Limited mobility of the shoulder joints.
Fifty seven million nine hundred nine thousand one hundred twenty two
A hindrance to the right
My shoulders are stiff and poorly given the grip with your right hand in Gomukhasana (position of cow's Head)? You make a lot of poses on the opening of the shoulder joints, but the result is zero? Don't despair! It is believed that the mobility of the shoulder joint, often does not depend on regularity of classes, and how right your internal organs. To rectify the situation helps deliberate practice and professional osteopath. Definitely, between the stiffness of the shoulder joints and inner organs have some connection.
This is indicated by many experts in anatomy and osteopathy. If you want this relationship, clearly you can see the example of the poses that use your shoulder joints. If you regularly attend yoga classes, pay some attention to how students perform Gomukhasana (position of cow's Head).
Look how deep those or other students slid a hand behind his back. Surely you will come to the conclusion that most students get better grip with top hand only on the right and some with the upper hand to the left. Asymmetry in varying degrees occurs in each of us. Why? What is the reason? That people are divided into right and left?
The world inside terms of anatomy it's not just about which party you have more active. The degree of mobility of the shoulder joints is also determined by the health of internal organs. Widely known fact that attack of coronary heart disease may be accompanied by pain not only in the heart but in the left shoulder joint, hand and shoulder blade. Fact is less known: the state of the right shoulder joint depends on the condition of the liver.
The Defenders Of The Fatherland
The fact that the nerves going to the capsule of the right shoulder joint and shoulder muscles through the subclavian nerve, associated with the phrenic nerve, nerverous in addition to the aperture and even the capsule of the liver, and some of its ligaments. Suppose the liver is weak, it is overloaded with toxins and therefore increased in size, swollen. This means that the capsule and ligaments are in tension. Because of the cross interviewee the brain is difficult to understand, whence there is a signal problem from the liver or from the shoulder, and, just in case he defends both areas. Joint protection will be to increase tone of muscles in the region, which in turn will limit the scope of possible traumatic movements. The shoulder joint becomes less mobile. Over time, excessive muscle tone may lead to an independent disease of the shoulder joint.
In osteopathy it is believed that the treatment of the right shoulder joint without correction of the ligamentous apparatus of the liver rarely is effective.
In the case of the left shoulder joint is not observed such a clear connection with a separate body. It is believed that it can affect the heart, stomach, and pancreas.
How to understand that the liver is intoxicated?
Test exercise
If you have a tougher one shoulder to another, perform the following experiment. Stand on the Mat. Follow Gomukhasana. Focus in the pose. At run time on each side you will need to test the range of motion in the shoulder and try to determine the tenderness of certain trajectories. Then exit the pose.
Put on the skin in the area under the right part of the ribs, the palm of his left hand. Listen to your feelings. If movements in this position become freer or pain subsided somewhat, with a high degree of probability the issue is caused by the internal organs. If the pain is stationed on the right, then most likely the problem is in the liver. If you are not hard right and left shoulder, follow the same set of movements, but now on the other side. Try to breathe calmly and evenly to more thoroughly capture the essence of the researched problem. It is very important to examine yourself and your pain on the yoga Mat, try to understand the cause of the discomfort. For someone to practice performing complex asanas and hours-long intensives, and for someone — the careful and thoughtful attitude. Look deep inside of yourself, in the mirror, be inquisitive and most importantly — do not be afraid to know their pain, because the learning process is a direct path to healing.
Other causes of pain in the right shoulder
If a sore right shoulder in the upper part and the pain is accompanied by numbness, the cause can be disc herniation, which pressed back and there is pain. One of the frequent reasons why pain in the shoulder is inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder joint (tendonitis) which occurs due to excessive load. The appearance of pain in the right shoulder can be also associated with cervical radiculitis.
