Dan Waldschmidt 2 rules entrepreneur success
In business, a lot of rules. People love to tell you what you should do if you want to succeed. But despite the fact that doing business the right way is very difficult, there are only two rules - or, rather, two philosophical ideas - that guarantee success, a well-known entrepreneur and marketer Dan Waldschmidt
No matter what you are selling.
No matter what you plan to do. No matter where you are or in what industry running.
This success is determined by only two rules.
1. You must be extremely easy to work
The ubiquity of important exclusivity. And the ability to help - the best way to attract attention and make them think about themselves
. In today's sales economy-oriented applications, it is easy to drive potential customers into the funnel when they have to fill out a form to download the report or make dozens of visits to your site, as long as your technology will evaluate them and tell you what happened to them is to deal with.
But if you act like this, it is not surprising that new clients still no. Just you are not flexible enough and are not prepared to meet the people where they live.
No one wants to feel like an idiot when dealing with you. No one wants to take some effort to give you their money.
People want you to help them, support them, tell them the right way. And when you is not easy to deal with, it only exacerbates the disorder and confusion in which they already reside.
So throw hide contact information in the depths of your site. Make it so that the people were incredibly easy to drop your service or product if they are dissatisfied. Give up all sorts of complex and intricate contracts.
Be wherever you can find possible customers. And being there, smile and extends his hand, not to overwhelm people commercial offers and marketing awkward.
2. You must be so good that people will want to return
Surprise and delight your customers should be your fixed idea.
Think about everything that annoys you in your industry, and that from this you can fix - even in small things
. Serves people smile, even if you are tense and worried. You must have a plan - to carry out all its promises
. Simple software to increase productivity, even if the organizer - all it helps to stay on schedule and system work better than others
. Nothing brilliant to do exactly what you say. And your client is a fundamental difference.
This will have an enormous impact on your business growth. Your customers will want to believe in you. They want to give you another chance, when you move the them.
All you need - is to try and try again. We apologize when something is wrong. Again, try to do the right thing.
So, there are only two rules that make your business spectacular.
No sales force automation, no marketing tricks can not be compared with the effect you get by following these guidelines.
A great product - it is not an accident. Change the world by accident is impossible.
To do this, you need to concentrate on the details. To do this, you need to play by different rules.
And you already know the rules.
Author: Dan Waldschmidt

No matter what you are selling.
No matter what you plan to do. No matter where you are or in what industry running.
This success is determined by only two rules.
1. You must be extremely easy to work
The ubiquity of important exclusivity. And the ability to help - the best way to attract attention and make them think about themselves
. In today's sales economy-oriented applications, it is easy to drive potential customers into the funnel when they have to fill out a form to download the report or make dozens of visits to your site, as long as your technology will evaluate them and tell you what happened to them is to deal with.
But if you act like this, it is not surprising that new clients still no. Just you are not flexible enough and are not prepared to meet the people where they live.
No one wants to feel like an idiot when dealing with you. No one wants to take some effort to give you their money.
People want you to help them, support them, tell them the right way. And when you is not easy to deal with, it only exacerbates the disorder and confusion in which they already reside.
So throw hide contact information in the depths of your site. Make it so that the people were incredibly easy to drop your service or product if they are dissatisfied. Give up all sorts of complex and intricate contracts.
Be wherever you can find possible customers. And being there, smile and extends his hand, not to overwhelm people commercial offers and marketing awkward.
2. You must be so good that people will want to return
Surprise and delight your customers should be your fixed idea.
Think about everything that annoys you in your industry, and that from this you can fix - even in small things
. Serves people smile, even if you are tense and worried. You must have a plan - to carry out all its promises
. Simple software to increase productivity, even if the organizer - all it helps to stay on schedule and system work better than others
. Nothing brilliant to do exactly what you say. And your client is a fundamental difference.
This will have an enormous impact on your business growth. Your customers will want to believe in you. They want to give you another chance, when you move the them.
All you need - is to try and try again. We apologize when something is wrong. Again, try to do the right thing.
So, there are only two rules that make your business spectacular.
No sales force automation, no marketing tricks can not be compared with the effect you get by following these guidelines.
A great product - it is not an accident. Change the world by accident is impossible.
To do this, you need to concentrate on the details. To do this, you need to play by different rules.
And you already know the rules.
Author: Dan Waldschmidt