Most annoying male habits
Questioning more than a thousand beautiful women confirmed that many men are the same habits so that they can even be classified according to specific types.
So, the first place in the ranking of the most disappointing the annoying habits of men engaged in computer games. It is noted about 40% of women.? In addition, the computer replaces the stronger sex treats many kinds of radiation generated by the data devaysom negative effect on erection.
"Honorable" second place is a bad habit of strong half of humanity to pass all requests lovely ladies on deaf ears. This feature of the male character noticed about 20% of the respondents. Nearly 10% of women complain that their partners in life after taken a bath or shower, do not wipe the floor for a.
Just over 5% of the charming lady accused of strong half of humanity as gender discrimination at how women drive cars. Almost the same number of respondents admitted that the kitchen, which is engaged in preparing a favorite of some of the next culinary masterpiece, after all the necessary prescription manipulation resembles a nightmare to deal with the consequences of which it is very easy. After such cleaning to try a dish cooked spouse, lost all desire.
About 5% of women admit that they are the toes of his pious in the most unexpected places. The same beautiful women notice that their choices are almost never ask for directions from passers-by, if you get in an unfamiliar city.
A little more than 3% of women say that their beloved home collect unnecessary, according to the ladies things: Gadget, screws and all kinds of instruments. However, these unloved things men use women in order to eliminate domestic failure.
Curiously, on the complaint of the stereotyped women - raised toilet seat did not mention any one interviewee.
As expected, under the law of the genre of the sociological survey, the most interesting and curious reasons for anger, women were in the column - "Your answer».
Thus, among the most common habits of men's, women's annoying, are the following:
beer every night;
disconnected cell phone;
the belief that women are stupider than men;
shirk responsibility;
shifting the blame from itself on fragile female shoulders.

So, the first place in the ranking of the most disappointing the annoying habits of men engaged in computer games. It is noted about 40% of women.? In addition, the computer replaces the stronger sex treats many kinds of radiation generated by the data devaysom negative effect on erection.
"Honorable" second place is a bad habit of strong half of humanity to pass all requests lovely ladies on deaf ears. This feature of the male character noticed about 20% of the respondents. Nearly 10% of women complain that their partners in life after taken a bath or shower, do not wipe the floor for a.
Just over 5% of the charming lady accused of strong half of humanity as gender discrimination at how women drive cars. Almost the same number of respondents admitted that the kitchen, which is engaged in preparing a favorite of some of the next culinary masterpiece, after all the necessary prescription manipulation resembles a nightmare to deal with the consequences of which it is very easy. After such cleaning to try a dish cooked spouse, lost all desire.
About 5% of women admit that they are the toes of his pious in the most unexpected places. The same beautiful women notice that their choices are almost never ask for directions from passers-by, if you get in an unfamiliar city.
A little more than 3% of women say that their beloved home collect unnecessary, according to the ladies things: Gadget, screws and all kinds of instruments. However, these unloved things men use women in order to eliminate domestic failure.
Curiously, on the complaint of the stereotyped women - raised toilet seat did not mention any one interviewee.
As expected, under the law of the genre of the sociological survey, the most interesting and curious reasons for anger, women were in the column - "Your answer».
Thus, among the most common habits of men's, women's annoying, are the following:
beer every night;
disconnected cell phone;
the belief that women are stupider than men;
shirk responsibility;
shifting the blame from itself on fragile female shoulders.