15 reasons why autumn is a much better summer

Many believe that autumn is the saddest time of the year when the Sunny days come rainy, foggy days. But no matter how sad we just can't help but smile, when it's a hurricane of colors and atmosphere. We are in the Website I want to remind you why fall is the most beautiful and colorful time of the year.
In the autumn the forests are filled with bright colors and poetic romance

We warm socks and hot chocolate

And any view from the window is fabulous

You want to jump in a pile of autumn leaves

Autumn is a great reason to make your home brighter

Return sweaters and tights

And finally, you can wrap yourself in a blanket and watch your favorite TV series

Autumn is a time of delicious Apple pies

And candles with autumn aromas

Early twilight and late dawn

In General, autumn is the excuse to stay home and read a good book

The reason to buy a new coat, and more... scarves, scarves, scarves

And gather a bouquet from fallen leaves

And easy cool — a reason to be closer to each other

Photos on the preview depositphotos
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15 photographs, filled with anticipation of autumn
Warm pies for autumn cold
The 15 most fascinating TV series of the autumn
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