Reveal the secrets of EXPERIENCED HUNTERS: bait, feed, smelly bait
Use sweet-smelling bait is dependent on availability of fodder, their type and quality, season and body condition of animals in a given period, not to mention the individual characteristics of each individual animal.
At the beginning of winter, when the abundant with natural food, the best bait may serve the same types of food that feed the beast in this period.
As a rule, aromatic lures are used on hunting the bait and help the hunter to dispatch the animal in the desired direction, i.e. to the hunting sites.
Affecting the sense of smell, they stimulate the arousal of the animal caused by the odor of the opposite sex, the smell of a rival during the mating season or the opponent (the applicant) on the aft seat. Agitation, aggression, curiosity — the right way to loss of vigilance and motivation to prove themselves. To drive the competitor away from the food, females, to indicate its presence, to attract males, etc.
Range of odorous baits on animals includes gels in different packaging, the Smoking sticks, sprays, traps, gels, etc. But we'll talk about natural baits.
With the aim of attracting animals to traps used feed and odorous bait. To increase the range of lures photoscom lay odorous trail on which to set traps. Odorous baits use urine and musk glands highlight animals that are particularly good in the period of sexual activity of animals.
Well attract animals live baits: imprisoned in cage mice, birds and other larger animals. A bait for large predatory animals are carcasses or parts of carcasses of any animals killed by non-communicable diseases of horses, cows, small cattle, in the North — domesticated reindeer and marine animals.
Put the bait should be 2-3 months before the start of the fishery so that the animals got used to it and regularly visited. Arrange the bait in a clearing with an area of 1-2 hectares, located not closer than 2-3 km from the village and highway. Such a location eliminates the possibility of falling into the traps of dogs facilitates the monitoring bait and installing traps on animal trails approach. To protect the bait from Stripping the birds and beasts of the animal carcass must be buried in the ground, leaving outside only the head, neck and chest part.
Of great importance are the feeding grounds for small predators (polecat, ermine and other animals) that suit in ravines, along streams and rivers and in other places visited by these animals. For reliable attraction of animals to the site systematically lay out carcasses of rodents, birds, the entrails of poultry, small fish. Sable willingly eats the pine nuts, the pine marten and columns — med, mink and otter — fish oil and butter. The lure predators is recommended to catch live magpies, mice and other small animals.
Sixty six million seven hundred nine thousand two hundred twenty seven
For hare and squirrels, the best bait is the fungus deer truffle (Parga). Parga is found in different types of Northern coniferous forests, mainly in dry areas with sandy soil. Collect it during the whole warm period of the year. Find mushroom in kopanka rabbits and squirrels around kopanky remove forest litter and the upper soil layer in touch with the owner and find there a mushroom shaped like small potato tubers sandy-yellow or dark-brown color. Collected Parga cleaned from the soil, mold and dried in the sun until fully cured. Parga is stored in a dry place protecting from mold, as mouldy mushrooms squirrels don't eat. Before use dry mushrooms soaked in brine, milk or molasses.
As feed lures a squirrel gathers nuts, acorns, fir and pine cones, dried strawberries, various dried mushrooms, sunflower seeds, rye crackers, the stomach contents of dead squirrels. Rabbits serve as a good bait felled aspen, willow or exhibited Stozhkov hay, soaked in a strong solution of salt.
An odorous bait is made of feed in advance of decomposed meat or fish. To odorous lure long acted and gave off a strong smell in cold weather, it added to musk and cod liver oil.
In a glass jar is applied 1 kg of meat or minced fish. Then to the meat stuffing add 100-200 g splicing or goose fat, unsalted butter or pork lard.
Fish forcemeat Add 100-200 g of fish oil, spermaceti or blubber. The fat is mixed well with the stuffing and then tie the jar with tracing paper or plastic wrap and 1-2 months put in a warm place.
For the preparation of odorous compounds can also be used finely chopped frogs, lizards, and June beetles. Them in the same proportions are placed in a jar, pour any fat and fermented for 1-2 months.
In order that the smell was persistent, odorous baits in 1 kg meat add 0.5 g of dried and powdered Kabarole or muskrat musk, pounded camphor, anise and other fragrant substances.
