10 illustrations about what happiness to be mother and daughter

Children of either sex is beautiful, but with the advent of the daughter mother like gets the opportunity to relive their childhood, share their secrets and experience. And even to some extent to look at ourselves.
Growing up the daughter find their way and their ideals, but at the beginning of life the mother is an example for us to follow. And often it remains so forever.
We are in Website dedicate this post to mothers and daughters. And all the wonderful things they can do together.
To enjoy "girly" movies

To cook the most delicious food in the world and together to create comfort

Fooling around and laughing like the two little girls

To travel and explore this huge world

To dress up, because sometimes it requires soul

Enjoy the moments that are so difficult to convey in words, but easy to feel

Surrender to the music, which sounds in the soul

To help each other to be beautiful

Forget time, immersed in creativity

To talk about everything, to listen to each other and understand

Illustrator Zhanna Bulankova specifically for the Website
See also
How life changes after the baby is born
Moms are moms
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/mamy-takie-mamy-750060/