Owl crashed into a car and miraculously survived
The incident occurred on the road in Addison County, Vermont, in the front grille of the car with all the speed crashed into a night owl, apparently flying in the night to hunt and headlight glare.
According to biologist David Sausvillya (David Sausville), responsible for fish and animals of Vermont, it is five o'clock in the morning received a call from a man who asked for help. When a biologist came, he saw the car on the road and in front of it sticking owl, which was still alive and desperately waving wings, stuck his head in the lattice.
3 photos + video here
Wearing a pair of thick gloves, Sausvill easily managed to get the owl and took her to the shelter where the owl was soon fully recovered from stress and injuries. According to the biologist, she flew into a car as he was driving at about 55 miles per hour, and most such encounters end for animals and birds fatal. But this owl is incredibly lucky she was not even badly injured.
Biologist told reporters that the driver did the only true when stopped immediately, and he did not pull the owl, and the call to the right person. Owls have sharp claws and a man could severely cripple, if you do not know how to properly handle the owls.
Soon owl released back into the wild.
According to biologist David Sausvillya (David Sausville), responsible for fish and animals of Vermont, it is five o'clock in the morning received a call from a man who asked for help. When a biologist came, he saw the car on the road and in front of it sticking owl, which was still alive and desperately waving wings, stuck his head in the lattice.
3 photos + video here

Wearing a pair of thick gloves, Sausvill easily managed to get the owl and took her to the shelter where the owl was soon fully recovered from stress and injuries. According to the biologist, she flew into a car as he was driving at about 55 miles per hour, and most such encounters end for animals and birds fatal. But this owl is incredibly lucky she was not even badly injured.

Biologist told reporters that the driver did the only true when stopped immediately, and he did not pull the owl, and the call to the right person. Owls have sharp claws and a man could severely cripple, if you do not know how to properly handle the owls.
Soon owl released back into the wild.
