Soda in the garden: tips vacationers
Tip 1: baking SODA IN the GARDENSave, not to lose!
No baking soda at all difficult to imagine a modern garden. I think she helps everywhere. If you are growing in your summer cottage-the grapes, don't forget in the period of ripening of berries to spray the vine with a solution of baking soda 75 grams per 10 liters of water. This procedure protects the grapes from Botrytis, as well as increases the content of sugars in the berries. The same solution can be sprayed all the fruit trees to fight leaf-eating caterpillars.
Soda is one of the most effective means against powdery mildew. A solution of teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water is used for preventive spraying cucumbers. Gooseberries and currants are treated in an integrated tool: 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 aspirin, 1 tsp. of dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, 1 tbsp vegetable oil to 4.5 litres of water. Soda solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) poured over the cucumbers, to prevent premature yellowing of leaves. To ward off caterpillars, many gardeners sprinkle baking soda on cabbage leaves.
TIP 2: TIPS FOR VEGETABLE GARDENERS, SUMMER RESIDENTS.There is hardly a country where it would not grow currant bushes. However, the harvest often leaves much to be desired. Some gardeners believe that the Bank of the berries from the Bush to the table is a good return. In fact, with these plants it is possible to collect the bucket. and then several buckets! In order to obtain from it solid yields need to:
What to feed cherry. Fertilizing in the spring and ash at the one-liter jar, moist soil, around the perimeter of the crown, 1 tablespoon of urea and 2 tablespoons of chlorine-free potassium (when feeding potassium chloride will throw the leaves) per 10 liters of water (at least 3-4 buckets per plant). You can substitute potassium nitrate (2 tablespoons).
During intensive growth of the ovaries should be sprayed on the leaves with a solution of trace elements. In addition, we need another liter cans of ash for building bone.
In mid-August — 2 tablespoons of double granulated superphosphate, and 1 tablespoon of potassium per 10 liters of water (at least 4 buckets) and again liter bottle of ash. Liter jar of ash can replace 1 Cup of dolomite.
Later in the fall, after leaf drop, you can make a couple of buckets of organic matter or water by faeces, and apricot.
How to remove weeds from the beds forever (the experience of colleagues). If you June 18, BEFORE the HOUR of the DAY remove from the garden all the weeds, they will no longer grow.
A unique recipe that will help get rid of flea beetles on cabbage! Be sure to save this recipe on his page, not to lose!
All summer long you can deal with pests of cabbage, especially the flea. What is not only "drove" her, wormwood, onion, garlic, ash, tobacco. All in vain! Could do nothing to save the cabbage, and grow it to fall so so flawed. Become we different tools to look up how others save the cabbage. Once I read how one woman keeps her broccoli. She told me that cabbage was sprayed with 70% vinegar: one teaspoon per 10 liters of water. We immediately stirred the vinegar and processed cabbage. The same solution was sprayed radishes, horseradish, radish and sorrel, Swede, turnip. And what are tiddlywinks? As the wind blew. Now we know it's the right tool. Vinegar to dissolve long. After spraying noticed that butterflies butterflies be afraid to sit on the cabbages, and aphids, there is no longer notice.
How to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle without chemicals. One pack of dry mustard breed in a bucket of water, add 100 ml table 9% vinegar, mix thoroughly, and spray it with this mixture in the potato tops. Bugs do not happen!
The Council gardeners who are going to change strawberry place. In 10 liters of water (bucket not metal) drip 15 drops of iodine, stir with a wooden stick and watering every tree, pre-moistened soil (after rain or after a good watering). Try not to get the iodine solution on the leaves. This is especially well it turns out after cutting the strawberries. Typically, after this treatment, the beetles in the two years do not look on this territory.
Before you plant the strawberries, well treat the whole future plantation in this solution. Today watered, and after three or four days can be safely planted. Then burns the roots will not be in case of overdose of iodine. Just a word of caution: all the people — do not exceed! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_6862
No baking soda at all difficult to imagine a modern garden. I think she helps everywhere. If you are growing in your summer cottage-the grapes, don't forget in the period of ripening of berries to spray the vine with a solution of baking soda 75 grams per 10 liters of water. This procedure protects the grapes from Botrytis, as well as increases the content of sugars in the berries. The same solution can be sprayed all the fruit trees to fight leaf-eating caterpillars.
