Ancient massage for faster hair growth
Since ancient times in Russia the main way to get truly luxury oblique to the waist was considered a special head massage. He is relevant today, especially because the procedure takes only 8 minutes and gives results in 5-7 sessions.
Such daily simple manipulation will strengthen the follicles, exfoliate the keratin scales, stop split ends and improve the blood circulation of the scalp. 2-3 times a week it is desirable to combine with nourishing masks.
To massage of our ancestors has not passed in vain, during its carrying out will be exactly, but comfortable to sit or stand, head bowed on his chest, exposing the neck, producing it from the top down, i.e. in the direction of hair growth.
1. Pat first sides of the head, trying not to hurt the ears after the frontal and occipital areas. Of the movement performed evenly, working alternately with the pads of the fingers of both hands and trying in the end to connect them to the ground.
2. The bases of the palms symmetrically will be to exercise pressure on different parts of the head, from time to time (7-10 sec.) changing the place of impact. After you repeat the same pads of all fingers and clenched in a fist phalanges. We will try the most much pressure on the frontal and occipital part.
3. Will produce friction, to begin with circular, move on to the straightforward and complete spiral. To produce movement be pads of fingers, shifting, pushing and stretching the skin. To go will be the crown to the ears, neck, superciliary arcs (i.e. down).
Rubbing will change the strokes. Then a circular, soothing motions shall pound whiskey, while avoiding excessively aggressive influence on the skin (otherwise the behavior is fraught with pain and injury).
4. Walk symmetrically on the head with a basis of one or both palms, as if stretching her. Correct execution: palm press down on the skin, after a little slip last.
5. Kneading smoothly translate in tapping the pads of four fingers of both hands, trying to make them all over the surface and increasing only in the occipital and frontal area.
Finish the procedure soothing strokes, which are the first pads of the fingers, after the bases of the palms. published
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P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_9554
Such daily simple manipulation will strengthen the follicles, exfoliate the keratin scales, stop split ends and improve the blood circulation of the scalp. 2-3 times a week it is desirable to combine with nourishing masks.

To massage of our ancestors has not passed in vain, during its carrying out will be exactly, but comfortable to sit or stand, head bowed on his chest, exposing the neck, producing it from the top down, i.e. in the direction of hair growth.
1. Pat first sides of the head, trying not to hurt the ears after the frontal and occipital areas. Of the movement performed evenly, working alternately with the pads of the fingers of both hands and trying in the end to connect them to the ground.
2. The bases of the palms symmetrically will be to exercise pressure on different parts of the head, from time to time (7-10 sec.) changing the place of impact. After you repeat the same pads of all fingers and clenched in a fist phalanges. We will try the most much pressure on the frontal and occipital part.
3. Will produce friction, to begin with circular, move on to the straightforward and complete spiral. To produce movement be pads of fingers, shifting, pushing and stretching the skin. To go will be the crown to the ears, neck, superciliary arcs (i.e. down).
Rubbing will change the strokes. Then a circular, soothing motions shall pound whiskey, while avoiding excessively aggressive influence on the skin (otherwise the behavior is fraught with pain and injury).
4. Walk symmetrically on the head with a basis of one or both palms, as if stretching her. Correct execution: palm press down on the skin, after a little slip last.
5. Kneading smoothly translate in tapping the pads of four fingers of both hands, trying to make them all over the surface and increasing only in the occipital and frontal area.
Finish the procedure soothing strokes, which are the first pads of the fingers, after the bases of the palms. published
Read also: It should be known! Factors that Deplete your body
Cleansing the blood vessels of the brain – 5 unique techniques
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_9554
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