How to open your own business in the US?
If you choose to to open their own business in the United States, then this material will help you to understand and focus on the main advantages and disadvantages of this scheme.
In the United States every month open hundreds of new foreign companies, such demand is caused by several factors:
the US economy is considered the largest in the world; the economic situation in the US remains fairly stable for a long time; the company, registered in the United States, causing more confidence than companies registered in CIS
Opening of business in the US only at first glance seem daunting challenge. But if you look, you start your own business project in the United States is quite feasible goal. At the moment, most of the operations required for business registration are made using a variety of online services.
First we need to decide what kind of company you are planning to open in the United States, or the main operating room. The essence of the parent company is in business management, to attract investors, introduction of new services, etc. The operating company is engaged in payments to contractors, finding new customers, leads and accounts totals wages.
Most American corporations registered in the states of Michigan, Nevada and Delaware. This is due to the fact that according to local laws, companies registered on the territory of these states are exempt from the payment of taxes, in the case of its commercial activities on the territory of other states.
According to the federal system of government, each state has individual corporate law. Thus, Delaware puts forward minimum requirements for registrars regarding the submitted documents and the statute of the enterprise. Therefore, registration of the parent company profitable and most convenient exercise in Delaware. Companies belonging to the category of LLC (Limited Liability Company), established in Delaware, receive a range of benefits:
The company can be registered by one person, no matter whether he is a resident of the United States or not;
The number of participants is not regulated company;
Members do not bear individual responsibility for the debts and obligations of the company. Party Liability in direct proportion depends on the size of its contribution;
If a company established and incorporated in Delaware non-resident US, does not conduct its business in the state, the company is not required to pay federal taxes. It is only necessary to pay an annual franchise established in the state of Delaware $ 250;
Not provided minimum limit of the authorized capital of LLC.
To date, the state of Delaware there are more than two million companies, including more than 50% of the industrial companies in the US, ie, more than in all other states combined. Forty percent of the corporations whose shares are traded on Wall Street, was established in Delaware. Based on this, business in the United States is beneficial to register in Delaware.
< By registering your own business in the United States you will need to open a bank account. As a general rule, to open an account in a US bank must be present in person, but it is possible that, based on your specific situation, some banks allow you to open an account online.
For business you certainly need the mailing address. This is due to the fact that many US customers still pay their checks services that send mail. If you buy or rent an office, then the problem is solved by itself, but if you do not need an office, then the question to the email address will help solve one of the companies coworking service.
Coworking - a service industry for the provision of postal addresses, desktops, offices, etc.
Office or conference room can be rented just 1 hour. In the US, this is a fairly popular type of services. For example, the company kovorkingovaya Wework offers 1 job for $ 349 per month.
For bookkeeping and paying taxes, you will have to hire a certified accountant. To maintain a small business in the US is enough to have a freelance accountant, whose services will cost 350-550 dollars, depending on the state and professional qualifications.
For recruitment, you can use the social network LinkedIn. It's worth noting that the labor market in the US is quite full, so job candidates rather actively sell yourself and advertise their skills. Despite the large staff turnover in sales, re-arranged the employees do not try at the first superior offer to leave his current job, because this adversely affects their references from employers.
In conclusion I would like to note that the conducting business in the US is to use a wide range of online and IT-services, which are not used to the entrepreneurs in the CIS. This method of doing business is very easy life as It saves energy, time and nerves. American businessmen are not familiar long queues in front of the tax office, grumbling cashiers in banks, unexpected visits by sanitation center staff and firemen. Through online services, the organization of small business is possible in one day, with it, without leaving home. < Opening of business in the US to a foreign citizen in the average cost from 3000 to 4000 dollars. This price includes: registration of the company, opening an account, a lawyer, accountant services, online payment services
Opening a business in the United States, offers many opportunities that have appeared before you. not reachable.
In the United States every month open hundreds of new foreign companies, such demand is caused by several factors:
the US economy is considered the largest in the world; the economic situation in the US remains fairly stable for a long time; the company, registered in the United States, causing more confidence than companies registered in CIS

Opening of business in the US only at first glance seem daunting challenge. But if you look, you start your own business project in the United States is quite feasible goal. At the moment, most of the operations required for business registration are made using a variety of online services.
First we need to decide what kind of company you are planning to open in the United States, or the main operating room. The essence of the parent company is in business management, to attract investors, introduction of new services, etc. The operating company is engaged in payments to contractors, finding new customers, leads and accounts totals wages.
Most American corporations registered in the states of Michigan, Nevada and Delaware. This is due to the fact that according to local laws, companies registered on the territory of these states are exempt from the payment of taxes, in the case of its commercial activities on the territory of other states.

According to the federal system of government, each state has individual corporate law. Thus, Delaware puts forward minimum requirements for registrars regarding the submitted documents and the statute of the enterprise. Therefore, registration of the parent company profitable and most convenient exercise in Delaware. Companies belonging to the category of LLC (Limited Liability Company), established in Delaware, receive a range of benefits:
The company can be registered by one person, no matter whether he is a resident of the United States or not;
The number of participants is not regulated company;
Members do not bear individual responsibility for the debts and obligations of the company. Party Liability in direct proportion depends on the size of its contribution;
If a company established and incorporated in Delaware non-resident US, does not conduct its business in the state, the company is not required to pay federal taxes. It is only necessary to pay an annual franchise established in the state of Delaware $ 250;
Not provided minimum limit of the authorized capital of LLC.
To date, the state of Delaware there are more than two million companies, including more than 50% of the industrial companies in the US, ie, more than in all other states combined. Forty percent of the corporations whose shares are traded on Wall Street, was established in Delaware. Based on this, business in the United States is beneficial to register in Delaware.
< By registering your own business in the United States you will need to open a bank account. As a general rule, to open an account in a US bank must be present in person, but it is possible that, based on your specific situation, some banks allow you to open an account online.
For business you certainly need the mailing address. This is due to the fact that many US customers still pay their checks services that send mail. If you buy or rent an office, then the problem is solved by itself, but if you do not need an office, then the question to the email address will help solve one of the companies coworking service.
Coworking - a service industry for the provision of postal addresses, desktops, offices, etc.
Office or conference room can be rented just 1 hour. In the US, this is a fairly popular type of services. For example, the company kovorkingovaya Wework offers 1 job for $ 349 per month.
For bookkeeping and paying taxes, you will have to hire a certified accountant. To maintain a small business in the US is enough to have a freelance accountant, whose services will cost 350-550 dollars, depending on the state and professional qualifications.
For recruitment, you can use the social network LinkedIn. It's worth noting that the labor market in the US is quite full, so job candidates rather actively sell yourself and advertise their skills. Despite the large staff turnover in sales, re-arranged the employees do not try at the first superior offer to leave his current job, because this adversely affects their references from employers.
In conclusion I would like to note that the conducting business in the US is to use a wide range of online and IT-services, which are not used to the entrepreneurs in the CIS. This method of doing business is very easy life as It saves energy, time and nerves. American businessmen are not familiar long queues in front of the tax office, grumbling cashiers in banks, unexpected visits by sanitation center staff and firemen. Through online services, the organization of small business is possible in one day, with it, without leaving home. < Opening of business in the US to a foreign citizen in the average cost from 3000 to 4000 dollars. This price includes: registration of the company, opening an account, a lawyer, accountant services, online payment services
Opening a business in the United States, offers many opportunities that have appeared before you. not reachable.