10 tips for traveling in Germany
Every year millions of tourists come to Germany to try the real Bavarian sausages and German beer, to climb the dome of the Reichstag and walk through the ancient Cologne Cathedral. We have compiled 10 tips on how to save on vacation time, money and nerves.
Choose German masters
Looking for housing, find out who owns your selected hotel. Figure it can, just by calling them. Home-the Germans are very responsible attitude to the comfort and safety of their guests, so, on entering the hotel, be sure that no desire will not remain without attention.
Always have cash
Keep sufficient amount of cash on hand, as not all hotels or stores (even large) you can pay with electronic cards MasterCard or Visa.
Shop in advance
In Germany, as in many European countries, shops are closed on Sundays, so be careful about the required. If you have forgotten or do not have time to do it — an alternative could be the bakeries or fast food outlets at the station or a more expensive city restaurants that work and on weekends.
Return recyclables
When you purchase beverages in plastic or glass bottles, remember that the German concept of pfand pledge. This means that part of the money you will be able to return — just pass the bottle to the recycling center in any supermarket. As a rule, the amount refunded per bottle is 20-25 cents.
Check "calendar of events"
Before using the site feiertage.net check out the official holidays of the place that are planning to visit. If your trip will fall on a holiday, you risk one day to completely fall out of life — not a single Museum or restaurant on this day will not work. Moreover, even the streets will be deserted.
Save on tickets
If you plan to visit the city from different parts of the country, check out the website meinfernbus.de where you can buy bus tickets to travel on long distances. You may have to spend in transit for several hours, but will be able to save from €20 to €100. In addition, these hours will not go in vain: travelling by bus you can enjoy beautiful views. Another option is to buy a ticket on a comfortable train on the website www.bahn.de. You must do it in advance, then you will be able to save money. If you are traveling in a group (of five people), you'll be able to reduce the price of travel by purchasing a group ticket. Discounts are offered to the students up to 27 years.
Calculate route
Very useful and a mobile app of Deutsche Bahn, where specifying a start and end point of the route, you will get several options of how most quickly and easily get to your destination, learn how much direct access you need to do and how long will it take all the way. The application can be used for movement in one city and throughout the country.
Do not attempt to drive "a hare"
The lack of inspectors in buses and trams — what is often used by tourists coming to Germany. But for every trick there's another: the controller will drop at any stop, but to identify it you will not succeed, because they could be any man in civilian clothes with a newspaper or muffin in hand. Therefore it is better to drive legally, by purchasing a ticket for €3 than classic, pay €40. A great opportunity for you to become group tickets on buses and trains to get around the city as well as the Länder-ticket is a group ticket valid in the territory of the whole earth.
Watch for speed
If you take a car to rent, remember that, despite the unlimited speeds on most of the German autobahn (130 km/h — only recommended), there are areas with established local speed limit. It is better not to disturb: a speeding ticket will range from €10 to €600.
Go to the Museum "wholesale"
Group tickets there are in museums. The amount per person this ticket less than in a single. Take a few minutes to find the same tourists like you, and you again will save money.
The holders of the Länder-ticket in some museums will receive an additional discount, simply by showing the ticket at the box office. Also remember that on Mondays, most of the cultural institutions closed. In addition, the Berlin state museums have free days. What day you can not spend the money for a ticket, better to check on the website berlin.de/museum/einritt-frei.опубликовано
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/10_sovetov_dlya_puteshestvujushhih_v_germaniju_13916/
Choose German masters
Looking for housing, find out who owns your selected hotel. Figure it can, just by calling them. Home-the Germans are very responsible attitude to the comfort and safety of their guests, so, on entering the hotel, be sure that no desire will not remain without attention.
Always have cash
Keep sufficient amount of cash on hand, as not all hotels or stores (even large) you can pay with electronic cards MasterCard or Visa.

Shop in advance
In Germany, as in many European countries, shops are closed on Sundays, so be careful about the required. If you have forgotten or do not have time to do it — an alternative could be the bakeries or fast food outlets at the station or a more expensive city restaurants that work and on weekends.
Return recyclables
When you purchase beverages in plastic or glass bottles, remember that the German concept of pfand pledge. This means that part of the money you will be able to return — just pass the bottle to the recycling center in any supermarket. As a rule, the amount refunded per bottle is 20-25 cents.
Check "calendar of events"
Before using the site feiertage.net check out the official holidays of the place that are planning to visit. If your trip will fall on a holiday, you risk one day to completely fall out of life — not a single Museum or restaurant on this day will not work. Moreover, even the streets will be deserted.

Save on tickets
If you plan to visit the city from different parts of the country, check out the website meinfernbus.de where you can buy bus tickets to travel on long distances. You may have to spend in transit for several hours, but will be able to save from €20 to €100. In addition, these hours will not go in vain: travelling by bus you can enjoy beautiful views. Another option is to buy a ticket on a comfortable train on the website www.bahn.de. You must do it in advance, then you will be able to save money. If you are traveling in a group (of five people), you'll be able to reduce the price of travel by purchasing a group ticket. Discounts are offered to the students up to 27 years.
Calculate route
Very useful and a mobile app of Deutsche Bahn, where specifying a start and end point of the route, you will get several options of how most quickly and easily get to your destination, learn how much direct access you need to do and how long will it take all the way. The application can be used for movement in one city and throughout the country.

Do not attempt to drive "a hare"
The lack of inspectors in buses and trams — what is often used by tourists coming to Germany. But for every trick there's another: the controller will drop at any stop, but to identify it you will not succeed, because they could be any man in civilian clothes with a newspaper or muffin in hand. Therefore it is better to drive legally, by purchasing a ticket for €3 than classic, pay €40. A great opportunity for you to become group tickets on buses and trains to get around the city as well as the Länder-ticket is a group ticket valid in the territory of the whole earth.
Watch for speed
If you take a car to rent, remember that, despite the unlimited speeds on most of the German autobahn (130 km/h — only recommended), there are areas with established local speed limit. It is better not to disturb: a speeding ticket will range from €10 to €600.
Go to the Museum "wholesale"
Group tickets there are in museums. The amount per person this ticket less than in a single. Take a few minutes to find the same tourists like you, and you again will save money.

The holders of the Länder-ticket in some museums will receive an additional discount, simply by showing the ticket at the box office. Also remember that on Mondays, most of the cultural institutions closed. In addition, the Berlin state museums have free days. What day you can not spend the money for a ticket, better to check on the website berlin.de/museum/einritt-frei.опубликовано
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/10_sovetov_dlya_puteshestvujushhih_v_germaniju_13916/