A few distinct group of odorous lures are different selection of animals. For podmanivaya wolves and foxes arrange artificial mochetochniki — place, watered with the urine of these animals, particularly females.
The hunters from the hunted animals it is recommended to drain the urine into a bottle, to protect it from decay in it, dissolve 100 g of pure sodium chloride and stored in a cool place. You can use frozen urine, which is collected with the snow and store in a clean jar or plastic bag in the cold.
A good lure for many animals of the family dog and mustelids is the secret allocated barsovyi glands. This paired musk glands chechenizatsiya forms, a bluish wolf and yellow-orange from the ermine and polecat. They are located around the anus.
The secret produced by these glands, has a very strong and pungent smell that attracts animals of the same species, which is taken from the gland. So hunters are advised in animals of various types to cut out these glands and stack separately in a jar, which they then ground and pour a strong brine or glycol.
Bait is used and substances that have a smell, not a natural characteristic. As odorous baits in a rut of wolves and foxes successfully used herring brine or a solution of trimethylamine. Wild cats well allures the smell of Valerian.
Eighty nine million eight hundred seventy four thousand six hundred thirty nine
To odorous bait did not bring snow, they are placed in a hollow under the roots of a twisted tree, under the overhanging Bank, arrange odorous bars, hammering into the ground a stake or cutting off at a height of 1 m small sapling. End hemp radially split in several directions. Then at the top in the middle of the stump peg hammer that pushes the splits, forming a socket in which is placed the bait.
To increase the range of the bait, feeding grounds and scented baits are laid to them from different sides odorous trail, dragging on the ground or in the snow, the carcass of the animal, its insides or a piece of clean burlap, burlap, hemp, impregnated with sweet-smelling bait or blood.
To blood better have landed and are not curtailed, it added 30-40% of magnesium sulfate, sulfate of sodium. Thickened blood is diluted with water with the dissolved Glauber's salt is based I teaspoon to 1 Cup of water.
Potas can be dragged, walking, skiing, riding on horseback or in a sleigh. The last two methods give better results when hunting foxes and wolves.
And now briefly systematize odorous bait for animals.
These include a variety of products and supplements that affect animals through the sense of smell; used when hunting them, or prepaymania (accustom) to any particular place in the hunting ground.
Odorous bait can be simple or compound.
Simple smelly baits are the following:
odorous bait a squirrel — punk, soaked in camphor oil is very effective for luring the animal; instead of rotten, you can use an old fir or pine cones that need to drop a little camphor; about traps, especially in late winter, you can use human urine by soaking it foam or rags for bait;
odorous bait a beaver — alcohol or water tincture beaver jet; greased tree trunks and branches near the trap;
odorous bait the wolf and the Fox — anise oil, a solution of trimethylamine, half-decayed meat of mammals, fish and birds, herring brine, goose fat mixed with onion, camphor and honey;
odorous baiton the otter cod — liver oil, which should, if possible, add 2 g of 5% tincture of musk musk deer; the mixture should hold it over a flame for 2-3 minutes and store in a glass container in a cool place; bait can be prepared from the liver of the pike, the gallbladder carp (carp), caviar cancer and dung of the animal (otter); all this is mixed and pounded in a mortar to the consistency of clay, used for fishing trap;
odorous bait on ermine — rotten egg (boiled or baked); the powder is baked and hardened the eggs by adding a small amount of fat; sour cream; anal glands of weasels, which warm up to a mushy mass;
odorous bait hare human urine and thyme (thyme) when fishing traps (dried grass attached to the trap);
odorous bait on column the entrails of large game animals (for potoska), bear oil (fresh and rancid) as hunting pieces and throws, odorous liquid from the anal glands of the animal;
odorous bait to marten — pieces of meat, carcass of a hare or squirrel, which sbrazhivaetsya iodoform and anise oil; tincture of Catnip (Boudreau) for spraying the areas around the trap (it will perform this job very carefully, that in no case the drops do not fall on the trap);
odorous bait for bear — rotten meat; fresh apples, which put in a bag and hung it on the tree to the bottom edge of the bag was at a height of 1.5-2 m from the ground (put the trap under the bait);
odorous bait for mink cod — liver oil in its pure form or mixed with the secretions of the anal glands of the animal (a few drops on trap); the musk glands of a muskrat and Priaralye gland of the mink in the ratio 2:1 who filled the medical 96% ethyl alcohol and stored in glass containers with well-fitting stopper; usually used for spraying in the field setting traps;
odorous bait the muskrat — selection of scent gland of the animal; a few drops is enough to attract to the place of fishing; usually the musk is applied on the stick, which is placed at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the trap;
odorous bait on Fox — the insides of large hoofed animals, the blood of the deer, hare, seals, pieces of meat etc.;
odorous bait into a trot — Valerian tincture (drops), fish oil;
odorous bait sable — valokordin, Corvalol (medical drugs); various perfumes (perfumes & colognes); entrails of animals for paving the odorous trace;
odorous bait predators urine and sex organs of the females (if they are produced in estrus, they should be kept in 96% alcohol, as it is a very valuable fragrant lure to attract the male of the same species at any time of the year);
odorous bait the polecat — boiled rotten egg, crushed along with the old bacon and onion; the mixture is hung in cloth over the trap.