Soda is one of the most effective means against powdery mildew. A solution of teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water is used for preventive spraying cucumbers. Gooseberries and currants are treated in an integrated tool: 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 aspirin, 1 tsp. of dishwashing detergent or liquid soap, 1 tbsp vegetable oil to 4.5 litres of water. Soda solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) poured over the cucumbers, to prevent premature yellowing of leaves. To ward off caterpillars, many gardeners sprinkle baking soda on cabbage leaves.

TIP 2: TIPS FOR VEGETABLE GARDENERS, SUMMER RESIDENTS.There is hardly a country where it would not grow currant bushes. However, the harvest often leaves much to be desired. Some gardeners believe that the Bank of the berries from the Bush to the table is a good return. In fact, with these plants it is possible to collect the bucket. and then several buckets! In order to obtain from it solid yields need to:
- Not to forget to water. Of course, it is necessary to consider the climatic conditions of the season. But don't miss three needed watering. At the end of flowering (approximately the first decade of June). The second in the growth period of ovaries (third decade of June). Third — during the ripening of berries. The rate of water — 4 buckets on the Bush.
- Time to feed. Black currants of the season, four feeding. First — as soon as blossomed buds: 2 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water. The rate of application — 1 bucket on a Bush. The second in mid-June: 1 tablespoon of urea, 1.5 tbsp of superphosphate and 0.5 tablespoons of potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water. The rate of application — 1 bucket on a Bush. The third — in late September — early October: 0.5 Cup of superphosphate and 2/3 Cup of potassium sulfate per 1 shrub. Fourth — at the end of October: 0.5 bucket of rotted manure under a Bush.
- Cut excess branches. Most of the fruit of the black currant Matures on the two-year and three-year shoots. Older give less berries. Therefore, the plants should be formed so that on the Bush every year remained 3-4 annual escape. And all who are older than 6 years should be cut. This is best done in the fall, when the plants the leaves fall.
- Sprayed with honey solution during flowering. Currants pollinated by bees. And to attract them more, plants should be sprayed sugar water: 1 tbsp honey dissolved in 1 l of water and spray the bushes.
What to feed cherry. Fertilizing in the spring and ash at the one-liter jar, moist soil, around the perimeter of the crown, 1 tablespoon of urea and 2 tablespoons of chlorine-free potassium (when feeding potassium chloride will throw the leaves) per 10 liters of water (at least 3-4 buckets per plant). You can substitute potassium nitrate (2 tablespoons).
During intensive growth of the ovaries should be sprayed on the leaves with a solution of trace elements. In addition, we need another liter cans of ash for building bone.
In mid-August — 2 tablespoons of double granulated superphosphate, and 1 tablespoon of potassium per 10 liters of water (at least 4 buckets) and again liter bottle of ash. Liter jar of ash can replace 1 Cup of dolomite.
Later in the fall, after leaf drop, you can make a couple of buckets of organic matter or water by faeces, and apricot.
How to remove weeds from the beds forever (the experience of colleagues). If you June 18, BEFORE the HOUR of the DAY remove from the garden all the weeds, they will no longer grow.
A unique recipe that will help get rid of flea beetles on cabbage! Be sure to save this recipe on his page, not to lose!
All summer long you can deal with pests of cabbage, especially the flea. What is not only "drove" her, wormwood, onion, garlic, ash, tobacco. All in vain! Could do nothing to save the cabbage, and grow it to fall so so flawed. Become we different tools to look up how others save the cabbage. Once I read how one woman keeps her broccoli. She told me that cabbage was sprayed with 70% vinegar: one teaspoon per 10 liters of water. We immediately stirred the vinegar and processed cabbage. The same solution was sprayed radishes, horseradish, radish and sorrel, Swede, turnip. And what are tiddlywinks? As the wind blew. Now we know it's the right tool. Vinegar to dissolve long. After spraying noticed that butterflies butterflies be afraid to sit on the cabbages, and aphids, there is no longer notice.
How to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle without chemicals. One pack of dry mustard breed in a bucket of water, add 100 ml table 9% vinegar, mix thoroughly, and spray it with this mixture in the potato tops. Bugs do not happen!
The Council gardeners who are going to change strawberry place. In 10 liters of water (bucket not metal) drip 15 drops of iodine, stir with a wooden stick and watering every tree, pre-moistened soil (after rain or after a good watering). Try not to get the iodine solution on the leaves. This is especially well it turns out after cutting the strawberries. Typically, after this treatment, the beetles in the two years do not look on this territory.
Before you plant the strawberries, well treat the whole future plantation in this solution. Today watered, and after three or four days can be safely planted. Then burns the roots will not be in case of overdose of iodine. Just a word of caution: all the people — do not exceed! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_6862