How to double the yield - 10 useful tips
If you still believe that a great harvest can be obtained only by increasing the number of workdays spent at the cottage, you are deeply mistaken. There are effective methods to increase the number of garden products at least twice.
1. Care for the soil
Deep layer of loose soil, rich in organic material creates favorable conditions for root development. As a result, the plant receives more nutrients and water, and that means developing more intensively and more productively.
2. Do ridge
In the garden with planned ridges in an area of 42 sq. m. it is possible to grow a ton of vegetables, while at the ordinary landing on the same plot, only half of this amount. In addition, the tillage and care of plants you will spend less time.
3. Shape
Beds-the hills make it possible to grow a greater number of crops than a similar area, but flat. For example, the width of the base of the rounded high of the ridge is 1.5 m And the arc length is about 1.8 m. these additional 30 cm and increasing the cultivated area. The edges of the rounded ridges grow well lettuce, spinach, radishes and other crops.
4. Consider the diagram
To collect the maximum yield of each ridge, consider planting scheme. Some gardeners suggest planting the seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, since it allows you to increase the number of plants at 10-14%.
5. Not thickening
Most cultures with close planting is poorly developed. For example, increasing the distance between plants of Romaine lettuce 20 to 25 cm, the weight of each is doubled. In addition, close planting increases the likelihood of diseases.
6. Grow on a trellis
Even in a very small area can increase the productivity of the vegetable garden, growing tomatoes, beans, peas, tikov, melon, cucumber and some other crops on a trellis, lattice or pole. In addition to saving space, you will spend less time caring for plants and harvesting. In addition, culture on the trellis less striking fungal diseases, because the air circulates freely between the sheets.
7. Mix culture
Mixed planting also allow you to save space. A classic example is the joint growing of maize, beans and pumpkins. Strong the corn stalk serves as a support for beans, and pumpkin grows freely at the bottom, forming a shadow that inhibits the development of weeds that compete with these crops.
8. Alternate landing
This technology allows you to get multiple harvests in one season. In early spring, sow salad. At the beginning of summer, when it will become bitter, replace it with ripening corn, after harvesting, which you can again spread the green culture. If the house to grow seedlings, then you will always have something to transplant into the ground.
9. Select varieties
To accelerate the maturation and change of crops in the garden, purchase early-maturing varieties. After each change of culture in the vacated space backfill compost (2/3 of a bucket per 1 sq. m) and fill it several inches deep.
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10. Install greenhouses
This way you will be able to extend the growing period for a few weeks at the beginning and the end of the summer season. To grow leaf lettuce or Kale, enjoy the new crop of autumn tomatoes. In the spring planted the seedlings can be covered by a cap (cut a plastic bottles). The same high ridge spring warm up faster, allowing early to start planting crops. And with fresh manure, you can make a warm bed.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_12598

1. Care for the soil
Deep layer of loose soil, rich in organic material creates favorable conditions for root development. As a result, the plant receives more nutrients and water, and that means developing more intensively and more productively.
2. Do ridge
In the garden with planned ridges in an area of 42 sq. m. it is possible to grow a ton of vegetables, while at the ordinary landing on the same plot, only half of this amount. In addition, the tillage and care of plants you will spend less time.
3. Shape
Beds-the hills make it possible to grow a greater number of crops than a similar area, but flat. For example, the width of the base of the rounded high of the ridge is 1.5 m And the arc length is about 1.8 m. these additional 30 cm and increasing the cultivated area. The edges of the rounded ridges grow well lettuce, spinach, radishes and other crops.
4. Consider the diagram
To collect the maximum yield of each ridge, consider planting scheme. Some gardeners suggest planting the seedlings in a checkerboard pattern, since it allows you to increase the number of plants at 10-14%.
5. Not thickening
Most cultures with close planting is poorly developed. For example, increasing the distance between plants of Romaine lettuce 20 to 25 cm, the weight of each is doubled. In addition, close planting increases the likelihood of diseases.
6. Grow on a trellis
Even in a very small area can increase the productivity of the vegetable garden, growing tomatoes, beans, peas, tikov, melon, cucumber and some other crops on a trellis, lattice or pole. In addition to saving space, you will spend less time caring for plants and harvesting. In addition, culture on the trellis less striking fungal diseases, because the air circulates freely between the sheets.

7. Mix culture
Mixed planting also allow you to save space. A classic example is the joint growing of maize, beans and pumpkins. Strong the corn stalk serves as a support for beans, and pumpkin grows freely at the bottom, forming a shadow that inhibits the development of weeds that compete with these crops.
8. Alternate landing
This technology allows you to get multiple harvests in one season. In early spring, sow salad. At the beginning of summer, when it will become bitter, replace it with ripening corn, after harvesting, which you can again spread the green culture. If the house to grow seedlings, then you will always have something to transplant into the ground.
9. Select varieties
To accelerate the maturation and change of crops in the garden, purchase early-maturing varieties. After each change of culture in the vacated space backfill compost (2/3 of a bucket per 1 sq. m) and fill it several inches deep.
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10. Install greenhouses
This way you will be able to extend the growing period for a few weeks at the beginning and the end of the summer season. To grow leaf lettuce or Kale, enjoy the new crop of autumn tomatoes. In the spring planted the seedlings can be covered by a cap (cut a plastic bottles). The same high ridge spring warm up faster, allowing early to start planting crops. And with fresh manure, you can make a warm bed.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/rodnaya_dacha?w=wall-92403104_12598
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