The story is about a guy fall in love with a girl who has never seen

John Blanchard stood up from the bench, straightened his army uniform and looked at the crowd of people passing through Grand Central Terminal. < He waited girl whose soul he loved, but whose face he never saw - the girl with a rose
. He is interested in it only a year ago in Florida library. He then intrigued by one book, but not its content, and the pencil marks in the margins. The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind. In the book, it was said the previous owner's name - Miss Hollis Meynel
. It took a lot of time and effort to find her address. She lived in New York. He wrote a letter to her, introduced himself and offered to become pen pals. And the next day he was sent to serve abroad. < Over the years the two men know each other through letters Each new letter was a seed falling into fertile soil -. Their hearts. The start was promising novel.
Blanchard asked the girl to send him pictures, but she refused. < She wrote that if he is really serious about her concerns, the appearance does not matter. And so it was time to go home. The meeting was scheduled for 7 am at the Central Station in New York. "You know me, - she wrote. - On the lapel of my jacket is red rose » And so, at 7 am, he was standing at the station, waiting for the girl whose heart he liked, but whose face he'd never seen To meet him was young.. a woman with a slender, beautiful figure. Her face is framed by long blond hair, and her eyes were blue, like delicate flowers. In her pale green suit she looked like just awakening spring. He started toward her, entirely forgetting to see if she had a rose.
Her lips touched the light a provocative smile
-. Let me go, sailor! - She said,
. Then the man saw that behind it is the same Hollis Meynel. < The woman was about 40, her graying hair hid under a worn hat. It was full, and her thick legs barely placed into low-heeled shoes.
The girl in the green suit was gone. < It felt as if split into two parts, so strong was the desire to go for the girl, but so deep were his feelings for this woman, he became a very close friend. It was not moving. Her pale, round face was gentle and intelligent, and his eyes were warm and kindly twinkle.
He did not hesitate. His fingers clutched a copy of the book, due to which, and took their acquaintance. < Even if it was not love, it was something very valuable, perhaps even better than romantic feelings. He squared his shoulders, saluted and handed the woman the book, although inside it is torn by disappointment.
- I'm Lieutenant John Blanchard. And you must be Miss Hollis Meynel? I'm so glad we finally met. Can I invite you for dinner?
< The woman smiled.
- I do not know what you mean, my son - she said. - The young lady in the green suit who just went by, she asked me to pin to coat the rose. < And she said that if you invite me to dinner, I'll have to tell you that she is waiting for you at the restaurant across the street ...
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French artist decorated the walls of the city boring scenes with bright, full of life
In appearance it is conventional models, but when you get to know her story ...