Secrety Ayurveda: sesame oil — the universal healer!
Sesame, aka the famous Oriental sesame. Its oil lubricated mechanisms the rusty locks and the creaking door hinges, after which first opened wide, and the second sang heavenly songs instead issue a nasty squeak. Then the sesame, that is sesamee oil began to be used inside food and outside: Oriental beauty softened the face and body, without any SPA salons are opening doors in the world of beauty and health.
Today we want to tell you about sesame oil is used in the ancient science of life and healing spanning more than five millennia — Ayurveda, which calls sesame oil is one of the best in the treatment of many ailments.
Sesame oil in the food.
Sesame oil is rich with nutrients — magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, and vitamins A, E and B6; thanks to this 'wise' part, it effectively improves fat metabolism, poor blood circulation and digestive processes in the body, enhances immunity and has a significant rejuvenating effect. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, normalizes blood pressure, in addition, sesame oil contains substances that have antidepressant properties, which improves the mood and improved well-being, vigor and the desire to live and work.
But you shouldn't use sesame oil in large quantities, it is sufficient to enter into the diet of a quarter to a teaspoon, adding it to salads, vegetables and side dishes, especially porridge. Try to use it in human form, not much warming up and not using for frying. A month later you will feel improvement in health, energy and vitality.
For the face.
Sesame oil is able to remove toxins, nourish and cleanse the skin. To optimally use it before bed: apply to the skin, and after half an hour rinse with warm water and blot with a towel.
Massage for insomnia: make a soft massage of feet with warmed sesame oil directly before going to sleep immediately after a bath. Now turn off the lights — healthy and restful sleep is guaranteed!
Oil massage of the whole body: one tablespoon of oil slightly heated and poured on the body, gently rubbing in a circular motion. Leave for 15-20 minutes then take a warm shower. Oil massage eliminates congestion in the body surface, gives elasticity to the muscles and ligaments, strengthens bones. Procedure good effect on the nervous system and rejuvenates the skin. Body massage with sesame oil allows people to avoid all colds, excess weight and fluid retention in the body; increases the feeling of comfort, allows to keep the body young, flexible, remove the skin from the aging process.
Treatment of diseased joints.
It is believed that sesame oil nourishes and lubricates the joint due to the ability to penetrate deep into the tissue. Apply a little butter on the area around the joint, the joint itself and leave for 20 minutes. Then wipe with a damp towel. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
For constipation you can take sesame oil (one teaspoon) as a light laxative.
Hair loss and weakened tips.
Weak hair and nails you can "feed" by using sesame oil, because it is a huge amount of calcium and other substances. You can take a quarter of a teaspoon inside of the mornings and evenings, you can lubricate the nails and the hair roots.
Sesame oil can be applied in the form of heat as the oil hair mask for 2 hours, covering your head with a cap and a thick towel, while it is desirable to lightly massage the head. Making regular oil masks for hair, you can achieve a natural Shine, strengthen, strong growth.
Rinsing mouth with sesame oil reduces bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums, and the high calcium content strengthens teeth and helps prevent tooth decay and paradantoz. If daily rinsing the mouth with sesame oil can prevent diseases, not only the mouth but also the nose, throat and ears. Gargle with sesame oil is an excellent treatment and prevention. To do daily after brushing your teeth: one tablespoon of warmed, soft to the touch oil to collect in the mouth and rinse for 2-3 minutes, then rinse your mouth with lightly salted water.
A rejuvenating blend for women helps to maintain youthfulness as long as possible: 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 teaspoon powdered sugar. Mix and take a teaspoon a day.
From burns and boils: mix equal proportion of lemon juice and apply on burns, boils and ulcers.
For pain in the earstwo or three drops of sesame oil dropped into the ears for the night.
Migraines and vertigo: RUB whiskey with a mixture of sesame oil with a little camphor, cardamom and cinnamon. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: sezam.uz/articles/kunzhutnoe-maslo-retsepty-ayurvedy
Today we want to tell you about sesame oil is used in the ancient science of life and healing spanning more than five millennia — Ayurveda, which calls sesame oil is one of the best in the treatment of many ailments.
Sesame oil in the food.
Sesame oil is rich with nutrients — magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, and vitamins A, E and B6; thanks to this 'wise' part, it effectively improves fat metabolism, poor blood circulation and digestive processes in the body, enhances immunity and has a significant rejuvenating effect. Due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, normalizes blood pressure, in addition, sesame oil contains substances that have antidepressant properties, which improves the mood and improved well-being, vigor and the desire to live and work.
But you shouldn't use sesame oil in large quantities, it is sufficient to enter into the diet of a quarter to a teaspoon, adding it to salads, vegetables and side dishes, especially porridge. Try to use it in human form, not much warming up and not using for frying. A month later you will feel improvement in health, energy and vitality.
For the face.
Sesame oil is able to remove toxins, nourish and cleanse the skin. To optimally use it before bed: apply to the skin, and after half an hour rinse with warm water and blot with a towel.
Massage for insomnia: make a soft massage of feet with warmed sesame oil directly before going to sleep immediately after a bath. Now turn off the lights — healthy and restful sleep is guaranteed!
Oil massage of the whole body: one tablespoon of oil slightly heated and poured on the body, gently rubbing in a circular motion. Leave for 15-20 minutes then take a warm shower. Oil massage eliminates congestion in the body surface, gives elasticity to the muscles and ligaments, strengthens bones. Procedure good effect on the nervous system and rejuvenates the skin. Body massage with sesame oil allows people to avoid all colds, excess weight and fluid retention in the body; increases the feeling of comfort, allows to keep the body young, flexible, remove the skin from the aging process.
Treatment of diseased joints.
It is believed that sesame oil nourishes and lubricates the joint due to the ability to penetrate deep into the tissue. Apply a little butter on the area around the joint, the joint itself and leave for 20 minutes. Then wipe with a damp towel. Repeat 2-3 times a week.
For constipation you can take sesame oil (one teaspoon) as a light laxative.
Hair loss and weakened tips.
Weak hair and nails you can "feed" by using sesame oil, because it is a huge amount of calcium and other substances. You can take a quarter of a teaspoon inside of the mornings and evenings, you can lubricate the nails and the hair roots.
Sesame oil can be applied in the form of heat as the oil hair mask for 2 hours, covering your head with a cap and a thick towel, while it is desirable to lightly massage the head. Making regular oil masks for hair, you can achieve a natural Shine, strengthen, strong growth.
Rinsing mouth with sesame oil reduces bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums, and the high calcium content strengthens teeth and helps prevent tooth decay and paradantoz. If daily rinsing the mouth with sesame oil can prevent diseases, not only the mouth but also the nose, throat and ears. Gargle with sesame oil is an excellent treatment and prevention. To do daily after brushing your teeth: one tablespoon of warmed, soft to the touch oil to collect in the mouth and rinse for 2-3 minutes, then rinse your mouth with lightly salted water.
A rejuvenating blend for women helps to maintain youthfulness as long as possible: 1 tablespoon sesame seeds, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 1 teaspoon powdered sugar. Mix and take a teaspoon a day.
From burns and boils: mix equal proportion of lemon juice and apply on burns, boils and ulcers.
For pain in the earstwo or three drops of sesame oil dropped into the ears for the night.
Migraines and vertigo: RUB whiskey with a mixture of sesame oil with a little camphor, cardamom and cinnamon. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: sezam.uz/articles/kunzhutnoe-maslo-retsepty-ayurvedy