The Stage Of Understanding

One of the key processes associated with the activity of the Intellect is Understanding. It is a curious fact that, in many cases, is a lack of understanding, as well as the curious fact that in the case of real Understanding, includes displays of other senses, primarily Touch, Sight, Hearing. In most cases, purely intellectual understanding is deceptive and not a full-fledged, well-expressed in the resistant expressions like "I understand, but can not do anything" or "I understand you perfectly, but why are you..."
Understanding the maturing as the result of observation and acquiring skills. In cases of this predominantly vocational skills, psihoterapie, in abstract subjects — the skills of thought processes and Conceptual Ties
Select the number of stages in the maturation process of Understanding.
1. Shopping
Something somehow interest the. Thing, that person, subject. At this stage it is useful to look at the causes of interest. They may be the accidental and trifling, which will inevitably lead to disappointment and loss of time. True Understanding, as a rule, based on a powerful Foundation. Each of us really little time to waste on the study of dead ends. So it makes sense to first understand all that is needed for mere survival, and then to take in understanding the most profound and meaningful of all possible worlds.
2. Deepening
Stage of absorption. In terms of the F4* — this Spring. Many have developed a habit to "eat" of this stage fast collapse case, the subject, man, and to flee in search of the same, only new. This is life on the surface, to look deeper fear, a lack of strength for something more fulfilling. In the scale of life — it's just down the granted resource. While there is power — running. Power over — vegetate. Usually enough forces for ten years...
3. Breakthrough
And here already all is revealed! In this phase of success and powerful impact. In relations — merge in unison on the crest of a growing wave. In the subject — a real sense of a breakthrough. Blessed is who was here :)
We must understand that this stage is by nature finite, short-lived and usually not repeated! That is happen only once. And this is no accident. These are the properties of Intelligence in the "wide" contact with what is happening.
4. Professionalism
The stage of development of professionalism in business, prosperity in relations, deep knowledge in the subject. At this stage, aligned internal needs and capabilities with external demands. Set mutually acceptable balance.
But further, there are very curious passages in different versions.
5a. Natural fading interest
In terms of F4 — it's Autumn. It may be a natural extinction? Nothing lasts forever. A lot can be exhausting, because of their own characteristics and approach. And life always offers something more.
5B. Innovation
Further development of the business relations, themes in previously unattainable area. This can lead to breakthroughs and to painful disappointments. Not everything innovative is accepted by the outside World. Not all facilities have enough resources, both external and internal. Here are the risks, prospects and the pulse of life.
5V. Beyond
This stage is described by the words "I understand that do not understand." Outside due to the transformation of neural connections. Intelligence literally physically developing new types of Relationships between Concepts. At this stage there is a steady tactile perception, which may behave as a dominant. No wonder all the old, reliable, understanding in a strange way falls into nowhere. Seems to understand as before, but power in this sense is no more. And at the same time very different, but very appropriate sounds and looks that previously seemed not related to the topic. In business and relationships, it results in a strange behavior, which can be adequate in the context of what is happening or not. In the subject — line "care horizons, keeping stillness".
The most contagious to others act stage 3 and 5B, the latter may hang mysteriously and very deeply. For this reason, there is a sense to listen and learn from those who are in these stages.
The most important feature of Understanding the vision of the entire topic from all sides, the opportunity to approach the topic from any angle, and through any initial message. In a relationship it's something like "accept as is". The adequacy of the changing circumstances and "Yes, you're right, you could, and now have it so."
Oddly enough, a symptom of not understanding the subject is the conviction the correct way. It is a signal about the impossibility to cover the topic to include the understanding of all policy violations and other exceptions.
* Spring — Summer — Autumn — Skaudvile all works! Awesome! Any project, any endeavor, any relationship, all doomed to decay and inglorious end. But this is not a shameful pessimism. It's just such a world, clearly the appropriate one of the phases of intellectual development. Let's deal. How many in your life something that would last more than 3-5 years? Relationships with people, work, Hobbies, things constantly changing, rarely lasts more than a few years and usually ends conflict breaks. Why, I wonder? It would be possible for many years to do what you love, to live with the favourite person, to communicate with your favorite friends. But here's the problem — it is not saved in the "favorite view" for so long.
And the thing is that Intellect works all the time the same formula of Four States "Spring — Summer — Autumn — Winter". Let's call it for brevity F4.
If in life something is beginning to attract, it is difficult to perceive it bypassing the Intellect. Inevitably there will be a verbal delight, appears a laudatory language and understanding of what's hatching something-rastacore yeah, F4 forms a complex Spring. Feeling the rising tide — it wow-Gokak impressive at times. Binding for life remain. Why so many people like travel — they're almost guaranteed to create a Spring.
During Spring comes Summer. Phase output to peak performance. In a relationship with another person — this time a comprehensive understanding. The work is the most fruitful. In relations with things — a maximum utility and convenience.
Autumn Comes. F4 not to cheat. By the time of "harvest" are increasingly "how to share", "let's do this" and "good sit." In the relationship begins to reveal the ruthless household stuff, treacherous details and "topnikova habit."
Winter. The final break of hibernation and the burden of loneliness. All was going to destruction is destroyed.
Why is Winter not to call Summer? But will not work. It is best to try for yourself to see how F4 is accomplished in the complex, how it works. For autumn summer, winter autumn, spring winter — all this destructive transitions, which in the natural course of events is not feasible, and in artificial challenge — painful.
You need to keep in mind that social wrapper stuff is secondary. F4 and the resultant bio-energy processes anyway, you're a farmer, or a TOP Manager of, widely recognized or obscure. It will be through you to work.
What are the "tricks" you can apply, knowing how F4?
First and foremost: make the Fall, take the Winter. It is the resistance of these phases creates the iron attachment to F4. But acceptance, understanding patterns of events makes it impossible to detect other strokes in the cycle of States.
Second. Long spring. The Long Summer. A short Autumn and a short Winter. The state will still be changed, but their length may be different. And it can be controlled. In its natural form quite often occur long spring and long fall. The first is the case when a man for a long time interested, but a closer relationship is not fastened. One day we may establish and quick to disappoint. The second is in the relationship with relatives. It's a long fall is often provided jointly acquired property, including children.
Third. Something not smoothly fit in the F4 and it is worthy of a separate study and experiments. For example, relationships with parents. They both have never had a beginning. Parents enter the child's mind a world in which parents already have. As a constant. As the eternal element of the world. This relationship with parents usually last decades and can have a curious nature associated Conditions. Here it is possible to try to transfer as an experiment, for example, on a separate project.
Fourth. Having studied sufficiently F4, you can try to implement something outside of this formula. I have to say that the work and projects outside F4 is hardly possible, as it will not work in these cases to do without Intelligence. Relationship with things is also impossible, except with works of art or objects of power. But the relationship with people provides many opportunities. published
Source: ariom.ru/blog/26.02.2010/1
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