Drink from acorns: coffee taste and valuable health benefits!
Our Ancestors revered the oak, since it is the Enlightenment Tree of our Ancestor – God Perun. At all times, and is still made of oak cut out Kumira Perun. The oak is a tree of Warriors and Knights. In Russia, the oak is considered to be the embodiment of male strength and power. It is the most energetically strong tree. The oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of great vitality and wisdom. Oak gives long-lasting energy, helping anyone who wants to become really strong. Our Ancestors knew that oak helps with hopeless diseases, mortal wounds, and used this knowledge in folk healing.
Walking along the grove have a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system. Oak is one of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and spoilage. For personal protection from negative vibrations by oak solar symbol or a cross, oak-beads or rosary. On Windows as a talisman can be hung acorns (in the form of beautiful garlands), which will not allow the evil forces to enter your home.
Acorn – the fruit of the oak, since ancient times revered for its medicinal properties. Few know that acorn still has a unique culinary properties. Acorn – undeservedly forgotten and unappreciated food. Our Ancestors used to boil the acorns in boiling water, dried and prepared flour, used to make acorn cakes, bread, coffee drink. These products are very useful for stomach.
Nutritional value of acorns. Acorns contain in its composition of proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, tannic acid and a large quantity of starch. The most useful component of the active ingredient quercetin, endowed with many beneficial properties. This substance relieves spasms, swelling and inflammation, provides diuretic and antioxidant effects.
The use of drink made from acorns. The acorns contain substances that influence the blood sugar level, lowering it to normal levels. It is because they are useful for patients who suffer with diabetes.
The fruits of the oak are used as a means of normalizing the cardiovascular system and opposing the development of arrhythmias. Regular consumption of the beverage from acorns disappear palpitations and a feeling of tightness in the chest. "Coffee," from the fruit of the oak, you can safely drink high blood pressure. Flavored drink does not cause an increase in pressure, and tastes very similar to coffee from coffee beans.
Acorns have antibacterial properties. They are able to eradicate the infection, thereby protecting the body from diseases. In the composition of the acorns are substances that have an astringent action. Acorns great help at diseases of urogenital system increase the potency, help to address bedwetting, useful for the treatment of certain women's diseases.
The beneficial impact of acorns and on the digestive system, particularly in acute and chronic colitis, disorders of the stomach. They do the acorns with a cough asthma or bronchitis. For the treatment of such diseases should be regularly consumed coffee from the fruit of the oak.
Preparation of "coffee" made from acorns. While collecting acorns – end of September – October. The need to collect ripe acorns, green or brown, firm to the touch. If they are pressed by the finger, means worm-eaten. If you are collecting from the branches, they should be easily separated from the cap.
Collected acorns pour into a container of water. Those that have surfaced, delete, and drowned acorns to get out of the water arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer and place in preheated oven for 5 – 10 minutes. During this time, most of the acorns will burst and will become dark brown in color, and thus, it will be easier to clean them from the shell.
Taken out of the oven and shelled warm and moist acorns mince (dry to turn hard). The resulting "ground" to dry on the trays or in the dryer until tender. Ready raw materials store in glass jars or in multilayer paper bags.
In order to prepare a coffee beverage, you need to grind the acorns in a coffee grinder and fry in a dry pan, stirring constantly. Depending on the degree of roast is obtained taste different.
Brew "coffee" from acorns need as well as cooked coffee beans, at the rate of one teaspoon powder in a Cup of water. Cane sugar, honey, milk add to taste. It is quite a tasty drink, something resembling coffee, and sometimes, cocoa with milk, (depending on the roast in the pan and add the spices). "Coffee" from acorns tones are very good, easily eliminates the headache.
I can say that I was treated to this drink is very avid coffee drinkers and they like it very much. However, they said that they are too lazy to do harvesting acorns. The main enemy of our health is the lazy, easier to go to the store to buy some stuff and spoil their health. Can you rejoice that my husband one evening he prepared so many of the coffee powder from acorns, minced, that it will last at least six months, so that the workpiece acorns you have a lot of time will not occupy.
There are still secrets, as you can vary the flavor of your coffee drink made from acorns. For this you can use spices. In this case, your acorn "coffee" will find additional useful properties. Suitable spices are: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg.
A drink made from acorns and other plants. Should take 30 gr. toasted acorns, 20 gr. barley, 10 oz. rye, oats, and dandelion root, 15 gr. wheat and 20 gr. wild chicory, grind all in coffee grinder and pour into a glass dish – for example, closing the jar. The mixture brew and drink as tea: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. of boiling water, adding the taste of brown sugar, honey or milk.
Flour from acorns. From acorns you can even cook porridge. And acorn flour is perfect for baking a variety of Goodies. Its recipe is quite simple. The fruit of the oak to collect, peel, cut into several pieces and soaked in water for 2 days. From time to time water is stirred and changed at least 4 times. Acorns to boil, drain the water. Skip the boiled fruits through a meat grinder, then dried in air and then in the oven. The resulting mass is suitable for the manufacture of acorn cereals, and for making acorn flour (with finer grinding).
