. Quickly growing and will keep growing to 2-3 m during the entire life cycle of individual lashes reach about 20 m in length.
Special decorative value are large carved ornamental leaves, which in autumn turn to a dark crimson color. Flowering plant is fairly modest, but the flowers emit a pleasant aroma, attracting the bees. Fruit decorative grapes inedible. Ripen in September, getting a dark blue hue with smoky waxy coating.
The plant will be a real boon for those who need to quickly decorate a fence or an ugly wall of outbuildings. But how to put wild grapes in the country or the plot?
How to plant wild grapes
To properly put parthenocissus don't need to have special skills. You need to follow some simple rules.
1. When to plant wild grapes?
The timing of planting wild grapes are often determined by the weather and climatic conditions of the region and the selected method of reproduction. According to experts, the seedlings of ornamental grapes well adapted as the spring planting in April and may, and when planting in the ground in autumn in September and early October. However, if the plant parthenocissus in the fall, young plants need shelter for the winter.
To grow English can and from seed, but in this case, sowing them in pots is carried out in January-February. But the planting of cuttings of wild grapes in the soil better carried out in may-June. Regardless of whether the landing of the maiden grapes in the spring, summer or fall, experienced gardeners advise you to make similar manipulations to 11 o'clock in the morning or after 18.00 that will help keep plants from burning.
2. The choice of location for planting.
Before planting grapes girl, you must choose the right place where the plant will be as comfortable as possible. The composition of the soil English is not particularly demanding, and quite able to develop normally as in well-lit and shaded areas of the garden. At the same time, preferably wild grapes growing in the fertile moisture-permeable soils and well-lit areas. The only thing to keep in mind when planting is that the plants require reliable support that does not fit a simple stretched wire. Besides girlish grapes planted on the North side, may have smaller leaves, and in autumn the leaves on the plants with such arrangement remains dark green, while specimens growing on the South side, gradually painted in purplish-red hues.
3. Site preparation.
About a week before to plant parthenocissus, you need to dig up the plot and prepare the soil. For seedlings, dig holes with a size of about 50×50×50 cm (depending on root system size may vary). On the bottom of the wells is placed 20-cm drainage layer, for which a suitable mixture of small pebbles and sand, broken bricks or gravel. The remaining volume of the hole is filled with soil mixture composed of peat compost, leaf soil and sand in the ratio 2:2:1, you can also add wood ash (about 1 l cups). With proper dressing prior to planting the plants with enough fertilizer for the next 3-4 years.
4. The technology of landing of the maiden grapes.
When the wells with drainage and potting mix ready, you can proceed directly to boarding. So, gradually we will understand how to plant parthenocissus.
The hole with the drain half fill with potting compost. Under slight inclination in the hole, put the sapling and covered it with the remaining soil so that the soil does not rise above ground surface. Near the sapling form of a watering hole. For the first irrigation of plants use at least 1 bucket of water.
Speaking about how to plant wild grapes, it is necessary to specify at what distance you need to plant the cuttings from each other. Often it is recommended to leave between individual plants intervals of not less than 50 cm Although given the fact that decorative grape growing with great speed, the optimum distance is about 1 m.
5. Primary care for seedlings of wild grapes.
It should be noted that the decorative grapes – the plant is undemanding. For its normal growth, it is sufficient from time to time to loosen the soil and remove weeds. Frequent watering the plant requires. Enough 3-4 times per season to water it at the rate of 8-10 l of water per 1 plant. In hot weather, irrigation may increase by up to 20 L. to prevent drying of the soil and the growth of weeds the soil around the shoots cover a 6-inch layer of mulch (straw, sawdust, peat).
In the early stages of growth is girlish grapes need to pay special attention to the formation of shoots. Since the plant is a climber, it requires sustained support. Of course, if you put wild grapes along the fence or wall of any building, especially working on the construction of the supports will have tenacious tendrils of the vines will easily hold even the slightest roughness. Support may be required if at first the plants didn't find much. In addition, to growing shoots was not a concern, as growth should be directed, by fixing the stems on the support. Extra naughty whip and withered leaves need to be removed in time. Also important to make sure that the whip has not crept on the earth's surface, as they quickly take root and allowed new cuttings that can quickly turn the entire area in impenetrable thicket, and to get rid of wild grape, creeping along the ground, is quite difficult.
Transplant girlish grapes
Sometimes there is a need to transplant wild grapes to another place or seat plant. It is worth noting that to do so, preferably in early spring or fall when active growth of the shoots of a plant are suspended. Transplanted grapes girl summer will be a little trickier, but with a small amount of Bush such manipulation is possible.