Composite odorous bait are the following:
odorous bait for the wolf and the Fox —
ointment № 1: on 1 kg of meat twice passed through a meat grinder, 300-450 g of melted beef fat (cow's butter), 50-100 g of fish oil; all is well pounded and mixed, tightly corked in a jar and kept in the sun for 1.5-2 months, used to strip odorous trace or create a fragrant fields around the trap (trap);
solution No. 2: anal glands dead animal filled him with bile and urine, is added to glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1 and for a few days, the mixture placed in a cold place; a few drops (3-6) near the trap is sufficient to attract the beast;
odorous bait for ermine — cooked in the middle of summer; frogs, lizards and other reptiles are added to the bucket, and then added the meat of various game, joins 25-30 g of tincture of Valerian, then all are filled with milk and is buried in the ground before the start of the hunting season; the mass used to soak pieces of hunting while fishing for animals to the traps;
odorous bait for marten — in 2 parts of alcohol, add 1 part of anise oil and then 4 pieces of fish, a mix is used to attract the animal to the trap and for making hunting pieces;
odorous bait on the trot — a mixture of fish oil (100 g), muskrat scent gland, Kabarole musk and a few drops (not more than 10) of Catnip.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ohotniki.com/new3/1120.htm
At the beginning of winter, when the abundant with natural food, the best bait may serve the same types of food that feed the beast in this period.
As a rule, aromatic lures are used on hunting the bait and help the hunter to dispatch the animal in the desired direction, i.e. to the hunting sites.
Affecting the sense of smell, they stimulate the arousal of the animal caused by the odor of the opposite sex, the smell of a rival during the mating season or the opponent (the applicant) on the aft seat. Agitation, aggression, curiosity — the right way to loss of vigilance and motivation to prove themselves. To drive the competitor away from the food, females, to indicate its presence, to attract males, etc.
Range of odorous baits on animals includes gels in different packaging, the Smoking sticks, sprays, traps, gels, etc. But we'll talk about natural baits.
With the aim of attracting animals to traps used feed and odorous bait. To increase the range of lures photoscom lay odorous trail on which to set traps. Odorous baits use urine and musk glands highlight animals that are particularly good in the period of sexual activity of animals.
Well attract animals live baits: imprisoned in cage mice, birds and other larger animals. A bait for large predatory animals are carcasses or parts of carcasses of any animals killed by non-communicable diseases of horses, cows, small cattle, in the North — domesticated reindeer and marine animals.
Put the bait should be 2-3 months before the start of the fishery so that the animals got used to it and regularly visited. Arrange the bait in a clearing with an area of 1-2 hectares, located not closer than 2-3 km from the village and highway. Such a location eliminates the possibility of falling into the traps of dogs facilitates the monitoring bait and installing traps on animal trails approach. To protect the bait from Stripping the birds and beasts of the animal carcass must be buried in the ground, leaving outside only the head, neck and chest part.
Of great importance are the feeding grounds for small predators (polecat, ermine and other animals) that suit in ravines, along streams and rivers and in other places visited by these animals. For reliable attraction of animals to the site systematically lay out carcasses of rodents, birds, the entrails of poultry, small fish. Sable willingly eats the pine nuts, the pine marten and columns — med, mink and otter — fish oil and butter. The lure predators is recommended to catch live magpies, mice and other small animals.