From this acorn grits cook very nutritious porridge in the saucepan. Pour water (100 gr.) and milk (200 ml.), add salt and a little melted butter, heat the liquid to boiling, poured the cereal and stir. When the grits swell, the porridge cook, stirring, over low heat until it thickens. Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put in the oven. When the porridge cook until ready, serve it right – hot, adding to taste more of butter.
Bread from acorn flour. This bread is good for the stomach, as substances that are contained in acorns, contribute to its purification. It is necessary to take 400 gr. acorn flour, 100 gr. wheat flour and mix thoroughly.
Coffee drink from chicory roots. Drink from chicory is not only delicious, but also very useful. First, the chicory lowers blood sugar levels, so it is simply necessary to diabetics. Secondly, chicory normalizes blood pressure due to the expansion of blood vessels and regulation of the heart. Regular use of chicory is able to reduce the symptoms of tachycardia, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure.
In addition, chicory cleanses the blood and liver, removes from the body toxins, improves metabolism. In neurosis and depressive States with increased excitability of chicory are able gently to calm the man.
For making coffee from chicory roots do all the same operations as with acorns.
Coffee from rye grains. It is prepared from roasted and ground grains of rye. Rye is rich in amino acids, fiber, iron and vitamins a, b, E and PP.
Rye coffee improves digestion, gently cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Coffee from rye grains, doing all the same operations as with acorns.
Coffee from barley grains. Barley is rich in carbohydrates and fiber, it is very nutritious. Contains barley and protein, and many vitamins, like vitamin a, b, D, C and E. Barley is a natural antioxidant, it rejuvenates the body and slows the aging process. A drink made from barley is very useful in diseases of the heart and the digestive system. Barley "coffee" reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, takes care of the heart and blood vessels. For the preparation of "coffee" made from barley grains, doing all the same operations as with acorns.
As a raw material for producing coffee drinks, you can use the roots of dandelion, burdock, elecampane, seeds viburnum ordinary, the fruits of the forest Apple, Rowan, hawthorn blood-red, rose hips cinnamon, nuts of the common hazel.
These roots and fruits harvested in the fall. They should be thoroughly rinsed several times. Then they were cut into pieces and dried in an oven, a dryer or oven (dried roots and fruits should have no more than 12-13% moisture and crunch break). After that they are processed into powder or stored whole in a tightly-closed containers or multiwall paper bags.
Preparation Jelovnika published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: rodobogie.org/content/kofeynyy-napitok-iz-zheludey-cikoriya-rzhi-yachmenya-i-drugih-rasteniy

Walking along the grove have a beneficial effect on the heart and nervous system. Oak is one of the most powerful amulets against the evil eye and spoilage. For personal protection from negative vibrations by oak solar symbol or a cross, oak-beads or rosary. On Windows as a talisman can be hung acorns (in the form of beautiful garlands), which will not allow the evil forces to enter your home.
Acorn – the fruit of the oak, since ancient times revered for its medicinal properties. Few know that acorn still has a unique culinary properties. Acorn – undeservedly forgotten and unappreciated food. Our Ancestors used to boil the acorns in boiling water, dried and prepared flour, used to make acorn cakes, bread, coffee drink. These products are very useful for stomach.
Nutritional value of acorns. Acorns contain in its composition of proteins, carbohydrates, tannins, tannic acid and a large quantity of starch. The most useful component of the active ingredient quercetin, endowed with many beneficial properties. This substance relieves spasms, swelling and inflammation, provides diuretic and antioxidant effects.
The use of drink made from acorns. The acorns contain substances that influence the blood sugar level, lowering it to normal levels. It is because they are useful for patients who suffer with diabetes.
The fruits of the oak are used as a means of normalizing the cardiovascular system and opposing the development of arrhythmias. Regular consumption of the beverage from acorns disappear palpitations and a feeling of tightness in the chest. "Coffee," from the fruit of the oak, you can safely drink high blood pressure. Flavored drink does not cause an increase in pressure, and tastes very similar to coffee from coffee beans.
Acorns have antibacterial properties. They are able to eradicate the infection, thereby protecting the body from diseases. In the composition of the acorns are substances that have an astringent action. Acorns great help at diseases of urogenital system increase the potency, help to address bedwetting, useful for the treatment of certain women's diseases.
The beneficial impact of acorns and on the digestive system, particularly in acute and chronic colitis, disorders of the stomach. They do the acorns with a cough asthma or bronchitis. For the treatment of such diseases should be regularly consumed coffee from the fruit of the oak.
Preparation of "coffee" made from acorns. While collecting acorns – end of September – October. The need to collect ripe acorns, green or brown, firm to the touch. If they are pressed by the finger, means worm-eaten. If you are collecting from the branches, they should be easily separated from the cap.

