9 tricks for perfect white teeth and Hollywood glitter

Most of us dream of a white and healthy teeth. However, not all solved on chemical bleaching.
< Website has learned about the procedures that can be performed at home. They will not damage the enamel and will not cause harm. Of course, these tricks will not replace trips to the dentist, but with regular use to lighten the smile on a few tones and strengthen gums.
Whitening toothpaste with their hands

< br> Mix for 1 hour. L. turmeric powder with the same amount of pure coconut oil and 2-3 drops of peppermint oil. We use a regular toothpaste. This mixture protects the enamel, visibly whitens teeth and freshens the mouth. More in the video instructions.
Tea tree oil

If you apply a solution of 5 drops of 100% tea tree oil to 1/2 cup of water for daily rinsing teeth after brushing, the effect of the procedure will be noticeable within a few weeks.
To the result was even more dazzling, 1-2 times a week, you can spend extra brushing 1 drop of oil. Repeat this ritual is usually not recommended.
Strawberry Scrub

Take fresh strawberries, mash it with a spoon, mix it with the finest sea salt (you can grind it yourself in a coffee grinder), put on your toothbrush and lightly massaging the teeth for a few minutes. Then you rinse your mouth well.
To avoid damaging the enamel peeling spend not more than 1 time in 2 weeks.
Coconut oil

Apply the required amount of oil on the teeth to clean the teeth. Leave for 15-20 minutes and then clean well in the traditional way.
Repeat this procedure can be 2-3 times a week.
Mask Activated carbon

Mix the charcoal powder with water to get a consistency of thick cream. Carefully put on your teeth, leave for 2 minutes and thoroughly rinsed. Then clean the usual way.
Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.
Bleach of the banana peel

Banana peel contains substances that dissolve plaque and help to maintain perfect color. Strips of skin, its white part, carefully rub the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth, leave for 5-7 minutes. Then, brush our teeth and rinse well.
Repeat this care can be as often as desired.
Lemon rinse

For the gradual whitening and freshness of the mouth rinse is great, which is easy to do yourself. For him, take 3 parts lemon juice and 1 part finely ground salt, and mix well with a solution rinse your teeth after brushing. Use 2-3 times a week.
Do not use mouthwash for inflammation in the oral cavity.
Basil leaves

If the grind to puree fresh basil leaves, the mixture will help to whiten teeth and improve. It can be used on a regular basis instead of traditional pasta. It can be applied for 5-10 minutes before the main cleaning.
Aloe vera 79,882,322
To teeth shone in Hollywood, use aloe vera juice or purchase, but a natural gel from this plant. Lubricate the teeth, massaging brush and well rinsed.
This procedure can be repeated after each cleaning. A few weeks later the smile will look more bright and shiny.
Photos on the preview stasique / depositphotos.com
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