Sixty six million seven hundred nine thousand two hundred twenty seven
For hare and squirrels, the best bait is the fungus deer truffle (Parga). Parga is found in different types of Northern coniferous forests, mainly in dry areas with sandy soil. Collect it during the whole warm period of the year. Find mushroom in kopanka rabbits and squirrels around kopanky remove forest litter and the upper soil layer in touch with the owner and find there a mushroom shaped like small potato tubers sandy-yellow or dark-brown color. Collected Parga cleaned from the soil, mold and dried in the sun until fully cured. Parga is stored in a dry place protecting from mold, as mouldy mushrooms squirrels don't eat. Before use dry mushrooms soaked in brine, milk or molasses.
As feed lures a squirrel gathers nuts, acorns, fir and pine cones, dried strawberries, various dried mushrooms, sunflower seeds, rye crackers, the stomach contents of dead squirrels. Rabbits serve as a good bait felled aspen, willow or exhibited Stozhkov hay, soaked in a strong solution of salt.
An odorous bait is made of feed in advance of decomposed meat or fish. To odorous lure long acted and gave off a strong smell in cold weather, it added to musk and cod liver oil.
In a glass jar is applied 1 kg of meat or minced fish. Then to the meat stuffing add 100-200 g splicing or goose fat, unsalted butter or pork lard.
Fish forcemeat Add 100-200 g of fish oil, spermaceti or blubber. The fat is mixed well with the stuffing and then tie the jar with tracing paper or plastic wrap and 1-2 months put in a warm place.
For the preparation of odorous compounds can also be used finely chopped frogs, lizards, and June beetles. Them in the same proportions are placed in a jar, pour any fat and fermented for 1-2 months.
In order that the smell was persistent, odorous baits in 1 kg meat add 0.5 g of dried and powdered Kabarole or muskrat musk, pounded camphor, anise and other fragrant substances.
A few distinct group of odorous lures are different selection of animals. For podmanivaya wolves and foxes arrange artificial mochetochniki — place, watered with the urine of these animals, particularly females.
The hunters from the hunted animals it is recommended to drain the urine into a bottle, to protect it from decay in it, dissolve 100 g of pure sodium chloride and stored in a cool place. You can use frozen urine, which is collected with the snow and store in a clean jar or plastic bag in the cold.
A good lure for many animals of the family dog and mustelids is the secret allocated barsovyi glands. This paired musk glands chechenizatsiya forms, a bluish wolf and yellow-orange from the ermine and polecat. They are located around the anus.
The secret produced by these glands, has a very strong and pungent smell that attracts animals of the same species, which is taken from the gland. So hunters are advised in animals of various types to cut out these glands and stack separately in a jar, which they then ground and pour a strong brine or glycol.
Bait is used and substances that have a smell, not a natural characteristic. As odorous baits in a rut of wolves and foxes successfully used herring brine or a solution of trimethylamine. Wild cats well allures the smell of Valerian.
Eighty nine million eight hundred seventy four thousand six hundred thirty nine
To odorous bait did not bring snow, they are placed in a hollow under the roots of a twisted tree, under the overhanging Bank, arrange odorous bars, hammering into the ground a stake or cutting off at a height of 1 m small sapling. End hemp radially split in several directions. Then at the top in the middle of the stump peg hammer that pushes the splits, forming a socket in which is placed the bait.
To increase the range of the bait, feeding grounds and scented baits are laid to them from different sides odorous trail, dragging on the ground or in the snow, the carcass of the animal, its insides or a piece of clean burlap, burlap, hemp, impregnated with sweet-smelling bait or blood.
To blood better have landed and are not curtailed, it added 30-40% of magnesium sulfate, sulfate of sodium. Thickened blood is diluted with water with the dissolved Glauber's salt is based I teaspoon to 1 Cup of water.
Potas can be dragged, walking, skiing, riding on horseback or in a sleigh. The last two methods give better results when hunting foxes and wolves.
And now briefly systematize odorous bait for animals.
These include a variety of products and supplements that affect animals through the sense of smell; used when hunting them, or prepaymania (accustom) to any particular place in the hunting ground.
Odorous bait can be simple or compound.
