History Of Bus, a pregnant girl and a grinning Guy

Woman at 8 months pregnant went to the bus. She noticed that the man standing in contrast, looks at her and smiles. Then she got up and moved to another seat. After this stranger smile turned into a grin, so she moved over further. But the guy seemed to be amused by it all stronger and stronger.
On the fourth time, he laughed the whole bus. The woman broke down and complained to the driver, after which the young man was arrested. The matter went to court.
The judge will ask him to tell me how it was. Man responds:
- When the lady went to the bus, I could not help but notice her position. And also the fact that she sat under a poster advertising chewing gum, which read as follows:. "Double mint twins are on the way" I smiled. Then she moved over by advertising "Slogans ointment will reduce the swelling," and I smiled again. When she took her place at the poster with deodorant on which was written "Big Stick William has done its job" (William 's Vig Stisk did the Trisk), I could hardly contain myself.
But, Your Honor, when she sat down for the fourth time at the new location by advertising "Rubber Gooduear could prevent this accident!" I almost died laughing!
- charges dropped! CASE IS CLOSED!
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