Training and technology ornamental grapes is practically the same as for planting. Most importantly, time to prepare the soil for planting. The depth of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling. When transplanting the roots can be somewhat shortened, especially damaged roots. The soil fill with peat compost, wood ashes or fertilizer. In the summer the transplanted plants up to full rooting require more frequent watering.
The advantages and disadvantages of wild grapes
Maiden grapes, planting and care which does not require much effort, is a plant that some gardeners think is a great option for a quick gardening plot, while others are wary of its ability to cling to almost any surface and fast growth, because when neglected it can have negative consequences.
Pros girlish grapes:
• shoots are developing rapidly, fill the entire support, forming a dense curtain;
• hardy;
• undemanding to the soil and lighting;
• resistant to pests and diseases;
• does not require frequent fertilizing;
• easily propagated;
• dense foliage protects wild grapes covered the walls and Foundation of the building from overheating, rain, wind and dust, as well as excessive dampness;
• features an attractive appearance from early summer to mid-autumn.
Disadvantages girlish grapes:
• controlled growing strong shoots, getting under the slate or shingles are able to destroy them;
• shoots growing near the gutters is able to get inside the tubes and clog them;
• svetimas above the Windows, and vines form a real curtain, not missing the light in the room;
• planted near the plastered walls, wild grapes, over time, can cause damage to the plaster: the creeper gradually grows to the surface and under the weight of the trim can simply fall off;
• strong root system that spreads underground for a few meters, can cause harm to plants planted around the neighborhood;
• in spring, wild grapes develops later than the other garden plants, presenting a dismal picture of tangled bare stems.
Speaking of planting wild grapes in the specific area, it is important to consider its positive and negative sides. But its simplicity in planting and cultivation, as well as a high decoration, characteristic of this plant, it with little care can become a real decoration of your site.
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Source: sadovod-i-ogorodnik.ru
Forty five million nine hundred sixty thousand five hundred fifteen
What is parthenocissus?
This plant belongs to the genus of English, and the natural habitat of most species are East Asia and North America. As ornamental plants traditionally cultivated three types: tristany, or hederacea grapes attached to the vine, and pyatilistochkovy, or virgin of the grapes that are best adapted for growth in our climate.
By itself, wild grapes is Cornelius vine. The plant tolerates shade and freezing temperatures. Not demanding to soil and easy to care for. Quickly growing and will keep growing to 2-3 m during the entire life cycle of individual lashes reach about 20 m in length.
Special decorative value are large carved ornamental leaves, which in autumn turn to a dark crimson color. Flowering plant is fairly modest, but the flowers emit a pleasant aroma, attracting the bees. Fruit decorative grapes inedible. Ripen in September, getting a dark blue hue with smoky waxy coating.
The plant will be a real boon for those who need to quickly decorate a fence or an ugly wall of outbuildings. But how to put wild grapes in the country or the plot?
How to plant wild grapes
To properly put parthenocissus don't need to have special skills. You need to follow some simple rules.
1. When to plant wild grapes?
The timing of planting wild grapes are often determined by the weather and climatic conditions of the region and the selected method of reproduction. According to experts, the seedlings of ornamental grapes well adapted as the spring planting in April and may, and when planting in the ground in autumn in September and early October. However, if the plant parthenocissus in the fall, young plants need shelter for the winter.
To grow English can and from seed, but in this case, sowing them in pots is carried out in January-February. But the planting of cuttings of wild grapes in the soil better carried out in may-June. Regardless of whether the landing of the maiden grapes in the spring, summer or fall, experienced gardeners advise you to make similar manipulations to 11 o'clock in the morning or after 18.00 that will help keep plants from burning.
2. The choice of location for planting.
Before planting grapes girl, you must choose the right place where the plant will be as comfortable as possible. The composition of the soil English is not particularly demanding, and quite able to develop normally as in well-lit and shaded areas of the garden. At the same time, preferably wild grapes growing in the fertile moisture-permeable soils and well-lit areas. The only thing to keep in mind when planting is that the plants require reliable support that does not fit a simple stretched wire. Besides girlish grapes planted on the North side, may have smaller leaves, and in autumn the leaves on the plants with such arrangement remains dark green, while specimens growing on the South side, gradually painted in purplish-red hues.