Simple smelly baits are the following:
odorous bait a squirrel — punk, soaked in camphor oil is very effective for luring the animal; instead of rotten, you can use an old fir or pine cones that need to drop a little camphor; about traps, especially in late winter, you can use human urine by soaking it foam or rags for bait;
odorous bait a beaver — alcohol or water tincture beaver jet; greased tree trunks and branches near the trap;
odorous bait the wolf and the Fox — anise oil, a solution of trimethylamine, half-decayed meat of mammals, fish and birds, herring brine, goose fat mixed with onion, camphor and honey;
odorous baiton the otter cod — liver oil, which should, if possible, add 2 g of 5% tincture of musk musk deer; the mixture should hold it over a flame for 2-3 minutes and store in a glass container in a cool place; bait can be prepared from the liver of the pike, the gallbladder carp (carp), caviar cancer and dung of the animal (otter); all this is mixed and pounded in a mortar to the consistency of clay, used for fishing trap;
odorous bait on ermine — rotten egg (boiled or baked); the powder is baked and hardened the eggs by adding a small amount of fat; sour cream; anal glands of weasels, which warm up to a mushy mass;
odorous bait hare human urine and thyme (thyme) when fishing traps (dried grass attached to the trap);
odorous bait on column the entrails of large game animals (for potoska), bear oil (fresh and rancid) as hunting pieces and throws, odorous liquid from the anal glands of the animal;
odorous bait to marten — pieces of meat, carcass of a hare or squirrel, which sbrazhivaetsya iodoform and anise oil; tincture of Catnip (Boudreau) for spraying the areas around the trap (it will perform this job very carefully, that in no case the drops do not fall on the trap);
odorous bait for bear — rotten meat; fresh apples, which put in a bag and hung it on the tree to the bottom edge of the bag was at a height of 1.5-2 m from the ground (put the trap under the bait);
odorous bait for mink cod — liver oil in its pure form or mixed with the secretions of the anal glands of the animal (a few drops on trap); the musk glands of a muskrat and Priaralye gland of the mink in the ratio 2:1 who filled the medical 96% ethyl alcohol and stored in glass containers with well-fitting stopper; usually used for spraying in the field setting traps;
odorous bait the muskrat — selection of scent gland of the animal; a few drops is enough to attract to the place of fishing; usually the musk is applied on the stick, which is placed at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the trap;
odorous bait on Fox — the insides of large hoofed animals, the blood of the deer, hare, seals, pieces of meat etc.;
odorous bait into a trot — Valerian tincture (drops), fish oil;
odorous bait sable — valokordin, Corvalol (medical drugs); various perfumes (perfumes & colognes); entrails of animals for paving the odorous trace;
odorous bait predators urine and sex organs of the females (if they are produced in estrus, they should be kept in 96% alcohol, as it is a very valuable fragrant lure to attract the male of the same species at any time of the year);
odorous bait the polecat — boiled rotten egg, crushed along with the old bacon and onion; the mixture is hung in cloth over the trap.
Composite odorous bait are the following:
odorous bait for the wolf and the Fox —
ointment № 1: on 1 kg of meat twice passed through a meat grinder, 300-450 g of melted beef fat (cow's butter), 50-100 g of fish oil; all is well pounded and mixed, tightly corked in a jar and kept in the sun for 1.5-2 months, used to strip odorous trace or create a fragrant fields around the trap (trap);
solution No. 2: anal glands dead animal filled him with bile and urine, is added to glycerin in a ratio of 1: 1 and for a few days, the mixture placed in a cold place; a few drops (3-6) near the trap is sufficient to attract the beast;
odorous bait for ermine — cooked in the middle of summer; frogs, lizards and other reptiles are added to the bucket, and then added the meat of various game, joins 25-30 g of tincture of Valerian, then all are filled with milk and is buried in the ground before the start of the hunting season; the mass used to soak pieces of hunting while fishing for animals to the traps;
odorous bait for marten — in 2 parts of alcohol, add 1 part of anise oil and then 4 pieces of fish, a mix is used to attract the animal to the trap and for making hunting pieces;
odorous bait on the trot — a mixture of fish oil (100 g), muskrat scent gland, Kabarole musk and a few drops (not more than 10) of Catnip.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.ohotniki.com/new3/1120.htm
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