9 truthful historical films
In our days, to learn history, not necessarily to pore over books, to dig in the encyclopedia or Google "who is" and "as it was" — just look at the historical film. Fortunately almost all key events in world history, Hollywood has already pulled off a blockbuster. Here are many Directors in favor of fiction sometimes embellish the events too.
We present some reliable historical movies that can be watch to everyone who doesn't want to take up textbooks.
XII century. "Kingdom of heaven"
Nice movie the hands of Ridley Scott: a magnificent large-scale survey, an impressive cast and most realistic costumes. You can complain, of course, that someone is a suit of armor from that era, but it's a tolerable flaw.
In the scenario of the film are loosely outlines the events preceding Third crusade of 1189-1192 years: the war between the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Yuudai and the siege of Jerusalem by Saladin.
In the fourteenth century. "Day of reckoning"
England, 1380. Richard II only ascended the throne, the hundred years war in full swing, as, indeed, a plague. A group of itinerant actors arrives in town, where there was a terrible murder of a little boy. Instead of playing the presentation on biblical themes, the actors give a performance in which reveal the identity of the killer.
Dark and mesmerizing England, is to convey the spirit of the middle Ages, as always convincing Willem Dafoe and a young Tom hardy.
The XV century. "Joan Of Arc"
XV century, France, hundred years ' war. Realistic and frightening atmosphere of the battle scenes, stunning depth of visual images, endlessly repeated prayers, the ringing of swords, sea of blood and brittle and stubborn maid of Orleans performed by Milla Jovovich.
France is going through a difficult period, she is depressed and left without a ruler. In this dark time on the threshold of the Dauphin Charles there is a young devout woman who intends to break the British and to improve life in their country.
"The hour of the pig"
According to medieval concepts, animals could be held responsible for their actions, from the XIII century, even legal. The plot is based on real events related to the life and work of Bartholomew Chassene, a lawyer at one time served as a lawyer animals accused of crimes.
The main character, young lawyer Richard Courtois leaves Paris to provincial Iberville in search of "simple country pleasures", but faced with the ignorance, prejudice and superstition. In a few days he gets involved in a crime drama with murders.
The XVI century. "Henry VIII"
Film for all those who want to understand what happened with England in the first half of the XVI century. Excellent visuals, true story, harsh ray Winstone and charming Helena Bonham Carter.
Biographical drama about the life, views, hopes and dreams of Henry VIII, ruler, forever changed the face of England.
"Another other Boleyn girl"
Drama directed by debutant Justin Chadwick about the rivalry between sisters Anne (Natalie Portman) and Mary Boleyn (Scarlett Johansson) in the heart of king Henry VIII.
This film will definitely appeal to fans of romantic stories and beautiful Actresses. Surprisingly, despite the dramatic storyline and star cast, the film is not too have sinned against history.
XVIII century. "Barry Lyndon"
Oscar-winning Stanley Kubrick film, which was shot using authentic sets, costumes and only with natural daylight. Amazing transformation of a boring Victorian novel into the thrilling film-parable on the theme of "life as a duel".
A young Irishman, cherishing in the soul of ambition, ready to great lengths just to get by. At any cost he strives to become a gentleman, and a good Irish acumen and natural cunning help him to leave the ranks of the mediocre.
"Marie Antoinette"
Sweet pastel drama about the life and customs of the Royal court. The most striking, shocking and at the same time quite credible movie about Marie Antoinette. Kirsten dunst wonder how good the frills and half colored wigs.
14-year-old Maria is the youngest daughter of the Empress of Austria Maria Theresa married the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI. On the border of France and Austria, there is a symbolic ceremony. By tradition, the bride leaves everything that would remind her of a foreign court. Leaving the tents on the French side, Maria Antonia becomes the Dauphine Marie Antoinette...
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XIX century. "Valor"
An unusual view of the Civil war in the United States: the film is dedicated to the 54 th Massachusetts volunteer regiment, entirely composed of African Americans who fought on the side of the North.
The film is based on the letters of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, and many historians emphasize that the battle was filmed quite authentic.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: supercoolpics.com/9-pravdivyh-istoricheskih-filmov/
We present some reliable historical movies that can be watch to everyone who doesn't want to take up textbooks.
XII century. "Kingdom of heaven"

