Why You Should At Least Sometimes Use a Nanny
The bond between mother and baby is inseparable, and close and long-term communication with the mother is the most important experience in the life of the child. But life is arranged in such a way that sooner or later parents have to leave their native blood for some time with other people. And if with the closest relatives (grandparents, aunts, etc.) everything is extremely simple, then not every parent decides to entrust the baby to a nanny.
Editorial "Site" Tell me why. babysitting It's okay, it's not scary, and it's better than Grandma. Here’s how to choose the perfect “mom for an hour” and what to pay attention to suspicious parents, so as not to worry again. A good nanny is help from above!
More and more young parents, for one reason or another, resort to help not to grandmothers, but to nannies or babysitters - boys and girls who are ready to look after the baby, while father and mother went on important business. And it’s okay to leave a child with a specially trained person for a few hours to go about their business: go to work, go shopping or just have fun.
What's the difference between a babysitter and a babysitter? Sitter, or babysitterThis is a one-time story when parents urgently need to leave, and the child has no one to leave with. It is unlikely that the sitter will memorize the favorite toy of the baby, read fairy tales for the night and accustom the rest to the pot.
A specially trained person can look after the child, take a walk, prepare a simple meal (only for the child), put to bed, change clothes, do lessons, go to the museum or take to the section, go with the parents on vacation or stay at home with the child while mom and dad warm the bones on the beach.
Sitter is not a housekeeper, he will not dust, wash the floors, walk the dog or buy groceries. But if the sitter provides services to care for the child on a permanent basis, then the line between him and the nanny is imperceptibly erased. The difference is that the babysitter usually spends more time with the baby and is often almost a family member.
Having decided to get a nanny or sitter, parents face many problems. How to decide to trust your child to a stranger, how to find a reliable, what relationship to maintain? And the neighbors squirm, day and night, "Look at them!" They left the child with a stranger with a living grandmother.
It is quite natural that sooner or later, dads and moms will have important things to do and will have to leave a precious child if not with a native, then with a stranger. Why choose a nanny instead of a grandmother?
Yes to the nanny and no to Grandma!
How to leave and not worry? Advice to parents!
I'm sure you'll be interested in hearing the authority. opinion of Dr. Komarovsky About babysitting!
Any child needs a satisfied, rested and happy mother, and not burnt out and in endless depression. Going about your own business while a special person looks after the child is normal!
“Mother does not cease to be a separate person with her desires and aspirations after the birth of a child, she really needs time alone with herself, even just the opportunity to breathe out and look around. And those who do not understand this, have not taken off the white coat for a long time, explains experienced babysitter Victoria Kazantseva.
In any case, parents should understand that even a good nanny or sitter is not a guarantee that everything will be absolutely cloudless. Children beat knees even under supervision, dishes break, cats scratch, other children fight and sprinkle sand in the eyes. All this can happen both under the supervision of parents, and in the kindergarten or with a nanny.
Do you use a nanny or a sitter? Not so long ago we told how an exhausted mother to overcome fatigue from motherhood.

Editorial "Site" Tell me why. babysitting It's okay, it's not scary, and it's better than Grandma. Here’s how to choose the perfect “mom for an hour” and what to pay attention to suspicious parents, so as not to worry again. A good nanny is help from above!
More and more young parents, for one reason or another, resort to help not to grandmothers, but to nannies or babysitters - boys and girls who are ready to look after the baby, while father and mother went on important business. And it’s okay to leave a child with a specially trained person for a few hours to go about their business: go to work, go shopping or just have fun.

What's the difference between a babysitter and a babysitter? Sitter, or babysitterThis is a one-time story when parents urgently need to leave, and the child has no one to leave with. It is unlikely that the sitter will memorize the favorite toy of the baby, read fairy tales for the night and accustom the rest to the pot.
A specially trained person can look after the child, take a walk, prepare a simple meal (only for the child), put to bed, change clothes, do lessons, go to the museum or take to the section, go with the parents on vacation or stay at home with the child while mom and dad warm the bones on the beach.
Sitter is not a housekeeper, he will not dust, wash the floors, walk the dog or buy groceries. But if the sitter provides services to care for the child on a permanent basis, then the line between him and the nanny is imperceptibly erased. The difference is that the babysitter usually spends more time with the baby and is often almost a family member.

