10 Secrets from the nurse, who easily agree with any kid
At the heroine of the British TV show "Supernyanya" prays a lot of parents from different countries. A psychologist by training, Jo Frost teaches adults how to respond to the whims of the kids and create a healthy atmosphere in the family, through which children will grow up happy.
Joe technique is reduced to 10 basic principles that Website offers you. Read and take into service.
1. Praise and reward
Children always need to know that they are happy. Encourage your baby can not only toys but also such simple words as "well done", "clever", "my pride." It is very important for the child's tactile, so hug him as often as possible. Good working system in which you reward him with stars or other marks of distinction for any achievement. Awards can be hung on the refrigerator or other prominent place that the child they are often seen because it is a great motivation to behave better.
2. Sequence A child needs to know that the word "can not" - this is a law that is not negotiable. Therefore, the restrictions established for the children, must comply with all the members of your family and the people who interact with them. If your daze can not drink carbonated water, watch TV before going to bed, use parental gadgets inform all those who care about the baby, and ask them to comply with these rules.
3. Child mode feels more confident when certain events occur in the same time. Therefore adults should create and maintain a children's mode, due to which the baby will know the time when he has to deal with one or another thing. This mode helps to cope with such a common problem, as the unwillingness of the child to fall asleep or wake up on time.
4. Frames
Many parents believe: the child himself must know and understand what is possible and what is not. In fact, this behavior is wrong, as the smallest member of your family does not have the experience or knowledge to independently determine what is good and what is bad. Therefore, adults need to help your child in this and even explain such obvious, from their point of view, things like that you can not fight, call names, causing harm to living beings.
5. Discipline Establishment frames rarely complete without a disciplinary punishment. If a child has violated the rules by you, he must know what are the consequences. Depending on the extent of the violation, penalties may be different - from the strict voting to ban to go out or withdrawal favorite toy. Here parents should understand that punishment - is action, not a threat. Therefore, if a child is at fault, it is necessary to collect will in a fist, and to take punishing actions.
6. Warnings Warning allow your child to change his mind or behavior, if it is wrong. Warn the child in two ways: a kind and faithful. For good warnings include phrases like "hurry up, we go out, and you're still not dressed," "Half an hour later dinner time to collect toys».
There are also strict warnings that should be used in cases when a child misbehaves. If the kid mischief, he must first make an observation and if the situation is not corrected, - a stern warning. For example, "If you do not cease to behave this way, you will be punished." If, after this childish behavior is not corrected, only to apply punishment.
7. Obvious and probable
A child is not born with an understanding of what is good and what is bad. Therefore, parents should explain to him in simple terms truths. It is best to write them on the poster, which will be before the eyes of a child. On paper, it can be written, that brought up the children always clean in the room, help the elderly, not perechat parents.
8. Composure matter how bad or behaved child, you should always stay calm. Do not shout or lose your temper, you need to talk calmly and strictly. Keeping self-control, you are much better explain to the child that because he broke the rules, will be punished and it will be every time it will behave this way.
9. responsibility from an early age a child must have chores that need to complicate things as he matures. It should not give him such tasks, who initially little chance of successful implementation. The five-year boy is not able to repair the broken toy, but perfectly cope with dust wiping. Be sure to cheer the baby while he helps you through the house, and praise after he finishes work.
10. The right to rest
We all need rest, including the youngest members of your family. Try to keep the child was not too busy schedule as an overabundance of electives, sections and groups can make a child miserable. The child must be a time when he can do what he wants.
Photos on the preview Jo Frost / facebook
Based on materials from Jo Frost's Toddler Rules: Your 5-Step Guide to Shaping Proper Behavior
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