Kid-poor could not buy food. And then the shop owner came up with a cool trick!
Edition Site is very fond of stories about human kindness and mutual support. Maybe because all of us are so lacking in their life?
Volpuri.ruOdnazhdy I walked into a small grocery store to buy milk and potatoes. And then I noticed the little boy very skinny and ragged clothes. He eagerly looked at the fresh green peas.
I paid for their products and pay attention to the price of peas, because the child just stood there and looked at him. Pondering the situation, I accidentally overheard a conversation between Mr. Miller, owner of the store, and a boy in ragged clothes.
"Hi, Harry," - said Miller, poor boy. "How are you today?»
"Hello, Mr. Miller. I'm fine, thank you. Just admire it pea, it's so beautiful ... »
"Yes, he's good. As your mother, Harry? »
"She is getting better and better!»
"It is very good. I can tell you something to help, Harry? »
"Nothing, sir. I just admire peas. »
"Maybe you want to take a little bit?" - Miller said
. "No, sir. I have nothing to pay. »
"Well, maybe you have something to sell? Some children sell me your glass beads in exchange for
food. " "Oh, I also have a glass ball!" - Harry said, and began to rummage in his pocket. "But I only have one».
"Yes? Let me look at him, "- said Miller
. The boy stretched out his hand, which was a blue ball: "Here it is. Beautiful, right? »
"Of course", - Miller said, studying the ball
. "But it is blue, and I like the red. Do you have the same house red? »
"I think yes. We need to look. »
"I'll tell you what. Take home this package with green peas, and the next time when you go by, I zanesesh red ball. »
"Indeed? Necessarily Included, Mr. Miller!. »
Mrs. Miller, who was standing nearby, came to help me. Noticing my interest in the exchange, she smiled and said: "In this town there are two more of the same poor boy. It's horrible. Joey just loves to bargain with them. He sells them peas, apples, tomatoes and other foods. And buy they glass beads. First, he says that he does not like the color. Then, when they return to the red ball, Joe decides that now he does not like this color. He sent the boys home with a package of products and asks you to bring the green or orange ball. And so constantly. »
I left the store smiling, amazed kindness of this man.
After a while, I moved to Montana, but never forgot Miller's story, the boys and their exchange of balls. Several years have passed. Each subsequent flew faster than the previous. Most recently, I visited old friends in Colorado, and there I learned that Miller had died.
On that day were just the funeral, and my friends could not go. I agreed to accompany them.
Upon arrival at the morgue, we met with the families and expressed his condolences. Ahead of us were three young men. One of them was in uniform, the other two had beautiful hair, dark suits and white shirts. they looked decent.
They approached Mrs. Miller. Each of them embraced her, kissed her on the cheek and said a few words, and went on to Miller's coffin. It clouded eyes watched each young man stopped briefly and puts his hand to warm cold, pale hand in the casket. They all left the morgue, wiping away tears.
Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I was, and reminded her of a story that occurred many years ago, which she told me. On the exchange of products on the glass beads. Her eyes sparkled, she took me by the hand and led him to his grave.
"These three young men who had just come out, and there are those boys, of whom I told you. They just told me they appreciate what Joe had done for them. Now that Joe can not change his mind about color or size of the ball, they came to pay their debt. We were never very rich, but now Joe can consider himself the richest man in Colorado. »
With the love and affection she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. < Under these three shining red glass ball ...
via likeni.info/bednyj-malchik-ne-mog-pozvolit-sebe-kupit-produkty-to-chto-sdelal-vladelets-magazina-bestsenno/

Volpuri.ruOdnazhdy I walked into a small grocery store to buy milk and potatoes. And then I noticed the little boy very skinny and ragged clothes. He eagerly looked at the fresh green peas.
I paid for their products and pay attention to the price of peas, because the child just stood there and looked at him. Pondering the situation, I accidentally overheard a conversation between Mr. Miller, owner of the store, and a boy in ragged clothes.
"Hi, Harry," - said Miller, poor boy. "How are you today?»
"Hello, Mr. Miller. I'm fine, thank you. Just admire it pea, it's so beautiful ... »
"Yes, he's good. As your mother, Harry? »
"She is getting better and better!»
"It is very good. I can tell you something to help, Harry? »
"Nothing, sir. I just admire peas. »
"Maybe you want to take a little bit?" - Miller said
. "No, sir. I have nothing to pay. »
"Well, maybe you have something to sell? Some children sell me your glass beads in exchange for
food. " "Oh, I also have a glass ball!" - Harry said, and began to rummage in his pocket. "But I only have one».
"Yes? Let me look at him, "- said Miller
. The boy stretched out his hand, which was a blue ball: "Here it is. Beautiful, right? »
"Of course", - Miller said, studying the ball
. "But it is blue, and I like the red. Do you have the same house red? »
"I think yes. We need to look. »
"I'll tell you what. Take home this package with green peas, and the next time when you go by, I zanesesh red ball. »
"Indeed? Necessarily Included, Mr. Miller!. »
Mrs. Miller, who was standing nearby, came to help me. Noticing my interest in the exchange, she smiled and said: "In this town there are two more of the same poor boy. It's horrible. Joey just loves to bargain with them. He sells them peas, apples, tomatoes and other foods. And buy they glass beads. First, he says that he does not like the color. Then, when they return to the red ball, Joe decides that now he does not like this color. He sent the boys home with a package of products and asks you to bring the green or orange ball. And so constantly. »
I left the store smiling, amazed kindness of this man.
After a while, I moved to Montana, but never forgot Miller's story, the boys and their exchange of balls. Several years have passed. Each subsequent flew faster than the previous. Most recently, I visited old friends in Colorado, and there I learned that Miller had died.
On that day were just the funeral, and my friends could not go. I agreed to accompany them.
Upon arrival at the morgue, we met with the families and expressed his condolences. Ahead of us were three young men. One of them was in uniform, the other two had beautiful hair, dark suits and white shirts. they looked decent.
They approached Mrs. Miller. Each of them embraced her, kissed her on the cheek and said a few words, and went on to Miller's coffin. It clouded eyes watched each young man stopped briefly and puts his hand to warm cold, pale hand in the casket. They all left the morgue, wiping away tears.
Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I was, and reminded her of a story that occurred many years ago, which she told me. On the exchange of products on the glass beads. Her eyes sparkled, she took me by the hand and led him to his grave.
"These three young men who had just come out, and there are those boys, of whom I told you. They just told me they appreciate what Joe had done for them. Now that Joe can not change his mind about color or size of the ball, they came to pay their debt. We were never very rich, but now Joe can consider himself the richest man in Colorado. »
With the love and affection she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband. < Under these three shining red glass ball ...
via likeni.info/bednyj-malchik-ne-mog-pozvolit-sebe-kupit-produkty-to-chto-sdelal-vladelets-magazina-bestsenno/
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