Restoring vitality

Restoring forces do not have a coarse and a fine body.

In Ayurveda there is such a thing - "Ojas", literally translated from Sanskrit Ojas represents strength, power. This is one of the most subtle energies of man, spiritualizing his mind.

Ojas - this consciousness in his finest biological form, the juice of life. A reasonable person accumulates Ojas and converts it into a transcendental vibration, unreasonable expense, thereby robbing himself.

Symptom free flowing Ojas - the brightness. Internal - a feeling of pure bliss.

The lack of ojas manifests as exhaustion, weakening of the immune system and nervous exhaustion. At the same time the mind and human emotions are unstable, it irritates any noise and even light, it contains fear, anxiety, impatience, insomnia, lack of confidence in their own strength, inability to concentrate thought, memory, such a person is weak, inconsistent thinking, unbalanced emotions.

Increases Ojas:
1. Healthy food, especially among the carriers of the products are high ojasa peretoplennoe honey and butter (ghee), which Ayurveda recommends cooking the food.
2. Good sleep.
3. Calm and pleasant emotions.
4. Creative use of sexual energy.

To save Ojas, must not only abide by the rules of a healthy lifestyle, but also cherish their spiritual purity, spiritually transformed by learning to control his feelings and desires.

The foods most power ojasa give those in which much of the moon of good quality, for example, aniseed, asafoetida, cloves, cumin, Nigella sativa, basil, parsley, cumin, fennel, rosehips, hibiscus, watermelon, melon, squash, cucumber, flax and olive oil, cashew nuts, all dairy products, rice, millet, white beans, apricot, banana, kiwi, persimmon, apple, grape, plum.

But the "champions" are cow's milk and green cardamom, mint. Therefore, the lack of power is extremely beneficial to drink in the evening warm cow's milk with cardamom and fennel, add a little honey (buckwheat not only best - flower). Or brew mint tea, add it cardamom and green floral honey.