Purification of the blood on the recipes of Tibetan lamas. The secret of longevity Revealed!
According to the beliefs of the Tibetan healers, start to treat any disease should be a cleanse the blood and lymph on the exchange of products. This contributes not only to the speedy recovery of the patient, but also the prevention of various ailments.
In ancient medical treatise "Blue beryl is" the most important role is assigned to the description of the properties of herbs. Secrets of the correct use of plant monks carefully documented and passed followers.
Recipes Tibetan meditsinyPoprobuy start cleansing the blood and blood vessels with 3 the most accessible and effective recipes. Remember that each product has its contraindications! Be sure to consult with your doctor if you are pregnant or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
celandine tincture to purify the lymph
The healing properties celandine have been known not only to the Tibetan lamas. Our ancestors used it as a medicinal plant. Tincture of Celandine help your lymphatic system to operate smoothly and to cleanse it of excess pathogenic ballast.
So, celandine grass chop, squeeze the juice. To prepare tinctures juice droplets dissolve 10 in 70 ml of good health drink. Keep the tincture in the fridge. Take the following scheme: before breakfast - 1 drop, before dinner - 2 drops, before dinner - 3 drops, and so on ... Every day increase the dose to 1 drop. When you reach the reception 15 drops before the meal - begins to decrease to 1 drop
Ginger Drink
. The unique ability of ginger excrete everything toxins (chemical, food, radiation) is used to cleanse the blood. A daily intake of ginger drink a positive impact on overall health, helps reduce weight and improve skin and hair condition.
10-20 g fresh ginger or 1 hour. L. ginger powder, zaley cup of boiling water. Soak for 10 minutes, add 1 ch. L. honey and lemon to taste. Half cup to drink in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. The second half consumed during the day.
Garlic elixir of longevity
That just is not treated with garlic! Its disinfecting and antibacterial qualities known to everyone. Garlic is able to quickly strengthen the immunity , increase metabolism, kill parasites. Tibetan medicine offers his recipe for garlic tincture to cleanse the blood and blood vessels.
40 g of crushed garlic placed in a glass container, zaley 100 ml of strong drink. A mixture of take away for 10 days in a dark cool place. Strain. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. cleansing course of 10 days to 1 month.
Be sure to keep these recipes Tibetan sages and try to ensure their effectiveness!
In ancient medical treatise "Blue beryl is" the most important role is assigned to the description of the properties of herbs. Secrets of the correct use of plant monks carefully documented and passed followers.
Recipes Tibetan meditsinyPoprobuy start cleansing the blood and blood vessels with 3 the most accessible and effective recipes. Remember that each product has its contraindications! Be sure to consult with your doctor if you are pregnant or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
celandine tincture to purify the lymph
The healing properties celandine have been known not only to the Tibetan lamas. Our ancestors used it as a medicinal plant. Tincture of Celandine help your lymphatic system to operate smoothly and to cleanse it of excess pathogenic ballast.
So, celandine grass chop, squeeze the juice. To prepare tinctures juice droplets dissolve 10 in 70 ml of good health drink. Keep the tincture in the fridge. Take the following scheme: before breakfast - 1 drop, before dinner - 2 drops, before dinner - 3 drops, and so on ... Every day increase the dose to 1 drop. When you reach the reception 15 drops before the meal - begins to decrease to 1 drop
Ginger Drink
. The unique ability of ginger excrete everything toxins (chemical, food, radiation) is used to cleanse the blood. A daily intake of ginger drink a positive impact on overall health, helps reduce weight and improve skin and hair condition.
10-20 g fresh ginger or 1 hour. L. ginger powder, zaley cup of boiling water. Soak for 10 minutes, add 1 ch. L. honey and lemon to taste. Half cup to drink in the morning on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. The second half consumed during the day.
Garlic elixir of longevity
That just is not treated with garlic! Its disinfecting and antibacterial qualities known to everyone. Garlic is able to quickly strengthen the immunity , increase metabolism, kill parasites. Tibetan medicine offers his recipe for garlic tincture to cleanse the blood and blood vessels.
40 g of crushed garlic placed in a glass container, zaley 100 ml of strong drink. A mixture of take away for 10 days in a dark cool place. Strain. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating. cleansing course of 10 days to 1 month.
Be sure to keep these recipes Tibetan sages and try to ensure their effectiveness!
How to keep fresh herbs without preservation and freezing! Green oil bank.
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