Instead of a posh wedding the couple arranged a steep 8 ceremonies

One of the most important days of his life, Amelia and Brett Irwin celebrated very unusual. The pair were not limited to the traditional celebration, and decided to spend it as much as in the eight countries.
Revision Website admires this approach associates the number "8" with the sign of infinity and wishes Amelia and Brett infinite happiness and love.
The wedding took place in South Africa, where the couple live, as well as in Russia, India, China, Nepal, Mauritius, France and the UK. The bride had eight different wedding dresses. And, according to Amelia and Brett, eight small ceremonies cost a total of no more than the cost of a luxury event.
South Africa





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Photos published Lindsey Kent (@pictoursparis)
February 19, 2015 at 3:04 PST



Preview: Amelia Irwin / facebook
via www.facebook.com/ameliasophy/photos_all
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