3 bright books that teach self-control
Have you ever wondered what role negative emotions play in your life? Anger, irritation, sadness, resentment... The cycle of human emotions affects 80% of the decisions that determine your destiny.
Factors that cause irritation or frustration accompany you throughout your life. They push you on public transport or dining at the intersection, hide in household chores, hang over while working. Thus, accumulated negativity turned into stress, which became a source of mental and physical problems.
Among people who are constantly exposed to emotional stress, the mortality rate is 40% higher than in people who have learned how to properly dispose of their emotional stress!
This article contains books that will help you control your emotions, keep yourself in control, and not let negativity control your life.
Sharon Melnick's "Stress Resistance"
Sharon Melnick is a doctor and psychologist. Drawing on 10 years of experience at the Harvard School of Medicine, she developed a unique stress management technique.
In her book Stress Resistance, Sharon outlines a technique that has been successfully used by thousands of people who have undergone her training. It clearly spells out how to determine the boundaries of your responsibility, set priorities, control your own and others' emotions, correctly alternate rest and load.
The most interesting thing is that the exercises in the book can be learned in just 3 minutes!
Emotionally abstract from any outcome of your efforts. Make peace of mind your priority and organize the rest of your life around it.
Any problem is made up of 50 percent of the factors we can control and the other 50 percent that we can't control. Take responsibility for your “half the way.”
Kelly McGonigal, The Power of Will. How to develop and strengthen
Willpower can and should be trained. Stanford professor, Ph.D., practicing psychologist Kelly McGonigal explains this in the book Willpower. How to develop and strengthen”. After studying this book, you will be able to control willpower, learn how rest and sleep are related to purposefulness, and learn how to finish everything.
Interestingly, the McGonigal system was recognized as one of the most effective in the world. And her book received 285 top ratings on Amazon.
When an attraction comes, note it and do not immediately try to distract or challenge it. Think of the ironic boomerang effect and polar bears, and remember that your goal is to resist.
According to scientists, self-control is a matter of physiology, not just psychology. It is the transient state of mind and body that gives you the restraint and self-control to overcome your impulses.
Dan Dubravin, Psychology of Emotions: Feelings Under Control
The uniqueness of this book is that the author does not just give techniques of self-control. It helps to develop specific skills – a sense of humor, inspiration, self-control.
The book “Emotion Psychology: Feelings Under Control” teaches you to control your emotions, generate positive states. In addition, it presents specific techniques of emotional self-defense and self-help.
When you begin to change your habitual behavior, you may experience unpleasant feelings of guilt or frustration. These are signals that you have violated your usual principles and beliefs. Accept this as an integral part of your change and engage in a dialogue with discomfort.
Open expression of emotions is condemned in many cultures. Nevertheless, it is in this ability that there is a huge potential for personal effectiveness and influence on people. Think of the most famous and influential speakers. All of them were well aware of their emotions and very skillfully conveyed them to others.
How the brain works while reading
How prayer changes blood
And most importantly. In any situation, remember that only you decide how to react to it!
Author: Alexandrap Yarlykova
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: 5sfer.com/20671-3-yarkiye-knigi-kotoryye-uchat-samokontrolyu.html
Factors that cause irritation or frustration accompany you throughout your life. They push you on public transport or dining at the intersection, hide in household chores, hang over while working. Thus, accumulated negativity turned into stress, which became a source of mental and physical problems.
Among people who are constantly exposed to emotional stress, the mortality rate is 40% higher than in people who have learned how to properly dispose of their emotional stress!
This article contains books that will help you control your emotions, keep yourself in control, and not let negativity control your life.

Sharon Melnick's "Stress Resistance"
Sharon Melnick is a doctor and psychologist. Drawing on 10 years of experience at the Harvard School of Medicine, she developed a unique stress management technique.
In her book Stress Resistance, Sharon outlines a technique that has been successfully used by thousands of people who have undergone her training. It clearly spells out how to determine the boundaries of your responsibility, set priorities, control your own and others' emotions, correctly alternate rest and load.
The most interesting thing is that the exercises in the book can be learned in just 3 minutes!
Emotionally abstract from any outcome of your efforts. Make peace of mind your priority and organize the rest of your life around it.
Any problem is made up of 50 percent of the factors we can control and the other 50 percent that we can't control. Take responsibility for your “half the way.”
Kelly McGonigal, The Power of Will. How to develop and strengthen
Willpower can and should be trained. Stanford professor, Ph.D., practicing psychologist Kelly McGonigal explains this in the book Willpower. How to develop and strengthen”. After studying this book, you will be able to control willpower, learn how rest and sleep are related to purposefulness, and learn how to finish everything.
Interestingly, the McGonigal system was recognized as one of the most effective in the world. And her book received 285 top ratings on Amazon.
When an attraction comes, note it and do not immediately try to distract or challenge it. Think of the ironic boomerang effect and polar bears, and remember that your goal is to resist.
According to scientists, self-control is a matter of physiology, not just psychology. It is the transient state of mind and body that gives you the restraint and self-control to overcome your impulses.
Dan Dubravin, Psychology of Emotions: Feelings Under Control
The uniqueness of this book is that the author does not just give techniques of self-control. It helps to develop specific skills – a sense of humor, inspiration, self-control.
The book “Emotion Psychology: Feelings Under Control” teaches you to control your emotions, generate positive states. In addition, it presents specific techniques of emotional self-defense and self-help.
When you begin to change your habitual behavior, you may experience unpleasant feelings of guilt or frustration. These are signals that you have violated your usual principles and beliefs. Accept this as an integral part of your change and engage in a dialogue with discomfort.
Open expression of emotions is condemned in many cultures. Nevertheless, it is in this ability that there is a huge potential for personal effectiveness and influence on people. Think of the most famous and influential speakers. All of them were well aware of their emotions and very skillfully conveyed them to others.
How the brain works while reading
How prayer changes blood
And most importantly. In any situation, remember that only you decide how to react to it!
Author: Alexandrap Yarlykova
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: 5sfer.com/20671-3-yarkiye-knigi-kotoryye-uchat-samokontrolyu.html