Anatomy of a healthy diet
Osteopaths are advised to follow the diet. In today's world many toxins even in the innocent products. Who knows what this used to mean a very healthy salad? In case of poisoning by toxins impact will primarily reflect the liver, and this will inevitably affect the work of the right shoulder joint. Buy only trusted rural products and try to regularly detoxify the body.published
Author: Kirill Chernoutsan
P. S. And remember, just changing your intake, we, together change the world! ©
Source: yogajournal.ru/practice/yoga-anatomy/68940/
A hindrance to the right
My shoulders are stiff and poorly given the grip with your right hand in Gomukhasana (position of cow's Head)? You make a lot of poses on the opening of the shoulder joints, but the result is zero? Don't despair! It is believed that the mobility of the shoulder joint, often does not depend on regularity of classes, and how right your internal organs. To rectify the situation helps deliberate practice and professional osteopath. Definitely, between the stiffness of the shoulder joints and inner organs have some connection.
This is indicated by many experts in anatomy and osteopathy. If you want this relationship, clearly you can see the example of the poses that use your shoulder joints. If you regularly attend yoga classes, pay some attention to how students perform Gomukhasana (position of cow's Head).
Look how deep those or other students slid a hand behind his back. Surely you will come to the conclusion that most students get better grip with top hand only on the right and some with the upper hand to the left. Asymmetry in varying degrees occurs in each of us. Why? What is the reason? That people are divided into right and left?
The world inside terms of anatomy it's not just about which party you have more active. The degree of mobility of the shoulder joints is also determined by the health of internal organs. Widely known fact that attack of coronary heart disease may be accompanied by pain not only in the heart but in the left shoulder joint, hand and shoulder blade. Fact is less known: the state of the right shoulder joint depends on the condition of the liver.
The Defenders Of The Fatherland
The fact that the nerves going to the capsule of the right shoulder joint and shoulder muscles through the subclavian nerve, associated with the phrenic nerve, nerverous in addition to the aperture and even the capsule of the liver, and some of its ligaments. Suppose the liver is weak, it is overloaded with toxins and therefore increased in size, swollen. This means that the capsule and ligaments are in tension. Because of the cross interviewee the brain is difficult to understand, whence there is a signal problem from the liver or from the shoulder, and, just in case he defends both areas. Joint protection will be to increase tone of muscles in the region, which in turn will limit the scope of possible traumatic movements. The shoulder joint becomes less mobile. Over time, excessive muscle tone may lead to an independent disease of the shoulder joint.
In osteopathy it is believed that the treatment of the right shoulder joint without correction of the ligamentous apparatus of the liver rarely is effective.
In the case of the left shoulder joint is not observed such a clear connection with a separate body. It is believed that it can affect the heart, stomach, and pancreas.

How to understand that the liver is intoxicated?
Test exercise
If you have a tougher one shoulder to another, perform the following experiment. Stand on the Mat. Follow Gomukhasana. Focus in the pose. At run time on each side you will need to test the range of motion in the shoulder and try to determine the tenderness of certain trajectories. Then exit the pose.
Put on the skin in the area under the right part of the ribs, the palm of his left hand. Listen to your feelings. If movements in this position become freer or pain subsided somewhat, with a high degree of probability the issue is caused by the internal organs. If the pain is stationed on the right, then most likely the problem is in the liver. If you are not hard right and left shoulder, follow the same set of movements, but now on the other side. Try to breathe calmly and evenly to more thoroughly capture the essence of the researched problem. It is very important to examine yourself and your pain on the yoga Mat, try to understand the cause of the discomfort. For someone to practice performing complex asanas and hours-long intensives, and for someone — the careful and thoughtful attitude. Look deep inside of yourself, in the mirror, be inquisitive and most importantly — do not be afraid to know their pain, because the learning process is a direct path to healing.
Other causes of pain in the right shoulder
If a sore right shoulder in the upper part and the pain is accompanied by numbness, the cause can be disc herniation, which pressed back and there is pain. One of the frequent reasons why pain in the shoulder is inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder joint (tendonitis) which occurs due to excessive load. The appearance of pain in the right shoulder can be also associated with cervical radiculitis.
Anatomy of a healthy diet
Osteopaths are advised to follow the diet. In today's world many toxins even in the innocent products. Who knows what this used to mean a very healthy salad? In case of poisoning by toxins impact will primarily reflect the liver, and this will inevitably affect the work of the right shoulder joint. Buy only trusted rural products and try to regularly detoxify the body.published
Author: Kirill Chernoutsan
P. S. And remember, just changing your intake, we, together change the world! ©
Source: yogajournal.ru/practice/yoga-anatomy/68940/
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