Having decided to get a nanny or sitter, parents face many problems. How to decide to trust your child to a stranger, how to find a reliable, what relationship to maintain? And the neighbors squirm, day and night, "Look at them!" They left the child with a stranger with a living grandmother.
It is quite natural that sooner or later, dads and moms will have important things to do and will have to leave a precious child if not with a native, then with a stranger. Why choose a nanny instead of a grandmother?

Yes to the nanny and no to Grandma!
- The nanny looks after the child and organizes the educational process as the mother decided. Grandparents are free to choose which upbringing to impose. “We raised you like that, and nothing that grew up!”
- You can calmly leave the nanny a list of household chores, while it is simply indecent to load the grandmother with extra work. “While the child is sleeping, please do a wet cleaning in the room, wipe the dust strictly from left to right, and water the flowers.”
- An important plus is walking! If the mother in 20-degree frost will not put with a stroller outside the threshold, then the grandmother and even more. Nanny's according to the instructions. “I don't like cold. And walking around school in the winter was torture for me. But for a child, it's a pleasure. And my direct parental responsibility is to provide such pleasure. And here she is joy when the door opens and the clumsy nanny in a huge coat gives you your red-cheeked, inflatable happiness.
, - delighted rested mother no less satisfied child. - And by the way, Grandma's a human being too! In many families, there are clear rules that prescribe the grandmother to take care of her grandson at all costs. Grandma should give up all her “old” business and devote her free time to her grandchildren. It's great if Grandma wants to do it. But not all older women are willing to look after their grandchildren.
How to leave and not worry? Advice to parents!
- The first, and most important, is to start leaving the child in advance, albeit briefly, but with another person. This is especially important for those mothers who plan not to spend a long time on maternity leave. Leave your child literally for a few minutes, gradually increasing the separation period. This habituation is necessary primarily for mother. And a child, especially a very small one, will not see anything critical in changes if he is properly taken care of: feed, rock, play, change clothes.
470273 - The mother must fully trust with whom she will leave her child. Choose a nanny carefully, ask her about previous clients, arrange an interview. Decide what is important to you in the nanny first. Careful? Shared interests with the child? Knowledge of foreign languages? Music education? Ask what you care most about: vaccination, religion, sling skills, first aid skills, certificates, licenses, documents, after all. Pay attention to how the nanny communicates with the child, whether she washes her hands, changes into changeable clothes - all these little things should be close to you and not cause discomfort.
If you leave the baby to a person you can safely trust, the child will feel it and after your departure will remain extremely calm. - To the child spent time with a stranger as comfortable as possible, prepare the child in advance for the fact that another person will come to him to play, and dad and mom will go on business, but they will definitely return. If a nanny or sitter needs to look after the baby, the mother should leave enough expressed milk, preferably with a small supply. You can also leave a T-shirt with the mother's smell, so that the child does not worry. Prepare food in advance, leave all important phone numbers (parents, grandmothers, doctor), prepare shift clothes, clothes for a walk, leave the nanny a schedule for the day and possible homework.
- Don't try to make a copy of your babysitter! To make a child grow smart, curious and courageous, give him the opportunity to learn something new and communicate not only with himself. If the rules of hygiene and safety, as well as the necessary recommendations are strictly followed, the precious lump is not threatened.
I'm sure you'll be interested in hearing the authority. opinion of Dr. Komarovsky About babysitting!
Any child needs a satisfied, rested and happy mother, and not burnt out and in endless depression. Going about your own business while a special person looks after the child is normal!
“Mother does not cease to be a separate person with her desires and aspirations after the birth of a child, she really needs time alone with herself, even just the opportunity to breathe out and look around. And those who do not understand this, have not taken off the white coat for a long time, explains experienced babysitter Victoria Kazantseva.
In any case, parents should understand that even a good nanny or sitter is not a guarantee that everything will be absolutely cloudless. Children beat knees even under supervision, dishes break, cats scratch, other children fight and sprinkle sand in the eyes. All this can happen both under the supervision of parents, and in the kindergarten or with a nanny.
Do you use a nanny or a sitter? Not so long ago we told how an exhausted mother to overcome fatigue from motherhood.