10 Olympic champions, who won without meat

1. Paavo Nurmi
One of the greatest distance runners in history, the "Flying Finn" won nine gold medals in long-distance running during the Olympic Games in 1924 and 1928, including the 1500 m and 5000 m in the same day in Paris 1924.
2. Murray Rose
Known as the "fast alga", named so because of their vegetarian diet, Australian swimmer Rose won four Olympic gold medals in the Olympic Games in 1956 and 1960. He adhered to a strict vegetarian diet since childhood.
3. Edwin Moses
Double gold medalist in the 400m race with obstacles, Moses won the most improbable victories in sports history when he successively won 122 races between 1977 and 1987, thus breaking four world records.
4. Bode Miller
One of America's greatest skiers of all time, Miller won five Olympic medals, including gold in Vancouver in 2010. He was raised a vegetarian on an organic farm in New Hampshire.
5. Carl Lewis
Carl Lewis was not a vegetarian, when he won four gold medals in Los Angeles in 1984, but vegetarianism supporter whom he later became, a positive impact on his career. In 1991, he won the 100m at the World Championships at the age of 30, setting a world record. According to him, this was his greatest race.
6. Emil Voigt
Last Briton, who won a gold medal at the Olympics in sprinting, in 1908 in London, Voigt was a former newspaper writer in the Guardian, as well as a strong advocate of vegetarianism.
7. Christopher Campbell
The fight is no exception to the rule when it comes to the winners-vegetarians. Campbell missed his chance at Olympic gold in 1980, when the US boycotted the Olympics in Moscow, but managed to win the bronze medal at the Olympic Games in Barcelona in middle age - 37 years
. 8. Martina Navratilova
Although she lost in the quarter-finals of the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004, Navratilova is one of the greatest tennis players in history, winning 18 Grand Slam tournaments, including winning an incredible nine wins at Wimbledon. She is a strong advocate of vegetarianism.
9. Lizzie Armistead - Olympic medalist of the 2012 cycling
. 10. In the tenth article is not detected, so Alexei Voyevoda added: vegan, - 3-time world champion in arm wrestling world champion bobsleigh - Olympic silver medal in 2006, the Olympics 2010 bronze and 2011 world champion, two gold medals at the 2014 Olympics.