3. Site preparation.
About a week before to plant parthenocissus, you need to dig up the plot and prepare the soil. For seedlings, dig holes with a size of about 50×50×50 cm (depending on root system size may vary). On the bottom of the wells is placed 20-cm drainage layer, for which a suitable mixture of small pebbles and sand, broken bricks or gravel. The remaining volume of the hole is filled with soil mixture composed of peat compost, leaf soil and sand in the ratio 2:2:1, you can also add wood ash (about 1 l cups). With proper dressing prior to planting the plants with enough fertilizer for the next 3-4 years.
4. The technology of landing of the maiden grapes.
When the wells with drainage and potting mix ready, you can proceed directly to boarding. So, gradually we will understand how to plant parthenocissus.
The hole with the drain half fill with potting compost. Under slight inclination in the hole, put the sapling and covered it with the remaining soil so that the soil does not rise above ground surface. Near the sapling form of a watering hole. For the first irrigation of plants use at least 1 bucket of water.
Speaking about how to plant wild grapes, it is necessary to specify at what distance you need to plant the cuttings from each other. Often it is recommended to leave between individual plants intervals of not less than 50 cm Although given the fact that decorative grape growing with great speed, the optimum distance is about 1 m.
5. Primary care for seedlings of wild grapes.
It should be noted that the decorative grapes – the plant is undemanding. For its normal growth, it is sufficient from time to time to loosen the soil and remove weeds. Frequent watering the plant requires. Enough 3-4 times per season to water it at the rate of 8-10 l of water per 1 plant. In hot weather, irrigation may increase by up to 20 L. to prevent drying of the soil and the growth of weeds the soil around the shoots cover a 6-inch layer of mulch (straw, sawdust, peat).
In the early stages of growth is girlish grapes need to pay special attention to the formation of shoots. Since the plant is a climber, it requires sustained support. Of course, if you put wild grapes along the fence or wall of any building, especially working on the construction of the supports will have tenacious tendrils of the vines will easily hold even the slightest roughness. Support may be required if at first the plants didn't find much. In addition, to growing shoots was not a concern, as growth should be directed, by fixing the stems on the support. Extra naughty whip and withered leaves need to be removed in time. Also important to make sure that the whip has not crept on the earth's surface, as they quickly take root and allowed new cuttings that can quickly turn the entire area in impenetrable thicket, and to get rid of wild grape, creeping along the ground, is quite difficult.
Transplant girlish grapes
Sometimes there is a need to transplant wild grapes to another place or seat plant. It is worth noting that to do so, preferably in early spring or fall when active growth of the shoots of a plant are suspended. Transplanted grapes girl summer will be a little trickier, but with a small amount of Bush such manipulation is possible.
Training and technology ornamental grapes is practically the same as for planting. Most importantly, time to prepare the soil for planting. The depth of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling. When transplanting the roots can be somewhat shortened, especially damaged roots. The soil fill with peat compost, wood ashes or fertilizer. In the summer the transplanted plants up to full rooting require more frequent watering.
The advantages and disadvantages of wild grapes
Maiden grapes, planting and care which does not require much effort, is a plant that some gardeners think is a great option for a quick gardening plot, while others are wary of its ability to cling to almost any surface and fast growth, because when neglected it can have negative consequences.
Pros girlish grapes:
• shoots are developing rapidly, fill the entire support, forming a dense curtain;
• hardy;
• undemanding to the soil and lighting;
• resistant to pests and diseases;
• does not require frequent fertilizing;
• easily propagated;
• dense foliage protects wild grapes covered the walls and Foundation of the building from overheating, rain, wind and dust, as well as excessive dampness;
• features an attractive appearance from early summer to mid-autumn.
Disadvantages girlish grapes:
• controlled growing strong shoots, getting under the slate or shingles are able to destroy them;
• shoots growing near the gutters is able to get inside the tubes and clog them;
• svetimas above the Windows, and vines form a real curtain, not missing the light in the room;
• planted near the plastered walls, wild grapes, over time, can cause damage to the plaster: the creeper gradually grows to the surface and under the weight of the trim can simply fall off;
• strong root system that spreads underground for a few meters, can cause harm to plants planted around the neighborhood;
• in spring, wild grapes develops later than the other garden plants, presenting a dismal picture of tangled bare stems.
Speaking of planting wild grapes in the specific area, it is important to consider its positive and negative sides. But its simplicity in planting and cultivation, as well as a high decoration, characteristic of this plant, it with little care can become a real decoration of your site.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: sadovod-i-ogorodnik.ru