Nice movie the hands of Ridley Scott: a magnificent large-scale survey, an impressive cast and most realistic costumes. You can complain, of course, that someone is a suit of armor from that era, but it's a tolerable flaw.
In the scenario of the film are loosely outlines the events preceding Third crusade of 1189-1192 years: the war between the Kingdom of Jerusalem and Yuudai and the siege of Jerusalem by Saladin.
In the fourteenth century. "Day of reckoning"

England, 1380. Richard II only ascended the throne, the hundred years war in full swing, as, indeed, a plague. A group of itinerant actors arrives in town, where there was a terrible murder of a little boy. Instead of playing the presentation on biblical themes, the actors give a performance in which reveal the identity of the killer.
Dark and mesmerizing England, is to convey the spirit of the middle Ages, as always convincing Willem Dafoe and a young Tom hardy.
The XV century. "Joan Of Arc"

XV century, France, hundred years ' war. Realistic and frightening atmosphere of the battle scenes, stunning depth of visual images, endlessly repeated prayers, the ringing of swords, sea of blood and brittle and stubborn maid of Orleans performed by Milla Jovovich.
France is going through a difficult period, she is depressed and left without a ruler. In this dark time on the threshold of the Dauphin Charles there is a young devout woman who intends to break the British and to improve life in their country.
"The hour of the pig"

According to medieval concepts, animals could be held responsible for their actions, from the XIII century, even legal. The plot is based on real events related to the life and work of Bartholomew Chassene, a lawyer at one time served as a lawyer animals accused of crimes.
The main character, young lawyer Richard Courtois leaves Paris to provincial Iberville in search of "simple country pleasures", but faced with the ignorance, prejudice and superstition. In a few days he gets involved in a crime drama with murders.
The XVI century. "Henry VIII"

Film for all those who want to understand what happened with England in the first half of the XVI century. Excellent visuals, true story, harsh ray Winstone and charming Helena Bonham Carter.
Biographical drama about the life, views, hopes and dreams of Henry VIII, ruler, forever changed the face of England.
"Another other Boleyn girl"

Drama directed by debutant Justin Chadwick about the rivalry between sisters Anne (Natalie Portman) and Mary Boleyn (Scarlett Johansson) in the heart of king Henry VIII.
This film will definitely appeal to fans of romantic stories and beautiful Actresses. Surprisingly, despite the dramatic storyline and star cast, the film is not too have sinned against history.
XVIII century. "Barry Lyndon"

Oscar-winning Stanley Kubrick film, which was shot using authentic sets, costumes and only with natural daylight. Amazing transformation of a boring Victorian novel into the thrilling film-parable on the theme of "life as a duel".
A young Irishman, cherishing in the soul of ambition, ready to great lengths just to get by. At any cost he strives to become a gentleman, and a good Irish acumen and natural cunning help him to leave the ranks of the mediocre.
"Marie Antoinette"

Sweet pastel drama about the life and customs of the Royal court. The most striking, shocking and at the same time quite credible movie about Marie Antoinette. Kirsten dunst wonder how good the frills and half colored wigs.
14-year-old Maria is the youngest daughter of the Empress of Austria Maria Theresa married the Dauphin of France, Louis XVI. On the border of France and Austria, there is a symbolic ceremony. By tradition, the bride leaves everything that would remind her of a foreign court. Leaving the tents on the French side, Maria Antonia becomes the Dauphine Marie Antoinette...
Also interesting: the psychological 12 serials for lovers to solve the people
Top 10 romantic movies about the summer
XIX century. "Valor"

An unusual view of the Civil war in the United States: the film is dedicated to the 54 th Massachusetts volunteer regiment, entirely composed of African Americans who fought on the side of the North.
The film is based on the letters of Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, and many historians emphasize that the battle was filmed quite authentic.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: supercoolpics.com/9-pravdivyh-istoricheskih-filmov/