11 revelations about the owl, which is forced to live the life of a lark

us at Website it seems that the belief that all people in the world can be divided into owls and larks, wrongly. Firstly, all the owls long been socialized and accustomed themselves to get up early for work. A lark - they exist at all? We are not familiar with either.
Dedicate this post to all those who neither bird nor an owl, but simply not getting enough sleep constantly dove.
Once I realized that I'm not exactly an early bird

I have a few difficult relations with alarm

So I often ask relatives to wake me up. After that, and with them the relationship becomes complicated

When I still pull my body out of bed, I look like this fish

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I had already become adept coffee

when I am taking over a cup of his coffee, wondering when it I had so much to drink

I drive like this at work. And well, if not driving

Due to the bags under the eyes I had not seen the eyes themselves

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at work, I often have the feeling that I drank brake fluid

When finally comes time to sleep, lying in bed here so

But more often - so

Photos on the preview Daxiao_Productions,
Depositphotos, QYMjo / imgur
See also:
What causes lack of sleep and how sleep finally
15 situations that are all who have a brother or sister
18 things, c you will face when the cat have forged
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