10 major mistakes when working on the muscles
When it comes to the study of muscles and care for it, most of us already know the basics of this process. We train hard, eat right (as we think) and we put a lot of time and effort to increase muscle mass.
But sometimes our unconscious actions, inside or outside the gym can negate all of our efforts, or at least degrade the results that we worked so hard trying to achieve. We have identified the ten worst manners of behavior which you undermine his work and learned how to correct this situation. Get rid of these habits as soon as possible to get much more performance out of each workout.
Ignoring the back muscles When you focus on building a raised muscular chest and arms, very easy to forget about the Foundation and pillar of our body – the back. Perhaps it is connected with the fact that its difficult to see the reflection in the mirror. Why train something that is not visible? All about balance: when the back is not trained, creating the effect of "narrow shoulders" and body looks disproportionate.
To drink enough We're talking about water, of course. Loss body only 3% of the fluid can result in severe loss of endurance, and prevent exercise. The use of a sufficient amount of water before, during and after a workout can increase performance up to 25%. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day to maintain normal water balance
Forget to warm up while static stretching is most effective as a cool down after a workout, before a workout, the muscles should be warmed up otherwise. Warm-up, maximally activating muscles for 5-10 minutes before exercise should include movements such as walking lunges, walking and squats.
Inefficient use of time is Performed a set of 10 reps and wait 2-3 minutes to make a second? Try more rational use of time and achieve the best results. For example, once finished press lying down, immediately begin to the thrust rod in the slope. At that time, as one muscle group rests, another works. In General, this is a way to kill two birds with one stone: you'll save time and inactive at the moment, the muscles will recover faster, while their antagonists busy.
Training on the same programme , the Body quickly adapts to even the most hard training. So very simple to make a cozy rut and not get out of her over the years, repeating the same motion, changing only the amount of load. But the workout should be like snowflakes: no two are the same.
Focus on weight and size When it comes to the study of muscles, people generally are only interested in two things: size and weight. The more the better, right? In fact, the easiest way to increase relative strength will decline in the body weight. Train with a goal to build more muscle and burn excess fat if you are certainly not preparing to compete in sumo.
Underestimating the use of protein Those who get enough protein during the day, much better preserve lean mass than those who do not. For regularly training need no more than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day and this amount should be distributed between 5-6 small meals.
Not getting enough sleep Difficult to build muscle and burn fat without a sufficient amount of sleep. At best, this is 7-8 hours a day. Sleep is the time when activated, most of the hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone. Depriving yourself of sleep, you are undermining their efforts to increase muscle and burn fat.
Forget to eat after a workout, Your body requires a recharge of energy immediately after the workout and the sooner you complete this requirement, the faster the body will begin to recover and the muscles to grow. In your bag for trips to the gym have to be a protein shake or a serving of gainer that you can eat immediately after the workout. And the sooner you do, the better.
Not to work on themselves between sessions If you been hitting the iron 3-4 times a week, you probably know little or nothing doing on the other days. By itself, the rest is a good thing, but active rest will help restore. After working with the foam-roller (just lie on his back), you will roll out the clogged muscles. Such a massage allows the muscles to relax and get fresh blood that helps the body to recover faster.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/04/05/10-glavnyx-oshibok-pri-nagruzke-na-muskuly/
But sometimes our unconscious actions, inside or outside the gym can negate all of our efforts, or at least degrade the results that we worked so hard trying to achieve. We have identified the ten worst manners of behavior which you undermine his work and learned how to correct this situation. Get rid of these habits as soon as possible to get much more performance out of each workout.

Ignoring the back muscles When you focus on building a raised muscular chest and arms, very easy to forget about the Foundation and pillar of our body – the back. Perhaps it is connected with the fact that its difficult to see the reflection in the mirror. Why train something that is not visible? All about balance: when the back is not trained, creating the effect of "narrow shoulders" and body looks disproportionate.

To drink enough We're talking about water, of course. Loss body only 3% of the fluid can result in severe loss of endurance, and prevent exercise. The use of a sufficient amount of water before, during and after a workout can increase performance up to 25%. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day to maintain normal water balance

Forget to warm up while static stretching is most effective as a cool down after a workout, before a workout, the muscles should be warmed up otherwise. Warm-up, maximally activating muscles for 5-10 minutes before exercise should include movements such as walking lunges, walking and squats.

Inefficient use of time is Performed a set of 10 reps and wait 2-3 minutes to make a second? Try more rational use of time and achieve the best results. For example, once finished press lying down, immediately begin to the thrust rod in the slope. At that time, as one muscle group rests, another works. In General, this is a way to kill two birds with one stone: you'll save time and inactive at the moment, the muscles will recover faster, while their antagonists busy.

Training on the same programme , the Body quickly adapts to even the most hard training. So very simple to make a cozy rut and not get out of her over the years, repeating the same motion, changing only the amount of load. But the workout should be like snowflakes: no two are the same.

Focus on weight and size When it comes to the study of muscles, people generally are only interested in two things: size and weight. The more the better, right? In fact, the easiest way to increase relative strength will decline in the body weight. Train with a goal to build more muscle and burn excess fat if you are certainly not preparing to compete in sumo.

Underestimating the use of protein Those who get enough protein during the day, much better preserve lean mass than those who do not. For regularly training need no more than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day and this amount should be distributed between 5-6 small meals.

Not getting enough sleep Difficult to build muscle and burn fat without a sufficient amount of sleep. At best, this is 7-8 hours a day. Sleep is the time when activated, most of the hormones such as growth hormone and testosterone. Depriving yourself of sleep, you are undermining their efforts to increase muscle and burn fat.

Forget to eat after a workout, Your body requires a recharge of energy immediately after the workout and the sooner you complete this requirement, the faster the body will begin to recover and the muscles to grow. In your bag for trips to the gym have to be a protein shake or a serving of gainer that you can eat immediately after the workout. And the sooner you do, the better.

Not to work on themselves between sessions If you been hitting the iron 3-4 times a week, you probably know little or nothing doing on the other days. By itself, the rest is a good thing, but active rest will help restore. After working with the foam-roller (just lie on his back), you will roll out the clogged muscles. Such a massage allows the muscles to relax and get fresh blood that helps the body to recover faster.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: dnpmag.com/2016/04/05/10-glavnyx-oshibok-pri-nagruzke-na-muskuly/
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