This folk remedy shall deliver thee from the scars and stretch marks in just 2 months!
Folk proverb says that the scars adorn a man, and there is a great deal of truth. Unfortunately, scars have not only a strong half of mankind. Moreover, women are almost as likely to skin problems , because they are scars after cesarean section or stretch marks after pregnancy, and that they are not to face ...
«Website» will give you a recipe for a natural remedy that will relieve you from the stuffy, even scars , as well as help to eliminate stretch marks.
Ointment scars and rubtsovIngredienty melon seeds eggshell olive or almond oil
Preparation Pre-dried and peeled melon seeds to grind in a coffee grinder and mix with crushed eggshells in the ratio 1: 1. For convenience, can be initially loaded into the blender equal parts produced seeds and the shell, and then grind them to a powder. then, in the prepared mixture must be added as vegetable oil to make a thick paste.
The obtained mixture should be applied directly to the rumen twice daily. Top need to stick the patch or fix the ointment on the affected area with a bandage. The procedure to be performed during the month, but the result will be seen after two weeks.
So with the help of such simple ingredients as melon seeds, and egg shells, you can return your skin a beautiful appearance. Tell me about this folk remedy your friends, because they, too, can be useful this information.
«Website» will give you a recipe for a natural remedy that will relieve you from the stuffy, even scars , as well as help to eliminate stretch marks.

Ointment scars and rubtsovIngredienty melon seeds eggshell olive or almond oil
Preparation Pre-dried and peeled melon seeds to grind in a coffee grinder and mix with crushed eggshells in the ratio 1: 1. For convenience, can be initially loaded into the blender equal parts produced seeds and the shell, and then grind them to a powder. then, in the prepared mixture must be added as vegetable oil to make a thick paste.
The obtained mixture should be applied directly to the rumen twice daily. Top need to stick the patch or fix the ointment on the affected area with a bandage. The procedure to be performed during the month, but the result will be seen after two weeks.
So with the help of such simple ingredients as melon seeds, and egg shells, you can return your skin a beautiful appearance. Tell me about this folk remedy your friends, because they, too, can be useful this information.