15 laws of the universe that is uniquely familiar to anyone

If there is even a small chance that something bad will happen often, we are confident that it will happen. And in most cases it occurs precisely at the moment when that's not needed.
< Website is sharing with you the illustrations, which show that the life of a good sense of humor.
< br> Act coffee

charging Act on the phone

Act minibus

Act postoffice

manicure Act

messages Act

Law "Awake and sing"

rain Act number 1: 21,237,221 umbrella
rain Law number 2: neat machine

buying clothes

Act chance encounter familiar

< br> Law

Act calls

Act tights

Act white clothes

Illustrator Ekaterina Gapanovich especially for Website
See also:
How do women appear on the pages of glossy magazines, and how everything is actually
10 comic books about what really adulthood
9 illustrations of how the Pope actually refer to subsidiaries
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/9-illyustracij-o-tom-kak-papy-na-samom-dele-otnosyatsya-k-dochkam-1228960/
Sometimes life turns all the booty. Let this ass is just such a
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