Overhead charm of the lovely ladies

"The first thing you took off the wig and standing in front of me, like an old man. And then he undid prosthesis - I fear the wall reached. And the third surprise was not Zhdan - you put your eyes in a glass ... "- the words of this song yard today clothed in flesh and blood. Specifically, a plastic and silicon. Chasing feminine charms, men often chasing an illusion, invoice all accents of the word! .. Let's start from the top, that is, with the hair ... Oh, wigs, ...

What you take for a natural blonde, is the paint that was taken as the dye may remain in the hand, revealing typhoid hedgehog ... Basically, wigs - it's a great thing. With them is the same every time a woman can look in a new way ... I bet that you will never understand that the Move, the product of artificial hair? ..

But it's all in the past ... Today there is a new trend - hair extensions! ..

Strands are made from natural materials of the highest quality ...

The process runs like this: the head sdrazhduschey person soldered special capsule-holders ... Galway wash in the usual way, except that the comb required ennobled special ladies not to povydergivat all this beauty ...

Eyes - mirror of the soul? Do not be ridiculous! With the current range of colored lenses you risk not know even the favorite color of eyes! ..

There dazhespetsialnye "carnival" lens - a cat costume, such ...

And here is the false eyelashes ... Cheap and cheerful! ..

By the way, they just stick ...

Come on ... teeth like pearls ... Well, it's false teeth, perhaps too ... Although the quality of our time has grown two heads ...

The modern woman is using to achieve dentists working with metal-ceramic! ..

Here it is, the fruit of incredible efforts! ..

But what a smile! ..

The neck is usually still, natural, so let's get to the bust ... Oh, men are waiting for a lot of surprises! Silicone? God be with you, it has long been out of fashion and dangerous! .. There are thousands more decent way! ..
Oh, those magic words "vandebra", "push-up", "up-Liff" and so on ... I do not mind! .. Just remember that chest of roughly the same, and they look so thanks to the special models of busts ...
And in them is, you can stick that's just such special stuff ...
And use the included straps completely different ... In general, oh yes ah! ..
Shaping lingerie makes miracles! ..
Raises, compresses, brings forward, increases the volume and shows to the best advantage ...
For example, here's the sticky bust strapless ...
The result is impressive, is not it? ..
But it is stored in a box, wash with warm water under the tap ...
There are in this world, even silicone nipples "to bring to the breast more sensual» ...
So, gentlemen, stripping another passion, less importantly wonder smaller ...
Now, about the hand ... Or rather, about nogotochki ...

There are women with hands, like a bouquet of Vienna sausages. Each of these sausages is topped with a curved convex excrescence, resembling a parrot's beak, but much longer. This artificial nails in all its splendor ...

As a rule, they are covered with toxic nail art, caked with rhinestones and scare away men within a radius of 20 meters ...

But among women it is believed that this is a very sought ...

In its original form it looks like this ...

Mounted so normal ... almost glue "Moment» ...

And if you've ever seen it done! ..

For particularly rotated natures come up with golden nails ...

Watched the figures in the picture - the price for one piece! ..

Individual performance discount when ordering more than ten nails ... huge plus, a huge - stick is not necessary, just to wear! ..

Well, now it seems like a move to the waist ... It is clear, it is necessary not to increase and decrease the! ..
To do this, in the course are special tights or shorts ...
They support all supported! ..
And body are input ...
And grace ...
And tights ... In short, the plague! ..
Finally, the female ass ...
Here it is, in front of you, well packed! ..
The effect - stunning! ..
There are all sorts of straps for the same purpose ...
But Western ladies still prefer pokomfortnee ...
Nothing like this has come up, perhaps, only for legs ...
Unless heels ...
So, gentlemen, relax! .. And no matter what your girlfriend drags on itself, the main thing that was a good man! And, after all, she does it for you! ..
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