20 most admired works of contemporary artists, writers oil

European painters started using oil paint in the XV century, and ever since it was created with its help the most famous paintings of all time. But in the days of our high-tech oil still retains the charm and enigma, and artists continue to invent new techniques, breaking patterns and pushing the boundaries of contemporary art. < Website introduces the reader to the works of our contemporary artists who shot to fame for his work with oil.
Volumetric landscape Justina Digging

© Justyna Kopania

© Justyna KopaniaObladatelnitsa incredible skill Polish artist Justyna digging (Justyna Kopania) sweeping in their expressive work was able to maintain the transparency of the fog, easy to sail, gentle rocking of the ship on the waves. Her paintings are striking in their depth, volume, saturation, and texture is such that from them it is impossible to look away.
Warm simplicity

© Valentin Gubarev

© Valentin GubarevHudozhnik-primitivist from Minsk Valentin Gubarev not chasing fame and simply does what he loves. His work is incredibly popular abroad, but almost unknown to his compatriots. In the mid-90s in his household sketches in love with the French and entered into a contract with the artist for 16 years. The paintings, which, it would seem, should be understood only by us media "modest charm underdeveloped socialism ', like the European public, and began exhibitions in Switzerland, Germany, the UK and other countries.
Sensual realism Sergei Marshennikova
© Sergey Marshennikov
© Sergey MarshennikovSergeyu Marshennikovu '41. He lives in St. Petersburg and works in the best traditions of classical Russian school of realistic portraiture. Heroines of his paintings are gentle and defenseless in his half-naked women. Many of the most famous paintings depicts the muse and wife of the artist -. Natalia
myopic world of Philip Barlow

© Philip Barlow

© Philip BarlowV modern era pictures of high resolution and flourishing creativity hyperrealism Philip Barlow immediately attracts attention. However, the viewer takes some effort to bring himself to look at the blurred silhouettes and bright spots on the canvases of the author. Probably because they see the world without glasses or contact lenses people suffering from myopia.
Sunbeams Laurent Parcel

© Laurent Parcelier

© Laurent Laurent ParcelierZhivopis Parcel - a wonderful world in which there is no sadness, no discouragement. In it you will not find gloomy and rainy pictures. On his canvases a lot of light, air and bright colors, which the artist deals recognizable characteristic strokes. It creates the feeling that the picture are made of thousands of sunbeams.
Dynamics of the city in the works of Jeremy Mann

© Jeremy Mann

© Jeremy MannMaslom on wooden panels of the American artist Jeremy Mann writes dynamic portraits of the modern metropolis. "Abstract shape, line, contrast of light and dark spots - all creates a picture that is the feeling that a person experiences in the crowd and bustle of the city, but also can express and calm that is acquired at the sight of the quiet beauty", - says the artist <. br>
illusory world of Neil Simon

© Neil Simone

© Neil SimoneNa paintings by British artist Neil Simon is not so, as it seems at first glance. "For me, around the world - is a series of fragile and ever-changing forms, shadows and borders", - says Simon. And his pictures are all really illusory and interconnected. Borders are washed away, and the stories flow into each other.
Love drama Joseph Lorasso

© Joseph Lorusso

© Joseph LorussoItalyanets origin modern American artist Joseph Lorasso (Joseph Lorusso) carries on canvas scenes, they peeped into the everyday life of ordinary people. Hugs and kisses, passionate impulses, minute tenderness and desire to fill his emotional pattern.
Country Life Dmitry Levina

© Dmitry Lёvin

© Dmitry Levin LёvinDmitry - acknowledged master of Russian landscapes, has established himself as a talented representative of the Russian realistic school. The most important source of his art - the attachment to nature, which he loves dearly and passionately, and part of which feels itself
Bright east Valery Blokhin

. © Valery Blohin

© Valery Blokhin East, everything is different: the other colors, the other the air, the other values of life and the reality of the fabulously fiction - so says a modern artist Valery Blokhin. In painting Valery loves best color. His work - it is always an experiment: he is not from the figure, most of the artists, and the color of the spots. Blokhin has its own special technique: first, he puts on canvas abstract spots and then dorisovyvaet reality
expressive romantic Alexei Chernigina

. © Alexei Chernigin

© Alexei CherniginNa most paintings Alexei Chernigina oil on canvas depicted the beauty, romance and moments of true feelings. His talent and thirst for art Alexey Chernigin inherited from his father - a famous Russian artist Alexander Chernigina. Every year they organize a joint exhibition in his hometown of Nizhny Novgorod.
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