"Destructive" training bark house
Training the bark is essential for good physical shape. We are all looking for ways to build not only abs, but also generally improve the appearance of the abdomen. With their press for a few workouts a week and sticking to a healthy eating plan, you will definitely get relief stomach dreamt. Most people are so anxious to have a flat stomach, train press every occupation. The truth is that almost every exercise involved your stomach and indirectly working press. Professionals are advised to focus on the abdominal area two to three times a week maximum. Check for yourself the following "killer" training bark that will definitely help burn belly fat.
This workout can be done anywhere and it requires no equipment. This results in work all the abdominal muscles, the abdominal rectus muscles, lower abs and obliques, so you will be forced to "burn" your cor completely.
Standard twisting crunches — 20 reps
Starting position — lie on floor, knees bent, place hands behind neck. Use cor to raise his head from the floor; do exhale when we rise up. Being at the top of the exercise, hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.
Tip: dilute your elbows and make sure that your hands just send the neck, not pushing her up; rise up through the crust and not the neck.
Bicycle crunches — 30 reps
Starting position — lie on floor, knees bent, place hands behind neck. Extend one leg straight and lift the opposite knee up so the foot was off the floor. Start the exercise by touching elbow to opposite knee (left elbow — right knee), then switch to the other side, touching right elbow to left knee (during the movement of the second leg is extended straight and held above the floor). Continue to follow these "biker" until you complete 30 reps. Touch the elbow with the opposite knee is one repetition.
Tip: this exercise is best done in a faster pace than regular crunches for abs; don't forget to breathe each time "pressing the pedal".
Pushing the leg press — 15 reps
Starting position — lie on the floor, legs straight, raised above the head perpendicular to the floor, arms extended on both sides along the body with palms down. Raise your buttocks from the floor up, making the exhale. Then slowly lower back to the floor and repeat the movement.
Tip: this is a very short but effective movement; your goal is to move slowly and gradually, focusing and controlling the movement from the beginning to the end.
Do leg lifts lying on back — 10 reps
Starting position — lie on floor, legs straight, arms stretched along the body, hands under the buttocks. Slowly raise your legs upwards till they become perpendicular to the floor. Slow and controlled movement, lower your legs back to the floor.
Tip: try to keep the legs do not touch the floor at the bottom of the movement; cor all the time hold tight (as during lifting of the legs and while lowering them to the floor).
Plank — 30 seconds
Take a position for plank: rest on the floor with toes and elbows (elbows should be placed clearly under the shoulders), lower back does not bend. All the time straining the muscles hold the body smooth (it should resemble a straight line). Breathe normally and try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
Tip: throughout the exercise do not let the hips fall to the floor; don't forget to breathe, making full breaths within 30 seconds.
Quickly move from one exercise to another without rest. After the completion of the cycle of the five exercises, rest for about two to three minutes and repeat the complex again. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: fitfixed.com/training/advise/ubojnaya-trenirovka-kora-v-domashnih-usloviyah/
This workout can be done anywhere and it requires no equipment. This results in work all the abdominal muscles, the abdominal rectus muscles, lower abs and obliques, so you will be forced to "burn" your cor completely.

Standard twisting crunches — 20 reps
Starting position — lie on floor, knees bent, place hands behind neck. Use cor to raise his head from the floor; do exhale when we rise up. Being at the top of the exercise, hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the floor. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Tip: dilute your elbows and make sure that your hands just send the neck, not pushing her up; rise up through the crust and not the neck.
Bicycle crunches — 30 reps
Starting position — lie on floor, knees bent, place hands behind neck. Extend one leg straight and lift the opposite knee up so the foot was off the floor. Start the exercise by touching elbow to opposite knee (left elbow — right knee), then switch to the other side, touching right elbow to left knee (during the movement of the second leg is extended straight and held above the floor). Continue to follow these "biker" until you complete 30 reps. Touch the elbow with the opposite knee is one repetition.

Tip: this exercise is best done in a faster pace than regular crunches for abs; don't forget to breathe each time "pressing the pedal".
Pushing the leg press — 15 reps
Starting position — lie on the floor, legs straight, raised above the head perpendicular to the floor, arms extended on both sides along the body with palms down. Raise your buttocks from the floor up, making the exhale. Then slowly lower back to the floor and repeat the movement.

Tip: this is a very short but effective movement; your goal is to move slowly and gradually, focusing and controlling the movement from the beginning to the end.
Do leg lifts lying on back — 10 reps
Starting position — lie on floor, legs straight, arms stretched along the body, hands under the buttocks. Slowly raise your legs upwards till they become perpendicular to the floor. Slow and controlled movement, lower your legs back to the floor.

Tip: try to keep the legs do not touch the floor at the bottom of the movement; cor all the time hold tight (as during lifting of the legs and while lowering them to the floor).
Plank — 30 seconds
Take a position for plank: rest on the floor with toes and elbows (elbows should be placed clearly under the shoulders), lower back does not bend. All the time straining the muscles hold the body smooth (it should resemble a straight line). Breathe normally and try to hold this position for at least 30 seconds.

Tip: throughout the exercise do not let the hips fall to the floor; don't forget to breathe, making full breaths within 30 seconds.
Quickly move from one exercise to another without rest. After the completion of the cycle of the five exercises, rest for about two to three minutes and repeat the complex again. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: fitfixed.com/training/advise/ubojnaya-trenirovka-kora-v-domashnih-usloviyah/