You can not postpone life for later, even in troubled times.
The fate of Ukraine now worries many. “Do not put off life for later, even in troubled times!” says the healer Mykola Tsvitokh from the Cherkas region. His predictions say a lot!
Today's edition. "Site" prophesy medicine man Mykola Tsvitohi The fate of Ukraine. Important sign!
The fate of Ukraine Pan Mykola comes from the Cherkasy region, but in the 80s he moved to the Carpathians, as this is where he feels best. There also revealed his unique abilities and clairvoyance.
He also lived in Kazakhstan for many years. There he mastered Shiatsu under the protection of a Chinese monk. He is now helping those in need to heal and making predictions.
He says a lot about the fate of Ukraine and the world as a whole. It is with pain in his heart that he speaks of war. If you look at history, it is worth remembering that Ukrainians have never attacked anyone. They only defended their lands or helped others in defense.
As for the occupying country, it will eventually take the eastern part of Ukraine. After that, however, it will collapse.
China will take part of the country, and the Kuril Islands – Japan. Finland remembers Karelia. A lot of people will start collecting land. But it will not lead to anything good! says the soothsayer.
If China joins the process, World War 3 will definitely begin. Regarding the commission of a nuclear attack, the healer denies, but he speaks of a hydrogen attack with fear and sadness in his eyes.
“It may well be. And after it will rise a strong tsunami that will destroy most of the world.”
Healers often turn to prophecies. queen (aka Michalda). “The sea will cook and the crows will peck at the eyes. And no one will bury them. And those who stay with each other will go to the other with happiness! ?
“There will be very few people left and they will live far apart. Their movement will be on horses. Just what kind of life in bunkers! – expresses his opinion healer.
By the way, the Queen of Sheba is mentioned in many legends and religious books of several peoples - in the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, in Ethiopian and Yemeni folklore. They all speak of their prophecies.
Michalda said that the manifestation of human vices will be a wake-up call for all civilization. There will be no love and truth, and only hypocrisy, betrayal and deception will settle in the hearts of people. From that moment the collapse of our world will begin.
I also propose to familiarize yourself with the predictions of the Queen of Sheba about what humanity will soon be waiting for. The apocalypse will not come immediately. This is preceded by a huge number of events related to each other!
The prophecies of the Queen of Sheba, like the sorcerer Pan Mykola, are not encouraging, but frightening. But there is hope! If people turn to God, stop putting money on a pedestal and start spiritualizeIt can still be changed.
“The fate of Ukraine, as of the world, is in our hands. And start with yourself, your actions, habits and thoughts. My heart is with God and my hands are toiling. That is how, and not otherwise, it is worth living! advises the healer.
Today's edition. "Site" prophesy medicine man Mykola Tsvitohi The fate of Ukraine. Important sign!

The fate of Ukraine Pan Mykola comes from the Cherkasy region, but in the 80s he moved to the Carpathians, as this is where he feels best. There also revealed his unique abilities and clairvoyance.
He also lived in Kazakhstan for many years. There he mastered Shiatsu under the protection of a Chinese monk. He is now helping those in need to heal and making predictions.

He says a lot about the fate of Ukraine and the world as a whole. It is with pain in his heart that he speaks of war. If you look at history, it is worth remembering that Ukrainians have never attacked anyone. They only defended their lands or helped others in defense.
As for the occupying country, it will eventually take the eastern part of Ukraine. After that, however, it will collapse.
China will take part of the country, and the Kuril Islands – Japan. Finland remembers Karelia. A lot of people will start collecting land. But it will not lead to anything good! says the soothsayer.

If China joins the process, World War 3 will definitely begin. Regarding the commission of a nuclear attack, the healer denies, but he speaks of a hydrogen attack with fear and sadness in his eyes.
“It may well be. And after it will rise a strong tsunami that will destroy most of the world.”

Healers often turn to prophecies. queen (aka Michalda). “The sea will cook and the crows will peck at the eyes. And no one will bury them. And those who stay with each other will go to the other with happiness! ?
“There will be very few people left and they will live far apart. Their movement will be on horses. Just what kind of life in bunkers! – expresses his opinion healer.

By the way, the Queen of Sheba is mentioned in many legends and religious books of several peoples - in the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, in Ethiopian and Yemeni folklore. They all speak of their prophecies.
Michalda said that the manifestation of human vices will be a wake-up call for all civilization. There will be no love and truth, and only hypocrisy, betrayal and deception will settle in the hearts of people. From that moment the collapse of our world will begin.

I also propose to familiarize yourself with the predictions of the Queen of Sheba about what humanity will soon be waiting for. The apocalypse will not come immediately. This is preceded by a huge number of events related to each other!

The prophecies of the Queen of Sheba, like the sorcerer Pan Mykola, are not encouraging, but frightening. But there is hope! If people turn to God, stop putting money on a pedestal and start spiritualizeIt can still be changed.
“The fate of Ukraine, as of the world, is in our hands. And start with yourself, your actions, habits and thoughts. My heart is with God and my hands are toiling. That is how, and not otherwise, it is worth living! advises the healer.
I'm making buns on milk, I'm not turning on the oven, I'm going to teach you.
The attendant ordered to sleep only on the left side, the state of health immediately improved.