Prosthesis - a treatment of patients with various diseases of the maxillofacial system various orthopedic devices (prostheses, tires, tabs), pursues as healing (recovery of chewing, speech and swallowing function of masticatory muscles, impaired aesthetics) and prophylactic purpose (save remaining teeth, preventing further destruction of the dental arches and joints).
The author of the photograph by Robert Zubak.
There are removable and non-removable denture prosthetics.
Fixed dentures doctor fixed on the teeth for a long time. It - single crowns or bridges (some bits), which are mounted on healthy teeth (pulpless or alive) or implants. Fixed Structures are made of various materials: metal, plastic, ceramics.
Dentures freely extracted from the oral cavity by the patient and inserted again. There are full, t. E. Including teeth, and partial, t. E. Which replace the defect part of the dentition.
Removable dentures are divided into the laminar (not necessarily the presence of teeth) and clasp (require certain conditions and the presence of some of the teeth)
Removable prosthetics clasp.
Mounted clasp dentures or hooks (in most cases do not require preparation (grinding) teeth and manufacturing of crowns on the abutment teeth).
Byugelgy denture in the mouth the upper jaw.
Or (clasp prostheses) have latch-(requires preparation of the teeth and covered their crowns).
Clasp lock (as opposed to klamernyh clasp, Klamer is not visible from the outside) The compound inside teeth (between removable and fixed teeth) by patrician and matrix (mother-father).
Laminar dentures
For partial compensation of defects in dental arches used removable laminar dentures. Dentures are shown at a large loss due to klamerov.Pri zubov.Krepitsya total absence of dental prosthesis is held by the valve area (vacuum).
Fixed prosthetics
Non-removable prosthesis requires mandatory preparation (grinding) teeth and their subsequent cover crown (temporary, permanent).
The crown can restore a damaged tooth to protect weakened or chipped tooth from further damage when this can not be achieved by sealing, to correct an irregular shape and discoloration of the tooth, become a support for the bridge.
There is a great choice for today crowns.
The most common are metal-ceramic crowns are koronki.Eti metal frame, covered with a layer of ceramic dental crown pasty.Takaya completely indistinguishable in appearance from the surrounding healthy teeth. ((More about them then index.php?s=&showtopic=271644&hl=
Crowns with plastic are not used, because plastic is not quite durable material, and eventually he begins temnet.Ispolzuyutsya only as temporary.
Ceramic (without metal frame) crown has a very high aesthetic parameters, but they are very fragile, compared with metal, and have a fairly wide range of contraindications.
Veneers - a porcelain or composite plates which are mounted on the front of the tooth. Veneers allows you to quickly restore your teeth, even if some of them are destroyed to the level of the gums. Veneers are selected taking into account the color of the patient's teeth, so it is indistinguishable from the surrounding enamel.
Veneers before and after.
Well, as of today of the latest developments in dentistry is iplantatsiya.
The implant - an artificial titanium root that is screwed into the bone in place of the missing tooth and a crown which is subsequently fixed.
The implant in the mouth
Prosthetics can also be mixed, that is, include a non-removable part (Imlanty, crowns, bridges construction) and a removable chast.Avtor Robert Zubak
And after (photo)
Today, a very large selection of different designs (to your taste) .All flock to one and the correct price to the testimony you have any problems, I recommend to go to several specialists (to listen to the opinion of several doctors) and then you select it, what you need.
And finally, a little dark (tin) for those who yesterday (or at all) does not clean teeth)) 15,547,788
Clean zuby.Vsem good time sutok.Ya all.
About individual design think later recounted in a new teme.Poetapno 1.Prishel patient 2.Konsultatsiya 3.Neposredstvenno work, etc. zdachi to the final work.

The author of the photograph by Robert Zubak.
There are removable and non-removable denture prosthetics.
Fixed dentures doctor fixed on the teeth for a long time. It - single crowns or bridges (some bits), which are mounted on healthy teeth (pulpless or alive) or implants. Fixed Structures are made of various materials: metal, plastic, ceramics.
Dentures freely extracted from the oral cavity by the patient and inserted again. There are full, t. E. Including teeth, and partial, t. E. Which replace the defect part of the dentition.
Removable dentures are divided into the laminar (not necessarily the presence of teeth) and clasp (require certain conditions and the presence of some of the teeth)

Removable prosthetics clasp.
Mounted clasp dentures or hooks (in most cases do not require preparation (grinding) teeth and manufacturing of crowns on the abutment teeth).

Byugelgy denture in the mouth the upper jaw.

Or (clasp prostheses) have latch-(requires preparation of the teeth and covered their crowns).

Clasp lock (as opposed to klamernyh clasp, Klamer is not visible from the outside) The compound inside teeth (between removable and fixed teeth) by patrician and matrix (mother-father).

Laminar dentures
For partial compensation of defects in dental arches used removable laminar dentures. Dentures are shown at a large loss due to klamerov.Pri zubov.Krepitsya total absence of dental prosthesis is held by the valve area (vacuum).

Fixed prosthetics
Non-removable prosthesis requires mandatory preparation (grinding) teeth and their subsequent cover crown (temporary, permanent).
The crown can restore a damaged tooth to protect weakened or chipped tooth from further damage when this can not be achieved by sealing, to correct an irregular shape and discoloration of the tooth, become a support for the bridge.
There is a great choice for today crowns.
The most common are metal-ceramic crowns are koronki.Eti metal frame, covered with a layer of ceramic dental crown pasty.Takaya completely indistinguishable in appearance from the surrounding healthy teeth. ((More about them then index.php?s=&showtopic=271644&hl=
Crowns with plastic are not used, because plastic is not quite durable material, and eventually he begins temnet.Ispolzuyutsya only as temporary.
Ceramic (without metal frame) crown has a very high aesthetic parameters, but they are very fragile, compared with metal, and have a fairly wide range of contraindications.

Veneers - a porcelain or composite plates which are mounted on the front of the tooth. Veneers allows you to quickly restore your teeth, even if some of them are destroyed to the level of the gums. Veneers are selected taking into account the color of the patient's teeth, so it is indistinguishable from the surrounding enamel.

Veneers before and after.

Well, as of today of the latest developments in dentistry is iplantatsiya.
The implant - an artificial titanium root that is screwed into the bone in place of the missing tooth and a crown which is subsequently fixed.


The implant in the mouth

Prosthetics can also be mixed, that is, include a non-removable part (Imlanty, crowns, bridges construction) and a removable chast.Avtor Robert Zubak

And after (photo)
Today, a very large selection of different designs (to your taste) .All flock to one and the correct price to the testimony you have any problems, I recommend to go to several specialists (to listen to the opinion of several doctors) and then you select it, what you need.

And finally, a little dark (tin) for those who yesterday (or at all) does not clean teeth)) 15,547,788

Clean zuby.Vsem good time sutok.Ya all.

About individual design think later recounted in a new teme.Poetapno 1.Prishel patient 2.Konsultatsiya 3.Neposredstvenno work, etc. zdachi to the final work.