Collected acorns pour into a container of water. Those that have surfaced, delete, and drowned acorns to get out of the water arrange on a baking sheet in a single layer and place in preheated oven for 5 – 10 minutes. During this time, most of the acorns will burst and will become dark brown in color, and thus, it will be easier to clean them from the shell.
Taken out of the oven and shelled warm and moist acorns mince (dry to turn hard). The resulting "ground" to dry on the trays or in the dryer until tender. Ready raw materials store in glass jars or in multilayer paper bags.
In order to prepare a coffee beverage, you need to grind the acorns in a coffee grinder and fry in a dry pan, stirring constantly. Depending on the degree of roast is obtained taste different.
Brew "coffee" from acorns need as well as cooked coffee beans, at the rate of one teaspoon powder in a Cup of water. Cane sugar, honey, milk add to taste. It is quite a tasty drink, something resembling coffee, and sometimes, cocoa with milk, (depending on the roast in the pan and add the spices). "Coffee" from acorns tones are very good, easily eliminates the headache.
I can say that I was treated to this drink is very avid coffee drinkers and they like it very much. However, they said that they are too lazy to do harvesting acorns. The main enemy of our health is the lazy, easier to go to the store to buy some stuff and spoil their health. Can you rejoice that my husband one evening he prepared so many of the coffee powder from acorns, minced, that it will last at least six months, so that the workpiece acorns you have a lot of time will not occupy.
There are still secrets, as you can vary the flavor of your coffee drink made from acorns. For this you can use spices. In this case, your acorn "coffee" will find additional useful properties. Suitable spices are: cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, nutmeg.
A drink made from acorns and other plants. Should take 30 gr. toasted acorns, 20 gr. barley, 10 oz. rye, oats, and dandelion root, 15 gr. wheat and 20 gr. wild chicory, grind all in coffee grinder and pour into a glass dish – for example, closing the jar. The mixture brew and drink as tea: 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. of boiling water, adding the taste of brown sugar, honey or milk.
Flour from acorns. From acorns you can even cook porridge. And acorn flour is perfect for baking a variety of Goodies. Its recipe is quite simple. The fruit of the oak to collect, peel, cut into several pieces and soaked in water for 2 days. From time to time water is stirred and changed at least 4 times. Acorns to boil, drain the water. Skip the boiled fruits through a meat grinder, then dried in air and then in the oven. The resulting mass is suitable for the manufacture of acorn cereals, and for making acorn flour (with finer grinding).
From this acorn grits cook very nutritious porridge in the saucepan. Pour water (100 gr.) and milk (200 ml.), add salt and a little melted butter, heat the liquid to boiling, poured the cereal and stir. When the grits swell, the porridge cook, stirring, over low heat until it thickens. Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put in the oven. When the porridge cook until ready, serve it right – hot, adding to taste more of butter.
Bread from acorn flour. This bread is good for the stomach, as substances that are contained in acorns, contribute to its purification. It is necessary to take 400 gr. acorn flour, 100 gr. wheat flour and mix thoroughly.
Coffee drink from chicory roots. Drink from chicory is not only delicious, but also very useful. First, the chicory lowers blood sugar levels, so it is simply necessary to diabetics. Secondly, chicory normalizes blood pressure due to the expansion of blood vessels and regulation of the heart. Regular use of chicory is able to reduce the symptoms of tachycardia, arrhythmia, congestive heart failure.
In addition, chicory cleanses the blood and liver, removes from the body toxins, improves metabolism. In neurosis and depressive States with increased excitability of chicory are able gently to calm the man.
For making coffee from chicory roots do all the same operations as with acorns.
Coffee from rye grains. It is prepared from roasted and ground grains of rye. Rye is rich in amino acids, fiber, iron and vitamins a, b, E and PP.
Rye coffee improves digestion, gently cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Coffee from rye grains, doing all the same operations as with acorns.
Coffee from barley grains. Barley is rich in carbohydrates and fiber, it is very nutritious. Contains barley and protein, and many vitamins, like vitamin a, b, D, C and E. Barley is a natural antioxidant, it rejuvenates the body and slows the aging process. A drink made from barley is very useful in diseases of the heart and the digestive system. Barley "coffee" reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, takes care of the heart and blood vessels. For the preparation of "coffee" made from barley grains, doing all the same operations as with acorns.
As a raw material for producing coffee drinks, you can use the roots of dandelion, burdock, elecampane, seeds viburnum ordinary, the fruits of the forest Apple, Rowan, hawthorn blood-red, rose hips cinnamon, nuts of the common hazel.
These roots and fruits harvested in the fall. They should be thoroughly rinsed several times. Then they were cut into pieces and dried in an oven, a dryer or oven (dried roots and fruits should have no more than 12-13% moisture and crunch break). After that they are processed into powder or stored whole in a tightly-closed containers or multiwall paper bags.
Preparation Jelovnika published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: rodobogie.org/content/kofeynyy-napitok-iz-zheludey-cikoriya-rzhi-yachmenya-i-drugih-rasteniy