5 birds that could attack you

Birds somehow do not associate the person with aggression and danger. If they are someone may cause harm, the maximum of the beetles or other small birds. Or not? The website talks about the five birds, which may result in the person very, very badly.

Img-fotki.yandex.Ginga Guinness world records calls this a seemingly harmless and cute bird "the Most dangerous bird on the planet." In the special case of aggression: is causara even just to see the man in his habitat, as he immediately flies into a rage and rushes to the attack.
The legs of causara like the ostrich, and claws sharper than a knife, so you'll be in Australia, you better look around.

Basik.iujnoamerikankie harpy

Animalreader.hilobrow bird, the harpy will not name, isn't it? So. This bird weighs nine pounds and has bear claws, piercing the skull of a miserable two-legged, like us, with a single blow.

Pochemuchka.infoЕсть good news — the South American harpy usually the first person does not attack, it is quite satisfied with the smaller animals — monkeys, sloths — that go to her and the Chicks for lunch.

World-fact.gidaspova Flycatcher

Animalreader.hydrogue the name of this, quite small, bird — pitaju dichroic, and it is the most poisonous bird on the planet. If the poison gets to the man in the blood — Holos.

Ianimal.Ganado to note that this is not the flytrap secretes poison — she just eats poisonous beetles, whose venom is gradually accumulated in her body. There are several species of poisonous pitaju, but bicolor is the most dangerous.

Academic.hicanada goose

Animalbox.hicanada goose is a huge, very beautiful and aggressive duck. It defends its territory very aggressively, and bravely, for example, causing lacerations and severe fractures accidentally wandered in the Homo sapiens.

Animalbox.giocarci can cause harm and in the sky, if a flock of these birds will meet with aircraft, as happened in 2009, when after a meeting with the geese, the pilot narrowly without damage to land the plane.


Aleksandr195586.narod.Giverny not particularly big, not too crabby and not poisonous. But they are very smart! The intelligence of crows allows them to "crank" the whole combination in search of food. For example, once in China 9 trains derailed in one month, because crows have learned to put on the rails the little pebbles of rubble. Why? Who knows.

Vakhlakov.narod.gitchie cunning birds can descend on a child or old man in the Park and eat in the head while their "accomplice" to steal food. Especially often it happens with the blonde. Why the crows do not like blonde hair — scientists have yet to figure out. Meantime, stay away from them, especially in the spring.
via factroom.ru