Crafts of acorns and chestnuts
Autumn is generous with gifts! Nuts, berries, colorful leaves and, of course, chestnuts. From all this, you can make a huge number of beautiful crafts that will not only help your child win at the school autumn exhibition, but also add bright notes of autumn comfort to the house.
Today's edition. "Site" I have 11 unusual ideas for you. chestnut. The atmosphere in the living room is magical!
Crafts of acorns and chestnuts
Even the smallest can cope with the manufacture of this caterpillar of chestnuts.
Acorns are beautiful on their own. They can be simply poured into a glass glass and thus used for autumnal.
To create such a photo frame, you will need acorn hats. Look how stylish and interesting it turned out!
With the help of plasticine, you can turn an acorn into an unusual bird or a cute caterpillar. For a bird, you need to sculpt a beak, eyes and wings. With snails it is even easier: blind the mollusk body, and use chestnut as a shell. If desired, from several birds and snails, you can create a whole fabulous composition!
Acorns, matches, glue or plasticine for joining parts - and at your disposal a whole army of magical soldiers, tremblingly made by your child. autumnal.
Originally look acorns suspended on twigs. You can paint them with acrylic paints or cover them with nail polish.
A few more exciting ideas for creativity.
And with the help of such crafts, my children and I learn English. For example, yesterday we made a dining set like this out of acorn caps, imagining that the Queen of England herself went out for an autumn picnic and drank delicious tea from them, talking to her courtiers. And since the Queen lives in England, we spoke her native language. We talked as much as we could and it was fun - Lisa and Andrew really liked it!
With the help of handicrafts made of chestnuts and acorns, you can create a magical city with its fairy tale heroes and adventures. What is not the beginning of an exciting and developing fantasy game for a child?
In addition, with the help of cones and acorns, you can beautifully decorate a box or a mirror frame.
I also suggest you learn the secret of making not just beautiful, but also useful in the household thing made from autumn leaves. A bright candy bar will be an exquisite decoration of any table!
Inspired by these ideas, my Andrew made two crafts, which he won at the autumn exhibition. And when the son brought the work back home, the husband proudly put the craft on the top shelf of the rack and said: “Let everyone see!”
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Today's edition. "Site" I have 11 unusual ideas for you. chestnut. The atmosphere in the living room is magical!

Crafts of acorns and chestnuts
- From chestnuts you can make all sorts of people and animals. When making crafts from this natural material, use both the chestnuts themselves and their spiny skin. You can also add some acorns and fasten the details with plasticine and matches, as in this example in the photo.
Even the smallest can cope with the manufacture of this caterpillar of chestnuts.

Acorns are beautiful on their own. They can be simply poured into a glass glass and thus used for autumnal.

To create such a photo frame, you will need acorn hats. Look how stylish and interesting it turned out!

With the help of plasticine, you can turn an acorn into an unusual bird or a cute caterpillar. For a bird, you need to sculpt a beak, eyes and wings. With snails it is even easier: blind the mollusk body, and use chestnut as a shell. If desired, from several birds and snails, you can create a whole fabulous composition!

Acorns, matches, glue or plasticine for joining parts - and at your disposal a whole army of magical soldiers, tremblingly made by your child. autumnal.

Originally look acorns suspended on twigs. You can paint them with acrylic paints or cover them with nail polish.

A few more exciting ideas for creativity.

And with the help of such crafts, my children and I learn English. For example, yesterday we made a dining set like this out of acorn caps, imagining that the Queen of England herself went out for an autumn picnic and drank delicious tea from them, talking to her courtiers. And since the Queen lives in England, we spoke her native language. We talked as much as we could and it was fun - Lisa and Andrew really liked it!

With the help of handicrafts made of chestnuts and acorns, you can create a magical city with its fairy tale heroes and adventures. What is not the beginning of an exciting and developing fantasy game for a child?

In addition, with the help of cones and acorns, you can beautifully decorate a box or a mirror frame.

I also suggest you learn the secret of making not just beautiful, but also useful in the household thing made from autumn leaves. A bright candy bar will be an exquisite decoration of any table!
Inspired by these ideas, my Andrew made two crafts, which he won at the autumn exhibition. And when the son brought the work back home, the husband proudly put the craft on the top shelf of the rack and said: “Let everyone see!”
If you inspired This article, don’t forget to share it with your friends.