the knee Endoprotezirvanie: return possible given the nature of

Stifle - the mechanisms responsible for flexion / extension of the lower limbs. This joint is involved in walking, squatting, jumping, etc.
Diseases of the knee often permanently incapacitate work the joints and lead to the inability to perform a number of actions needed for a full life. Some joint disease entail irreversible, so the only way to help restore mobility and function of joints, recognized arthroplasty.
Endoprotezorovanie knee sustavaEndoprotezirovanie or common knee replacement, recommended in случаях:
- гонартроза;
- коксартрза;
- деформации articular cartilage;
- the destruction of the articular elements
. In advanced medicine has long proven that arthroplasty is performed optionally in the last stages of the disease when a person has lost the ability to move freely. On the contrary, if there is a disease that leads to irreversible processes in the elements of the joints, it is best to hold a joint operation to change soon as possible. In this case, the operation will cost much cheaper, and rehabilitation will take place more smoothly and quickly.
Types of operations on knee arthroplasty
Today distinguish 3 types of arthroplasty:
- A partial joint replacement. It is easier surgery, which is shown if the patient decided not to postpone the visit to the surgeon pigeonholed. This kind of replacement for the replacement of the meniscus. Installing partial denture allows you to protect the joint from complete destruction. Rehabilitation takes place relatively easily.
- Total joint replacement. In this situation, retrieved cartilage and bone razrushnnye. The prosthesis is made of titanium and cobalt with polymers that act as a meniscus. Such an operation is more complex, and often a necessary measure when lost time and other way to put the patient on his feet, does not remain.
- joint replacement, re-passing. It is performed when it is necessary to replace an existing denture. Its necessity is caused by the quality of the old prosthesis, as well as the skill of the surgeons who did the previous operation. In the case of good work, the prosthesis can be 15-20 years. Today there are a variety of bio-implatny, which are characterized by high adaptability and adaptability, so the popularity of such prostheses is steadily growing.
If you have a serious disease of the knee, causing discomfort, pain, due to which the limited motor capabilities, the replacement of the knee joint in a good clinic - it is the best solution, which will return you to the possibility, given the nature.