10 car life hacks that every driver should know
Since cars have been on the roads, replacing horses harnessed to carts, car owners around the world have come up with hundreds of truly ingenious ways to improve their lives and make it easier to communicate with a car. The life of every motorist is full of minor inconveniences associated with the operation of his iron horse.
We have collected ten best life hacks for motorists, which will help not only beginners, but also drivers with experience. Whether you want to save on gasoline consumption or straighten out a dent on your own, each of the tips we give you will make your next trip by car much more enjoyable or increase the life of your vehicle.
Remove the ice on the lock with a disinfectant
Car locks can be covered with ice in winter. Apply some waterless hand sanitizer to the key. The same alcohol contained in it can not only kill the germs on your hands, but also melt the ice on the castle.
Remove the dent with dry ice
A sharp change in temperature will cause a dent on your car to straighten out. Take a piece of dry ice and wipe the place of the dent, first attaching a piece of foil to it. Don’t forget to wear strong gloves so that the ice doesn’t damage your hands.
Clean the engine with soapy solution A perfectly clean engine will last longer. Before you start cleaning, cover the batteries, air intake and distributor with plastic bags. Dilute in the water a little detergent (degreaser is also good) and wash the engine with a soft cloth. Don’t forget to remove all bags when you finish cleaning.
Paint the scratches with nail polish Of course, it is better to use a special paint designed specifically for such purposes. But in extreme cases, do not forget that small scratches can be removed and ordinary nail polish. Just make sure you pick the right color first.
Use aromatic candles instead of air freshener
Place aromatic candles in an unoccupied cup holder on a hot day. The candle will gradually melt and spread a pleasant aroma. Place the candle first in a glass jar so that the melted wax does not leave traces in the car.
Clean fog lights with toothpaste
Over time, the headlights become foggy and covered with dirt. But the same remedy that keeps your teeth clean will help keep the headlights clean again. Apply the toothpaste with a thick layer on the headlight glass, rinse with water and polish with a dry cloth. You will be amazed at how bright the light is.
Clean the windshield with a razor blade Dead beetles, pollen and all sorts of sticky stuff can get the glass so dirty that you won’t see a dump truck flying at you until it’s two meters away. Where the wiper can not cope with the problem, the razor blade will come to the rescue. Be very careful and do not cut yourself. You will also have to wash your blood later.
Lighten the keychain to protect the ignition A heavy keychain with keys not only exposes you in a stupid light, brazenly bulging out of your pants pocket and turning perplexed glances at yourself. It also presses on the key in the ignition lock, causing premature wear. Keep the ignition key separate from the entire bundle to protect the ignition of your car.
Remove the mess to reduce fuel consumption Some of us literally live in our own car. But few people know that the more junk you store in a car, the more fuel it consumes when driving. Each additional 45 kg of weight increases fuel consumption by 2%. It would seem a little, but the next time you refuel your SUV, think about how much you could save now and in the future.
Keep cat filler in the car If you ever get stuck in a car on an icy road, thank you for this advice. Sprinkle the filler around the driving wheels, made of bentonite clay or silica, it will give the necessary support for the tires. For those who drive rear-wheel drive cars, a large bag of cat filler in the trunk will provide better grip on a slippery road. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/02/08/10-avtomobilnyx-lajfxakov-kotorye-dolzhen-znat-kazhdyj-voditel/
We have collected ten best life hacks for motorists, which will help not only beginners, but also drivers with experience. Whether you want to save on gasoline consumption or straighten out a dent on your own, each of the tips we give you will make your next trip by car much more enjoyable or increase the life of your vehicle.
Remove the ice on the lock with a disinfectant
Car locks can be covered with ice in winter. Apply some waterless hand sanitizer to the key. The same alcohol contained in it can not only kill the germs on your hands, but also melt the ice on the castle.

Remove the dent with dry ice
A sharp change in temperature will cause a dent on your car to straighten out. Take a piece of dry ice and wipe the place of the dent, first attaching a piece of foil to it. Don’t forget to wear strong gloves so that the ice doesn’t damage your hands.

Clean the engine with soapy solution A perfectly clean engine will last longer. Before you start cleaning, cover the batteries, air intake and distributor with plastic bags. Dilute in the water a little detergent (degreaser is also good) and wash the engine with a soft cloth. Don’t forget to remove all bags when you finish cleaning.

Paint the scratches with nail polish Of course, it is better to use a special paint designed specifically for such purposes. But in extreme cases, do not forget that small scratches can be removed and ordinary nail polish. Just make sure you pick the right color first.

Use aromatic candles instead of air freshener
Place aromatic candles in an unoccupied cup holder on a hot day. The candle will gradually melt and spread a pleasant aroma. Place the candle first in a glass jar so that the melted wax does not leave traces in the car.
Clean fog lights with toothpaste
Over time, the headlights become foggy and covered with dirt. But the same remedy that keeps your teeth clean will help keep the headlights clean again. Apply the toothpaste with a thick layer on the headlight glass, rinse with water and polish with a dry cloth. You will be amazed at how bright the light is.

Clean the windshield with a razor blade Dead beetles, pollen and all sorts of sticky stuff can get the glass so dirty that you won’t see a dump truck flying at you until it’s two meters away. Where the wiper can not cope with the problem, the razor blade will come to the rescue. Be very careful and do not cut yourself. You will also have to wash your blood later.

Lighten the keychain to protect the ignition A heavy keychain with keys not only exposes you in a stupid light, brazenly bulging out of your pants pocket and turning perplexed glances at yourself. It also presses on the key in the ignition lock, causing premature wear. Keep the ignition key separate from the entire bundle to protect the ignition of your car.

Remove the mess to reduce fuel consumption Some of us literally live in our own car. But few people know that the more junk you store in a car, the more fuel it consumes when driving. Each additional 45 kg of weight increases fuel consumption by 2%. It would seem a little, but the next time you refuel your SUV, think about how much you could save now and in the future.

Keep cat filler in the car If you ever get stuck in a car on an icy road, thank you for this advice. Sprinkle the filler around the driving wheels, made of bentonite clay or silica, it will give the necessary support for the tires. For those who drive rear-wheel drive cars, a large bag of cat filler in the trunk will provide better grip on a slippery road. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/02/08/10-avtomobilnyx-lajfxakov-kotorye-dolzhen-znat-kazhdyj-voditel/