Wonderful letter of the grandmother of his newborn granddaughter
Simply and wisely about everything. It seems there is nothing more touching and wiser we haven't read:
— My dear, I could write this letter even to your mom a quarter century ago... But I was 25 and I was only thinking of household matters: how to feed the family, how to have time to take daughter to nursery and not miss lectures. Your grandfather worked the night shift and was not able to help me when your mother cried all night because of frequent illnesses. Now I'm 50, and I've accumulated a bit of experience which I want to share with you. I don't claim to know everything about life, but in the end, I'm your grandmother and I want you to be happy. My advice you need!
1. Don't be afraid to fall
Ride a bike, swings, ice skating, rollerblading and don't be afraid to fall. It will hurt, but you will learn through this to be quick and up when I want to cry.
2. Don't be afraid to Express their point of view
You don't have to keep quiet if you don't like something or when you don't agree. Don't hide your opinion neither for friendship nor for love. If you do not hear or claim to be loyal, then to hell with such friendship and love.
3. Don't be ashamed to apologize
Only a very strong girls know how to apologize and realize their mistakes, and I really want you grew up just like that. It's hard to say "Sorry, I was wrong. How can I fix the situation?" But the need to learn, and then nobody will be able to defeat you.
4. Don't be afraid to get a bad grade
Deuce is not so bad. It will show you weaknesses. You will know what you will need to work on. Low score doesn't mean you're stupid. It's only motivation to action.
5. Don't be afraid to not be popular
While the ever-popular party people will be partying, time to sit in the eatery and hang around for days on the Internet, posting their photos, you will learn a great shoot, ride horses, sing and so on. In 18 years will still sit in front of a computer, and you're already going to conquer the world and maybe travel around the world.
6. Don't be afraid to be weird
Your grandmother is not afraid!
7. Don't be afraid to fall in love
Love still comes to you. Just be glad you're finally grown up.
8. Don't be afraid of the first kiss
Believe me grandma, that's amazing! Fear not, all women a great kisser, as it is in our blood.
9. Don't be afraid to get married or, on the contrary, not to go
When you grow up, no one will care if you got on a wedding ring or not. But if you decided that marriage and family life — for you, try to meet "his" people, then it will work. Even scattered everywhere socks will not irritate. But who will do massages in the evenings or someone to walk the dog.
10. Don't be afraid to give birth
I will not lie, it hurts. But it's the most beautiful thing that can be in the life of any woman.
11. Don't be afraid of divorce
Life happens. Most importantly, don't give up and don't shut yourself in. Divorce is not the end of life. This is the beginning of something new and, most likely, more interesting.
12. Don't be afraid of loneliness
Sometimes a little solitude is good for you. They can even enjoy. But how long this will be — I family know.
13. Don't be afraid to cry
Tears are a strong selection. I'm strong and do what you want. Want cry, want to laugh, want socks scattered all over the apartment.
14. Don't be afraid to try new things
Don't think about age and what people say. Take from life the best, no matter how crazy your desire.
15. Don't be afraid to grow old
With age, you begin to appreciate life and to love relatives. And then, you will write a letter to their grandchildren.
16. Don't be afraid to lose loved ones
I have long doubted whether this is for you to write. But losses are inevitable. Related go — but the love never disappears...
I love you, your grandma.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: fit4brain.com/9266
— My dear, I could write this letter even to your mom a quarter century ago... But I was 25 and I was only thinking of household matters: how to feed the family, how to have time to take daughter to nursery and not miss lectures. Your grandfather worked the night shift and was not able to help me when your mother cried all night because of frequent illnesses. Now I'm 50, and I've accumulated a bit of experience which I want to share with you. I don't claim to know everything about life, but in the end, I'm your grandmother and I want you to be happy. My advice you need!

1. Don't be afraid to fall
Ride a bike, swings, ice skating, rollerblading and don't be afraid to fall. It will hurt, but you will learn through this to be quick and up when I want to cry.
2. Don't be afraid to Express their point of view
You don't have to keep quiet if you don't like something or when you don't agree. Don't hide your opinion neither for friendship nor for love. If you do not hear or claim to be loyal, then to hell with such friendship and love.
3. Don't be ashamed to apologize
Only a very strong girls know how to apologize and realize their mistakes, and I really want you grew up just like that. It's hard to say "Sorry, I was wrong. How can I fix the situation?" But the need to learn, and then nobody will be able to defeat you.
4. Don't be afraid to get a bad grade
Deuce is not so bad. It will show you weaknesses. You will know what you will need to work on. Low score doesn't mean you're stupid. It's only motivation to action.
5. Don't be afraid to not be popular
While the ever-popular party people will be partying, time to sit in the eatery and hang around for days on the Internet, posting their photos, you will learn a great shoot, ride horses, sing and so on. In 18 years will still sit in front of a computer, and you're already going to conquer the world and maybe travel around the world.
6. Don't be afraid to be weird
Your grandmother is not afraid!
7. Don't be afraid to fall in love
Love still comes to you. Just be glad you're finally grown up.
8. Don't be afraid of the first kiss
Believe me grandma, that's amazing! Fear not, all women a great kisser, as it is in our blood.
9. Don't be afraid to get married or, on the contrary, not to go
When you grow up, no one will care if you got on a wedding ring or not. But if you decided that marriage and family life — for you, try to meet "his" people, then it will work. Even scattered everywhere socks will not irritate. But who will do massages in the evenings or someone to walk the dog.
10. Don't be afraid to give birth
I will not lie, it hurts. But it's the most beautiful thing that can be in the life of any woman.
11. Don't be afraid of divorce
Life happens. Most importantly, don't give up and don't shut yourself in. Divorce is not the end of life. This is the beginning of something new and, most likely, more interesting.
12. Don't be afraid of loneliness
Sometimes a little solitude is good for you. They can even enjoy. But how long this will be — I family know.
13. Don't be afraid to cry
Tears are a strong selection. I'm strong and do what you want. Want cry, want to laugh, want socks scattered all over the apartment.
14. Don't be afraid to try new things
Don't think about age and what people say. Take from life the best, no matter how crazy your desire.
15. Don't be afraid to grow old
With age, you begin to appreciate life and to love relatives. And then, you will write a letter to their grandchildren.
16. Don't be afraid to lose loved ones
I have long doubted whether this is for you to write. But losses are inevitable. Related go — but the love never disappears...
I love you, your grandma.
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: fit4brain.com/9266