Bringing full chestnut pockets and throwing them into boiling water, old healer taught
What to do with chestnuts in the high season? My answer is simple: collect more! This is the case when the good and the good in the literal sense of the word are lying under the feet. About how to use the gifts of autumn nature with a sense, I will tell in detail later in the article.
There are 2 different types of chestnuts: horse chestnut and noble chestnut. If the noble chestnut can be eaten, the horse is not suitable for food. But it is most often found in our latitudes. Does this mean that horse chestnut fruits are useless? On the contrary, it is necessary to collect horse chestnut, the use of which is invaluable in everyday life, for beauty and health.
Our ancestors believed that chestnuts have magical properties and can serve as protection in the house from negative energy. And in folk medicine, the chestnut tree along with fruits, flowers, leaves and even bark is used for various health purposes.
However, this is not surprising, everything in chestnut contains just a lot of useful substances. For example, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Tincture made from forest chestnuts helps relieve swelling, strengthens immunity, and also alleviates the symptoms and consequences of various gastrointestinal diseases.
To prepare a small portion of such tincture, you will need only 10-12 chestnuts. You can easily collect this amount just by walking through the autumn forest. When you get home, fill them with boiling water and leave them for a few minutes. Then drain the water and dry the chestnuts.
Next, cut them into quarters and place them in a glass jar, which you can then seal. Pour chopped chestnuts of 500 ml of transparent hot drink. Stir it well, close the jar and put it in a cool place for 30 days. Done!
You can take tincture in different ways. For example, only 5 drops before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or dissolve 5 ml of the product in water and take it 2 times a day between meals. But remember that before you use chestnut tincture, you need to consult your doctor.
By the way, this tincture is not only drunk, but also used for external use. Cotton discs are moistened in chestnut and lubricate them with sore joints. It also helps to remove excessive swelling and get rid of seizures.
Chestnut Editorial Board can be used for other purposes. For example, cosmetics. To do this, make a blank of chestnut in the form of flour. This flour can be used to wash hair and added to skin care products.
To prepare flour, you need to dry the chestnuts and grind them in a coffee grinder. For washing the head will need 1-2 tbsp. l. chestnut flour. The flour foams well and removes dirt. After 1 month of using a natural chestnut shampoo, the sebaceous glands normalize, and hair will fall out less. The hair will gain shine and elasticity, and over time the head can be washed less often.
With chestnut flour, it is useful to take baths and make skin scrubs. To take a bath, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. chestnut flour with 500 ml of water, boil the mixture and insist for 6-8 hours. Bath with chestnut gives the skin tone and tightness, improves blood circulation.
In addition, chestnut flour can be brushed. This is a natural and, most importantly, free replacement of toothpaste in tubes. And they say that chestnut powder is able to whiten teeth by 1 ton. Interesting to try!
Also from chestnut prepare a special means for washing clothes. And you can add it directly to the washing machine. On how to do it, I wrote a separate article. I advise you to read it if you like experiments. You will find the material through the link.
Tell me, do you use chestnuts at home?

There are 2 different types of chestnuts: horse chestnut and noble chestnut. If the noble chestnut can be eaten, the horse is not suitable for food. But it is most often found in our latitudes. Does this mean that horse chestnut fruits are useless? On the contrary, it is necessary to collect horse chestnut, the use of which is invaluable in everyday life, for beauty and health.

Our ancestors believed that chestnuts have magical properties and can serve as protection in the house from negative energy. And in folk medicine, the chestnut tree along with fruits, flowers, leaves and even bark is used for various health purposes.

However, this is not surprising, everything in chestnut contains just a lot of useful substances. For example, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Tincture made from forest chestnuts helps relieve swelling, strengthens immunity, and also alleviates the symptoms and consequences of various gastrointestinal diseases.
To prepare a small portion of such tincture, you will need only 10-12 chestnuts. You can easily collect this amount just by walking through the autumn forest. When you get home, fill them with boiling water and leave them for a few minutes. Then drain the water and dry the chestnuts.
Next, cut them into quarters and place them in a glass jar, which you can then seal. Pour chopped chestnuts of 500 ml of transparent hot drink. Stir it well, close the jar and put it in a cool place for 30 days. Done!

You can take tincture in different ways. For example, only 5 drops before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or dissolve 5 ml of the product in water and take it 2 times a day between meals. But remember that before you use chestnut tincture, you need to consult your doctor.
By the way, this tincture is not only drunk, but also used for external use. Cotton discs are moistened in chestnut and lubricate them with sore joints. It also helps to remove excessive swelling and get rid of seizures.
Chestnut Editorial Board can be used for other purposes. For example, cosmetics. To do this, make a blank of chestnut in the form of flour. This flour can be used to wash hair and added to skin care products.

To prepare flour, you need to dry the chestnuts and grind them in a coffee grinder. For washing the head will need 1-2 tbsp. l. chestnut flour. The flour foams well and removes dirt. After 1 month of using a natural chestnut shampoo, the sebaceous glands normalize, and hair will fall out less. The hair will gain shine and elasticity, and over time the head can be washed less often.
With chestnut flour, it is useful to take baths and make skin scrubs. To take a bath, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. chestnut flour with 500 ml of water, boil the mixture and insist for 6-8 hours. Bath with chestnut gives the skin tone and tightness, improves blood circulation.

In addition, chestnut flour can be brushed. This is a natural and, most importantly, free replacement of toothpaste in tubes. And they say that chestnut powder is able to whiten teeth by 1 ton. Interesting to try!
Also from chestnut prepare a special means for washing clothes. And you can add it directly to the washing machine. On how to do it, I wrote a separate article. I advise you to read it if you like experiments. You will find the material through the link.
Tell me, do you use chestnuts at home?
If you can't find the happy men in the picture, it's time for a psychologist.
In autumn, I put chestnuts in the wash, only a select few know this valuable trick.