Scalding if the bears paws geysers?
Writes researcher and nature photographer Igor Shpilenok:
Every year, the Valley of Geysers and Uzon Caldera, located in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, take tribute from their visitors burns. And I do not remember that there were foreigners among the burnt; Only our inquisitive and skeptical to any ban fellow comes up with the idea to sacrifice their own limbs, checking the validity of prohibitions: Thomas unbelievers go to the equipped trails, tuck into a hot spring fingers or come in light shoes with soft green grass, under which there is hot to Besides chemically aggressive dirt, after contact with which burns heal painfully long.
But what about the bears? Beasts are not familiar with the instructions. And wooden planks are not built for them. And they go barefoot ...
11 ph + letter
I must say that over millions of years of evolution, animals not only learned to live on volcanoes, but also to use them warmly for their own benefit. For example, Kamchatka wagtail construct nests on the warm ground and less time brooding - volcanic soil works as an incubator! Chicks in such "warm" nests grow faster and begin to fly earlier, increasing their chances of survival.
Bears are also adapted to use volcanic heat. For them, the Valley of Geysers - a gigantic volcanic heated greenhouse. In spring, when the Kamchatka still covered with snow, animals gather in a warm oasis of greenery to eat first, rapidly vegetating on the heated ground. Some days in the Valley can come to two or three dozen bears. Such a dense cluster of animals unique even for Kamchatka and can be compared only with the concentration of bears in the South Kamchatka reserve on the shores of Lake Kuril on the south of the peninsula, where there is the biggest in Eurasia spawning sockeye.
The beast is watching a geyser eruption Avery.
Bear grazing on Vitrazh - the place with the highest concentration of hot springs in the valley.
Experienced animals are able to use volcanic heat for warmth in cold weather. In April, May and even in early June in the Valley is not uncommon snowstorm. In those days, the bears fall on the earth warmed. At the local old-timers - Temnolapki and oligarchs - have cherished maturation on the steep slopes above the most warmed-sections, for example, on the stained glass windows, where they wait out bad weather in the updrafts of warm air and steam.
Experienced animals move through the Valley of confidence. In the hottest areas they are built for tourists grazing paths. Griffins thermal springs they cross stepping on rocks sticking out of the hot water.
It's funny to see how the newcomers, especially young animals, with a view of exploring the Valley beginners tourists, who were left without an experienced guide. Pervosti they are afraid of eruptions of geysers and run from them, fired legs in hot springs and boiling mud, but eventually learn carefully before trying the ground or water, and only then comes complete with his paw.
Bear-foot segoletochek burns hot key in the caldera of Uzon. Everything happened so quickly that I did not have time to react at the right time with the shooting. The kid started yelling, and mother, did not immediately understood what was happening, ran first in my direction, but quickly realized returned to power in earnest and barked at him ... then I have long been a weakness in the knees from fright.
This poor guy get burned forelimb hot acid mud, appointed himself the right treatment: a few hours spent in the river Geyser. Fresh water is not only cool quickly burn, and washed him from chemicals.
Authentic deaths of bears in hot springs or geysers Valley caldera Uzon is not known.
But people were dying ...
Every year, the Valley of Geysers and Uzon Caldera, located in the Kronotsky Nature Reserve, take tribute from their visitors burns. And I do not remember that there were foreigners among the burnt; Only our inquisitive and skeptical to any ban fellow comes up with the idea to sacrifice their own limbs, checking the validity of prohibitions: Thomas unbelievers go to the equipped trails, tuck into a hot spring fingers or come in light shoes with soft green grass, under which there is hot to Besides chemically aggressive dirt, after contact with which burns heal painfully long.
But what about the bears? Beasts are not familiar with the instructions. And wooden planks are not built for them. And they go barefoot ...
11 ph + letter

I must say that over millions of years of evolution, animals not only learned to live on volcanoes, but also to use them warmly for their own benefit. For example, Kamchatka wagtail construct nests on the warm ground and less time brooding - volcanic soil works as an incubator! Chicks in such "warm" nests grow faster and begin to fly earlier, increasing their chances of survival.

Bears are also adapted to use volcanic heat. For them, the Valley of Geysers - a gigantic volcanic heated greenhouse. In spring, when the Kamchatka still covered with snow, animals gather in a warm oasis of greenery to eat first, rapidly vegetating on the heated ground. Some days in the Valley can come to two or three dozen bears. Such a dense cluster of animals unique even for Kamchatka and can be compared only with the concentration of bears in the South Kamchatka reserve on the shores of Lake Kuril on the south of the peninsula, where there is the biggest in Eurasia spawning sockeye.

The beast is watching a geyser eruption Avery.

Bear grazing on Vitrazh - the place with the highest concentration of hot springs in the valley.

Experienced animals are able to use volcanic heat for warmth in cold weather. In April, May and even in early June in the Valley is not uncommon snowstorm. In those days, the bears fall on the earth warmed. At the local old-timers - Temnolapki and oligarchs - have cherished maturation on the steep slopes above the most warmed-sections, for example, on the stained glass windows, where they wait out bad weather in the updrafts of warm air and steam.


Experienced animals move through the Valley of confidence. In the hottest areas they are built for tourists grazing paths. Griffins thermal springs they cross stepping on rocks sticking out of the hot water.

It's funny to see how the newcomers, especially young animals, with a view of exploring the Valley beginners tourists, who were left without an experienced guide. Pervosti they are afraid of eruptions of geysers and run from them, fired legs in hot springs and boiling mud, but eventually learn carefully before trying the ground or water, and only then comes complete with his paw.

Bear-foot segoletochek burns hot key in the caldera of Uzon. Everything happened so quickly that I did not have time to react at the right time with the shooting. The kid started yelling, and mother, did not immediately understood what was happening, ran first in my direction, but quickly realized returned to power in earnest and barked at him ... then I have long been a weakness in the knees from fright.

This poor guy get burned forelimb hot acid mud, appointed himself the right treatment: a few hours spent in the river Geyser. Fresh water is not only cool quickly burn, and washed him from chemicals.
Authentic deaths of bears in hot springs or geysers Valley caldera Uzon is not known.
But people were dying ...
